
Take away from me the friend who wrongs me

خذ صاحبي عني الذي أملي

1. Take away from me the friend who wrongs me
And leave the one whose father is blameless

١. خذ صاحبي عنّي الّذي أُملي
وَدعِ الّذي آباه من عَذْلي

2. I am from a people, if only their ties were cut
It would have been better for me than attachment

٢. أنَا من أُناسٍ ليت قطعَهمُ
قد كان لِي بدلاً من الوَصْلِ

3. They eat nothing but the despicable, and desire
Nothing but the coffee of ignorance

٣. لا يَطْعَمون سوى القبيحِ ولا
يَرِدون إلّا قَهْوةَ الجهلِ

4. The destitute, empty-handed, without
Goodness, filled with stinginess

٤. من كلّ عُريانِ اليدين من ال
مَعروف ملآنٌ من البخلِ

5. As though they were a night without a dawn
Coming to it, or a knot without untying

٥. وكأنّهمْ ليلٌ بلا سَحَرٍ
يأتيه أو عقدٌ بلا حلِّ

6. As though in their neighbor's heart is
Resentment against them boiling

٦. وكأنّهمْ في صدر جارهمُ
حَنَقاً عليهمْ مِرْجَلٌ يغلي

7. They are frost without gowns
And the howling of a barren place without shade

٧. فهمُ صقيعٌ لا دِثارَ به
وهَجيرُ مُقفرةٍ بلا ظِلِّ

8. Their minds in their ignorance are foolish
And their elder is a wanton child

٨. وعقولهمْ لغُفولِهمْ سَفَهاً
وصبيُّهمْ والٍ على الكَهْلِ

9. And my seriousness - how much it is in vain
Like the one among them who is frivolous

٩. والجِدُّ مِنّي كم أبَوْه كما
أَأْبَى الّذي فيهمْ من الهَزْلِ

10. Oh, if only when I walked to
Their dwellings, I had no feet

١٠. يا ليتني لمّا مشيتُ إلى
عَرَصاتهمْ ما كنتُ ذا رِجْلِ

11. Time hurried and its people with it
That one like me would stay with them

١١. عَجِلَ الزّمانُ وأهلُهُ معه
من أن يُقيم عليهمُ مِثْلي

12. It was only in their homes
That I was belittled, and between their houses humiliated

١٢. ما كان إلّا في ديارهمُ
هضمي وبين بيوتهمْ ذلّي

13. It was as if when I joined them
I was a man disjointed, without wholeness

١٣. وكأنّني لمّا لففتُ بهمْ
شملي اِمرؤٌ متقطّعُ الشَّمْلِ

14. And I busied myself for a while with them
It was as if I was with them without busyness

١٤. وَشغلتُ نفسي برهةً بهمُ
فكأنّني منهمْ بلا شُغلِ

15. They cast me away always
With lies, slander, and falsehood

١٥. يرمونني من قبلهمْ أبداً
بالزُّور والبهتان والبُطلِ

16. And the interiors of words were hurling
Forgetting the hurling, the interiors of arrows

١٦. وجوائفُ الأقوالِ راميةٌ
تُنسي الرَّميَّ جوائِفَ النَّبْلِ

17. And sides turned away from the water that have
No slaking of my thirst or lifting me high

١٧. ومذانبٌ للماء ليس لها
نَهْلي على ظمئي ولا عَلِّي

18. Where are those I knew before them
Traveling ways of virtue?

١٨. أَين الّذين عهدتُ قبلهمُ
سارين في طُرقٍ إلى الفضلِ

19. Bearing my worries on their hearts
And my burdens upon their backs

١٩. الحاملين على قلوبهمُ
همّي وفوق ظهورهمْ ثِقْلي

20. As if they were straight Yemeni rods
Polished without any polishing

٢٠. وكأنّهمْ قُضُبٌ يمانِيَةٌ
مصقولةٌ من غير ما صَقْلِ

21. How many of them spread generosity
After death, and killed parsimony

٢١. كم فيهمُ من مُنْشِرٍ كرماً
بعد المماتِ وقاتلِ المَحْلِ

22. And obeyed the command of munificence
When it donned him, and the call to giving

٢٢. ويطيع من كرمٍ تَجَلَّلَه
أمرَ النّدى ودواعِيَ البذلِ

23. There is no kinship or relation between us
Yet through their righteousness they are my family

٢٣. ما بيننا قربٌ ولا نسبٌ
وكأنّهم من بِرِّهمْ أهلي

24. And their defense of me enriches me
From having to extend a hand to my sword

٢٤. ودفاعُهمْ عنّي يُرفّهني
عن أنْ أمُدَّ يداً إلى نَصْلي

25. Were it not for them on a day of clashing
I would not have escaped from its fierce teeth

٢٥. لولاهُم في يومِ عاذمةٍ
لم أنجُ من أنيابها العُصْلِ

26. I held others cheap because they
Inflate my prices as I am inflated

٢٦. أرخصتُ غيرَهمُ لأنّهمُ
يُغلون أثماني كما أُغلي

27. They are my mountains if I am startled, and for me
On the day of grazing their growth is my plain

٢٧. فهمُ جبالي إنْ ذُعِرتُ ولِي
يومَ اِرتعاءِ نباتهمْ سهلي

28. So when they are forbearing, I am forbearing, and on
A day of revenge, their ignorance is my ignorance

٢٨. فإذا هُم حلموا حلمتُ وفي
يومِ اِنتقامٍ جهلُهمْ جهلي

29. They passed away, no eye sees them
Ever again, nor do my messages come to them

٢٩. دَرَجوا فلا عينٌ تشاهدهمْ
أبداً ولا تأتيهمُ رُسْلِي

30. Yet over their graves, though crumbled
I pour any rainfall and any downpour

٣٠. فعلى قبورهُم وإن دَرَسَتْ
ما شئن من قطرٍ ومن وَبْلِ