
O rider who has reached Al-Wajif, its lover yearns for him

يا راكبا وصل الوجيف ذميله

1. O rider who has reached Al-Wajif, its lover yearns for him
Has the burden on his back disappeared from the valley of Al-Arak?

١. يا راكباً وصل الوجيفَ ذميلُهُ
هل زال من وادي الأراك حُمولُهُ

2. We kneaded it, and there is confusion in the hearts
Its winds stirred them up, and its twilights

٢. عُجنا عليه وللقلوب بلابلٌ
هيّجنَهُنّ ربوعُهُ وطلولُهُ

3. So we were humbled by his humility, and we became frail
If you deny it, his madness made him frail

٣. فخشوعنا لخشوعِهِ ونحولُنا
إن كنت تُنكره جناه نحولُهُ

4. Because of a house above the desolate valley
A flood of tears from the eyes gathered its worries

٤. من أجلِ دارٍ فوقَ وَجْرَةَ أقفرتْ
سيلٌ من العينين لجّ همولُهُ

5. We cry and it is of no use for one who seeks
The traces of homes, his crying and wailing

٥. نبكي وما أجدى على متتبّعٍ
أثَرَ الدّيارِ بكاؤه وعويلُهُ

6. O desolate valley of Al-Wajif, will I see you
With green plants hovering and wandering around you?

٦. يا وحشَ وَجْرَةَ هل أراكَ على ثرىً
غضِّ النّباتِ تحومُهُ وتجولُهُ

7. And has the valley of Al-Arak, despite its oldness
Enriched it so I can shade and comfort it?

٧. وهل الأراكُ وإنْ تقادم عهده
أغنى به فأظلُّه وأقيلُهُ

8. Or is the hill still the same, or were
Its summits raised above the hill?

٨. وهل الكثيبُ بحاله أم رُفّعتْ
بالرّامساتِ عن الكثيب ذُيولُهُ

9. I miss you O Arak trees, and between us
Is the expanse of Hejaz, for those who longed for you and your height

٩. أهْواكَ يا شجرَ الأراكِ وبيننا
عرضُ الحجازِ لمن بغاك وطُولُهُ

10. All time is good to you
Its dawn, darkness and evening

١٠. إِنّ الزّمان جميعَه بك طيّبٌ
إصباحُهُ وظلامُهُ وأصيلُهُ

11. The time of passion I did not know how short it was
Until it was over, then I knew how long it was

١١. زمنُ اللّوى لم أدرِ كيف قصيرُهُ
حَتّى اِنقضى فدريتُ كيف طويلُهُ

12. The loved ones endured the passion and shouldered
Its morn shone in them, confusing your heart

١٢. إنّ الأُلى حلّوا اللّوى وتحمّلوا
وَضَحَ الضُّحى فيهمْ لقلبِك سُولُهُ

13. They were stingy with you with a little dew
But abundant is their love for you, and little

١٣. ضنّوا عليك من النّدى بقليله
وكثيرُ حبّك عندهمْ وقليلُهُ

14. And behind them, an old man heading to his supplies
Thirsty for them, his sickness does not get better

١٤. ووراءهمْ قَرِمٌ إلى أزوادهمْ
ظامٍ إِليهمْ لا يَبُلُّ غليلُهُ

15. You wish for the return of connection as it began
When its separation from it was stingy

١٥. ترجو معاودَةَ الوِصالِ كما بدا
إِبّانَ جاد به عليه بخيلُهُ

16. O may your Lord return your distant ones to me
And incline your hearts towards me

١٦. يا ردَّ ربّكُمُ إليَّ بعيدكمْ
وأَمال قلبكُمُ عليَّ يُميلُهُ

17. With the water of youth replenished, as if it is
The beautiful crescent, its beauty and appearance

١٧. ومزوّدٍ ماءَ الشّبابِ كأنّهُ
قَمَرُ الدُّجُنَّةِ حُسنُهُ ومُثولُهُ

18. I crave to kiss it, and even if I
Kissed it, its kiss would not quench me

١٨. أَظْما إِلى تَقبيله ولو اِنّني
قبّلتُهُ لم يَروِني تقبيلُهُ

19. Its regions have narrowed until it visited me
In the morning heading towards it

١٩. ضاقتْ به أقطارُهُ وأُقضَّ حت
تى زارني صُبحاً عليه مَقِيلُهُ

20. After connection was our way with it
And separation from it was its way

٢٠. من بعد ما كان الوصالُ سبيلنا
فيه وكان الهجر منه سبيلُهُ

21. As if it is a blessing and pleasure
Whose enjoyment crept into the bones

٢١. وكأنّما هو نعمةً ولُدونَةً
