
Do I seek in each day some wish I renew

أفي كل وم لي منى أستجدها

1. Do I seek in each day some wish I renew
And worldly means I pursue in delusion?

١. أفِي كلِّ يومٍ لي مُنىً أستجدّها
وأسبابُ دنياً بالغرُورِ أودُّها

2. A soul aspires were it in a winged one
Of strength to restrain it and return it.

٢. ونفسٌ تنزّى ليتها في جوانحٍ
لذِي قوَّةٍ يَسطيعها فيردّها

3. It treats heedlessness as intent while awake
As the rightly guided in darkness lose their way.

٣. تَعامَهُ عَمْداً وهْيَ جِدُّ بصيرةٍ
كما ضلّ عن عشواءَ باللّيل رُشدُها

4. When I say one day its wings have ended
It defiantly swerves from the path of truth after that.

٤. إذا قلتُ يوماً قد تناهى جِماحُها
تجانَفَ لِي عن منهجِ الحقِّ بعدُها

5. I chastise it for every evil, but maybe
In good it does not fulfil its promise.

٥. ولي نَقْدُها من كلِّ شرٍّ وربّما
يكون بخيرٍ لا توفّيه وعدُها

6. I reckon its Master as befits it
And that I, from overwhelming obedience, am its slave.

٦. وَأَحْسَبُ مَولاها كَما يَنبغي لَها
وَأنِّيَ من فَرْطِ الإطاعةِ عبدُها

7. It sees in my tongue what piety it wishes
And good deeds, yet my actions contradict them.

٧. ترى في لساني ما تشاءُ من التُّقى
ومِنْ حَسَناتٍ ثمّ فعلِيَ ضدُّها

8. I yearn a path I see no traveller take
As if I surmise it and others desire it.

٨. وأهوى سبيلاً لا أرى سالكاً بها
كأنِّيَ أقلاها وَغيري يَوَدُّها

9. I forget sins that came and exceeded counting -
My Lord records them for requital.

٩. وأنسى ذنوباً لِي أتتْ فات حصرُها
حسابي وربّي للجزاءِ يعُدُّها

10. I admit them reluctantly and no use is it to me
As denying excuses' pages are folded.

١٠. أقِرُّ بها رَغماً وليس بنافعِي
وَقَد طويتْ صُحْفُ المعاذير جَحْدُها

11. When its ugliness' harm appeared to me
And the cold of the Abode of Retribution was exposed,

١١. وَلَمّا تَراءَتْ لي مَغبَّةُ قبحِها
وَعُرِّيَ عن دارِ المُجازاةِ بُرْدُها

12. I regretted that I had no regret
To wash my hands of it if I wished to return it.

١٢. تَندّمتُ لمّا لَم تَكُن لي نَدامةٌ
فَألّا وفى كفّي لو شئتُ ردّها

13. I did not see the world turn from one
Who loves it and treats it well in its turning away.

١٣. ولم أرَ كالدّنيا تصدّ عن الّذي
يَوَدُّ محبوها فيحسُنُ صدُّها

14. It gives them from itself bitter poison in gulps,
How would it be if its count were good for people?

١٤. وتسقيهمُ منها الأُجاجَ مُصَرَّداً
وكيف بها لو طاب للقومِ عِدُّها

15. I clung to it pretending to mend its tatters
And to untie its knots and to tie its knots.

١٥. تعلّقتُها وَرْهاءَ للخَرْقِ نسجُها
وللمنع ما تُعطي وللحلِّ عقدُها

16. Desire leads it astray time and again
And takes it captive young as it pleases on its return.

١٦. يُدالُ الهوى فيها مِراراً من الحِجى
ويقتادُها صُغْراً كما شاء وغْدُها

17. It did not deal justly displaying all its surface
To some, while where eyes don't see is its hatred.

١٧. وما أنصَفتنا تظهِرُ الصَّفحَ كلَّهُ
لجانٍ وفيما لا ترى العينُ حِقْدُها

18. I see that despite all its faults it is beloved -
What hearts has its love filled!

١٨. أراها على كلِّ العيوبِ حبيبةً
فيا لقلوبٍ قد حشاهنَّ وُدُّها

19. Yet the world's children's love of life is faulty,
In it is a gap in the soul nothing can close.

١٩. وحبُّ بنِي الدّنيا الحياةَ مسيئةً
بهمْ ثَلْمَةٌ بالنّفسِ أعوَزَ سدُّها

20. Oh how stubborn against wrong you are content,
While others are deluded by its flowing favours!

٢٠. أَلا يا أُباةَ الضّيمِ كيف اِطّباكُمُ
وغيرُكُمُ يغترّه الرِّفْدُ رِفدُها

21. How did you hope for its good when facing you
Were its turned backs scowling yesterday?

٢١. وَكَيفَ رَجَوتمْ خيرَها وإزاءَكمْ
طلائحُ أرْداهنّ بالأمس كدُّها

22. You had tried its meagre benefits
And it made you drink the cup of bitternesses deeply.

٢٢. وقد كنتمُ جرّبتُمُ غِبّ نفعِها
وجرّعكم كأسَ المراراتِ شَهدُها

23. Its heat alternated with its cold in you,
No harm were its heat then its cold.

٢٣. تَعاقَبَ فيكمُ حرُّها بعد بَردها
فما ضرّها لو حرُّها ثمَّ بردُها

24. Had it not brought you unwillingly its bliss,
No harm would its every harm have availed.

٢٤. وَلَو لَم تُنِلْكمُ كارِهينَ نَعيمها
لَما ضَرّكم كلَّ المضرّةِ جَهدُها

25. May God water a heart in whose depths
Is no desire for it, untouched by its passion!

٢٥. سَقَى اللَّهُ قلباً لم يَبتْ في ضلوعِهِ
هواها لم يطرقْ نواحيهِ وَجْدُها

26. That fears not its ill-fortune and so passes the night
Thirsty, except what makes him happy is its joy.

٢٦. ولم يَخشَ منها نحسَها فيبيتُهُ
عَلى ظَمأٍ إلّا مُحيّاهُ سعدُها

27. It lightens from its supplies his collar's fullness,
Then its loss is slight to him at that point.

٢٧. تخفّف مِن أزوادها مِلءَ طوقِهِ
فَهانَ عليهِ عندَ ذلك فَقدُها