نشوانُ دبّتْ في العظامِ شَمولُهُ

22. Who can prevent me now that old age
Has let down gray hair over the temples?

٢٢. مَنْ مانعٌ عنّي وقد شَحَطَ الصِّبا
شيباً عَلى الفَوْدَين آن نزولُهُ

23. It fulfilled the course of my passion, and the people
Poured over the homes like its floods

٢٣. وافى هَوِيَّ السِّلْكِ خرّ نظامُهُ
والشِعْبُ سال على الدّيار مَسيلُهُ

24. My carefulness of its harm preceded its slowness
When it honored me, so how fast is its arrival?

٢٤. سبقَ اِحتِراسي مِن أذاه بطيئُهُ
لمّا تجلّلنِي فكيف عجولُهُ

25. It would not have harmed it, had it wanted a visit
To come with a messenger announcing its arrival

٢٥. ما ضرّه لمّا أراد زيارةً
لو كان بالإيذانِ جاء رسولُهُ

26. No welcome to my gray hair visiting
Its coming and going tires me

٢٦. لا مرحباً ببياضِ رأسي زائراً
أعيا عليَّ حلولُهُ ورحيلُهُ

27. Who was hoping for good health from an emaciated man?
Gray hair is an illness that does not cure its sick

٢٧. مَن كان يرقُبُ صحّةً مِن مُدْنفٍ
فالشّيبُ داءٌ لا يَبُلُّ عليلُهُ

28. Youthfulness has reached old age, but
The dye of old age is to vanish

٢٨. نَصَل الشّبابُ إلى المشيب وإنّما
صِبْغُ المشيبِ إلى الفناءِ نُصولُهُ

29. The most delightful youth to me
Let its dawns and first appearances return to me

٢٩. إنَّ البَهيم من الشّباب ألَذُّ لِي
فلتَعْدُني أوضاحُهُ وحُجولُهُ

30. I love it in the morning, its darkness adores
And a shooting star loves its setting

٣٠. أعجبْ به صبحاً يُوَدُّ ظلامُهُ
وشهابُ داجيةٍ يُحَبُّ أفولُهُ

31. They said gray hair is wisdom, and I wish
The heedlessness of youth remained in me

٣١. قالوا المشيبُ نَباهةٌ وأوَدّ أنْ
باقٍ عليَّ منَ الشّبابِ خُمولُهُ

32. Preeminence in poetry is gray hair, but I wish it
Did not make me miss its superior

٣٢. والفضلُ في الشَّعَرِ البياض وليتَهُ
لم يَشجِنِي بفراقهِ مفضولُهُ

33. I am amazed by a group who guarded wealth
And anything other than it among them is disgraced

٣٣. ولقد عجبتُ لمعشرٍ صانوا الغِنى
وأَذَالَ منهم ما سواه مُذيلُهُ

34. The shade of wealth, O inhabitants of the shade of wealth
Its loss and decline are feared

٣٤. ظلُّ الغني يا ساكني ظلِّ الغنى
يُخشى عليه زوالُهُ وحُؤولُهُ

35. One who does not enrich the poor has no merit, and one
Who you do not see seek wealth does not attain it

٣٥. لم يثرِ مَن لم يُغنِ مفتقراً ولمْ
يَنَلِ الغِنى من لا تراه ينيلُهُ

36. Generosity does not keep possessions with the youth
And stinginess is the sign of wealth and its guide

٣٦. والجودُ لا يُبقي التِّلادَ على الفتى
والبخلُ عنوانُ الغِنى ودليلُهُ

37. No one elevates the people except a glorious man
Whose exceeding generosity has crept into the hands of men

٣٧. لا يفضُلُ الأقوامَ إلّا ماجدٌ
دبّتْ إلى أيدي الرّجال فُضولُهُ

38. For righteousness, what his hands have earned, and for dew
Its mournful morning and ease are from it

٣٨. للبِرِّ ما كسبتْ يداهُ وللنّدى
منه الغَداةَ حُزونُهُ وسهولُهُ

39. One aflame, so when he climbs the peaks of hostility
With his swords, their madness dies there

٣٩. متلهِّبٌ فإذا علا قِمَمَ العِدا
بسيوفِه ماتتْ هناك ذُحولُهُ

40. Ask to recognize me, for there is ignorance in you
About matters you see me lengthening and prolonging

٤٠. سائلْ لتعرفني ففيك جهالةٌ
خطباً تراه يطولني وأطولُهُ

41. When the shoulders of a group turned away from it
It became fine and little to me

٤١. لمّا اِلتَوَتْ عنه كواهلُ معشرٍ
أضحى عليَّ دقيقُهُ وجليلُهُ

42. So the striking of fate broke my swords
And the sword testifies to the death of its remnants

٤٢. فَلّتْ مقارعةُ الزّمانِ مضاربِي
والسّيفُ تشهد بالمَضاءِ فُلولُهُ

43. And my firmness was evident by the blood of men
Today its floods flow with blood

٤٣. وتبيّنتْ بدمِ الرّجال صرامتي
واليوم تجري بالدّماءِ سيولُهُ

44. My perception on the day of turmoil is an perception
With slaughter let loose upon the faces

٤٤. وبصيرتي يوم الهياجِ بصيرةٌ
والنَّقْعُ مُرْخىً في الوجوه سُدولُهُ

45. A day the mighty seeks havoc
And the humiliated flees to preserve his life

٤٥. يومٌ يكُرّ عزيزهُ يبغي الرّدى
ويفرّ يستبقي الحياةَ ذليلُهُ

46. And I am the one who has preferred the tribes over his people
With his supremacy and seized supremacy from his tribe

٤٦. وَأَنا الّذي فضَلَ العشائرَ قومُه
بِعلاه واِستَلب الفخارَ قبيلُهُ

47. And when you examine time, it is
A valley whose generosity has dried up

٤٧. ومتى تأمّلتَ الزّمانَ فإنّه
وادٍ بغُرِّ المكرُماتِ أسيلُهُ

48. Indeed when the young man's branches thrive
His roots thrive as well

٤٨. إنّ الفتى ما إنْ تطيب فروعُه
لمجرّبٍ حتّى تطيب أُصولُهُ

49. And people in life when you test them
Their minds get lost right there

٤٩. والنّاسُ في الدّنيا إذا جرّبْتْهَمْ
بين الملا طاشت هناك عقولُهُ

50. How long the seeker seeks what cannot be attained, and the rider
Of evil what cannot be said, his disgrace

٥٠. كم طالبٍ ما لا يُنال وراكبٍ
من سيّئٍ ما لا يُقال زَليلُهُ

51. And the hasty one expediting a matter which if he
Came hastily towards would be detrimental to his haste

٥١. ومزاولٍ تعجيل أمرٍ لو أتى
عَجِلاً إِليه لساءَه تعجيلُهُ

52. And the watchful of sprouts containing it while others
And the hopeful while others hope for it

٥٢. ومُرَقِّحٍ نَشَباً حواه غيرُهُ
ومؤمّلٍ ولغيره مأمولُهُ

53. Sustenance is deprived by the expert and
Guided to ignorantly

٥٣. والرّزقُ يُحْرَمه الخبيرُ ويهتدي
عفواً إليه عَقولُهُ وجَهولُهُ

54. Neither does that one know how he was disappointed
Nor does this one know how he attained it

٥٤. لا ذاك يدري كيف خاب ولا درى
هذا عليهِ كيف كان حصولُهُ

55. And a brother who showed his ugly side after
Doing good, so his good from him was lost

٥٥. وأخٍ بدا منه القبيح عقيب ما
فعل الجميلَ فضاع منه جميلُهُ

56. His estrangement accompanied his visit and his separation
Followed his connection and his turning away

٥٦. شَفَعَ الزّيارةَ هجرُهُ وبِعادُهُ
وتلا الوِصالَ صدودُهُ وعُدولُهُ

57. It should not startle you when he heads with perception
Weaving the darkness, until his return startles you

٥٧. ما إنْ يروعُك قصدُهُ مستشعراً
نَسْجَ الدُّجى حتّى يروع قفولُهُ

58. His giving is inconstant, his deprivation is
His refusal unstable, his approval unstable

٥٨. متلوّنٌ إعطاؤه حرمانُهُ
متقلّبٌ ممنوعُهُ مبذولُهُ

59. Who forgives me from one who exhausts me or preoccupies me
With a cord of love intended as his replacement?

٥٩. مَن عاذري مِن مُرهِقِي أو مُعلقِي
من وُدِّهِ عِلْقاً يُرادُ بديلُهُ

60. I wore it like the cloth of menstruating women
So stick to it until its discharge oozes

٦٠. دَنِساً كرَيْطِ الحائضاتِ لبِسْنَهُ
فلَزِمْنَهُ حتّى اِستطارَ نَسيلُهُ

61. Treat gently whom you meet of people
Indeed curing the sick is to treat his sickness

٦١. علّلْ برفقك مَن لقيتَ من الورى
إنّ العليلَ شفاؤه تعليلُهُ

62. And leave hearts folded in their blindness
The secret is only what reaches you

٦٢. ودعِ القلوبَ بغِلِّها مطويّةً
ما السّرُّ إلّا ما إِليك وصولُهُ

63. And advise yourself if you advise, for everyone
You meet in life, few accept him

٦٣. وَاِنصَحْ لنَفسك إنْ نصحتَ فكلُّ مَن
تلقاه في الدّنيا يقلُّ قبولُهُ