
Thus the clouds disperse after their darkness,

كذا تكشف الغماء بعد ظلامها

1. Thus the clouds disperse after their darkness,
And the heights of homelands recover from their illness.

١. كذا تُكشفُ الغَمّاءُ بعد ظلامِها
وتبرأ أوطانُ العُلا من سَقامِها

2. And the swords of India will be sheathed after their anguish,
Piercing the necks of the evil ones with their blades.

٢. وتُغمدُ بِيضُ الهندِ من بعد فَجْعِها
جُسومَ الكُماة المُصْلِتين بِهامها

3. And the poison of India will be cured after its corruption,
Stabbing the enemies - a final blow and end.

٣. وتُركَزُ سمر الهندِ من بعد خَرْقِها
نُحورَ العِدا طعناً وفَضِّ ختامِها

4. And the gardens of grief will become green meadows,
Watered as they desired from their clouds.

٤. وتُضحِي رياضُ الحَزْنِ خُضْراً أريضةً
وَقد رويتْ كما اِشتهتْ مِن غمامِها

5. And the face of misfortune will smile after its frown,
And the fires of war will die down after their flare.

٥. وَيَضحكُ وَجهُ الخَطْبِ بعد عُبوسِهِ
وتخمدُ نارُ الحربِ بعد اِضطرامِها

6. O pillar of God's religion and handhold
We sufficed with God's making against the evil of its breaking.

٦. فيا رُكْنَ دينِ اللَّه وَالعروةُ الّتي
كُفينا بُصْنعِ اللَّهِ شَرَّ اِنفِصامِها

7. Congratulations on a blessing that hopes missed,
And nothing remains for hopes but its permanence.

٧. هَنيئاً بِها مِن نِعمةٍ فاتتِ المنى
فلم يَبْقَ للآمالِ غيرُ دوامها

8. None guided it after the creation wearied,
But the Lord of creation, holding its reins.

٨. وما قادَها من بعد أنْ أعيَتِ الورى
إليك سوى ربِّ الورى من خِطامها

9. It was but your determination to be pious,
That sufficed you against the evil of its intentions.

٩. فَلَم تكُ إلّا عَزْمةً منك في التُّقى
كفَتْك من الأيّامِ سوءَ اِعتزامها

10. You prayed to One whose prayer is never denied,
So He cared for it from its core to its skin.

١٠. دعوتَ لها مَن لا يخيبُ دعاؤهُ
فأرعاك منها مِنْ أجَلِّ مَسامِها

11. He was then its guarantor after its rupture,
And the Mender of its cracks into wholeness.

١١. فكان ضميناً بعدها بدُنُوِّها
وَكانَ كفيلاً صَدْعها باِلتئامِها

12. I still hope for it and wait,
Like one waiting for the fulfillment of a promise.

١٢. وما زلتُ أرجوها ومنتظراً لها
كمنتظرٍ من حاملٍ لتمامِها

13. And my anticipation gives me good tidings of it before its being,
And shows it to me in the darkness of its concealment.

١٣. وبشّرنِي ظنّي بها قبل كونها
وأظهرها لِي في زمانِ اِكتِتامها

14. For whenever calamities happened,
You saw its splendor through the darkness.

١٤. وكنتَ إذا ما حادثاتٌ تعرّضَتْ
رأيتَ جَلاها من خِلالِ قَتامها

15. So you uncovered it before its rising,
And clarified it before the imminent confusion.

١٥. فكفكَفْتَ منها قبل حين طلوعها
وروّأتَ فيها قبلَ وَشْكِ اِنهجامِها

16. If you endured much hardship from it,
The greatest are tried with their bones.

١٦. فإنْ كنتَ قد قاسيتَ منها عظيمةً
فإنّ العظيمَ مُبتَلىً بعظامِها

17. If the nights wronged you, they quickly came
To erase it in hastened repentance.

١٧. فإنْ أجرمتْ فيك اللّيالِي فقد أَتَتْ
على عَجَلٍ منها بمحوِ اِجتِرامها

18. Today it bid us farewell, so forgive it what
Passed of its transgression and excess of nakedness.

١٨. وقد وادَعَتْنا اليومَ فَاِغفر لها الّذي
مضى من تجنّيها وفَرْطِ عُرامِها

19. It healed willingly wounds from its hands,
And healed scars from the scars of its pain.

١٩. وداوتْ جروحاً من يديها رغيبةً
وعَفّتْ نُدوباً من نُدوبِ عِذامِها

20. You honored it after madness though it faltered,
Stumbling and stumbling - its rein loose.

٢٠. ووقّرْتَها بعد الجنونِ وقد ثَوَتْ
خَبوطاً عَثوراً خُفُّها بزمامِها

21. It is not to be blamed for anything,
And time cannot undo its order.

٢١. فها هِيَ لا تُقذى بشيءٍ من القَذى
ولا يستطيع الدّهرُ حلَّ نظامِها

22. A protected sanctuary, shunned by aggressors,
A plan unable to be undone by any hand.

٢٢. حمىً يتّقيهِ المُقدِمون وخِطَّةٌ
أبَتْ لمُغيرٍ ثُلَّةً من سَوامِها

23. O remoteness of its night from its day!
And remoteness of its source from its course!

٢٣. فيا بُعْدَ مَرْمى ليلها من صباحها
ويا بُعْدَ مَرْمى نَبعها من ثُمامِها

24. You taught the world's rulers, if they would learn,
To be sincere during adversity.

٢٤. وعلّمْتَ أملاكَ الورى إنْ تعلّموا
لدى نكْبَةٍ أنْ يخلصوا من مَذامِها

25. And to gain in the battlefield of honor a rank
Torn by hands in confused trial.

٢٥. وإنْ يشتروا في ساحةِ العِزِّ رُتبةً
تجاذبُها الأيدي بحكمِ اِستِيامِها

26. It cast you, but when missing became unsettled,
Wounded and defeated by its arrows.

٢٦. رَمَتْك فلمّا لم تُصِبْك تناكصتْ
مُخَيَّبَةً مجروحةً بسهامِها

27. When it saw your steadfastness it turned
From biting pain to retreat.

٢٧. ولمّا رأتْ منك الصّريمةَ أَبدَلَتْ
على مَضَضٍ إقادمها باِنهزامِها

28. You watered the thirsty ground with its blood,
And satisfied the wild beasts with its flesh.

٢٨. فروّيتَ ظمآنَ الثّرى من دمائها
وأشْبعتَ ذُؤْبانَ الفضا من عظامِها

29. It did not stop until you turned the cups
Of its volatility - not cups of wine.

٢٩. وما بَرِحتْ حتّى أدَرْتَ وما دَرَتْ
كؤوسَ رَداها لا كؤوس مُدامِها

30. When you left the sword among them and its rule,
You made its crying into smiling.

٣٠. ولمّا تركتَ السَّيفَ فيهمْ وحُكمَه
جعلتَ بُكاها في مكان اِبتسامِها

31. A rebellious gang threatened its flesh,
Not knowing in its ignorance the old from the young.

٣١. عصابةُ بَغْيٍ بوعِدَتْ عن حلومها
فلم تدرِ جهلاً شيخَها من غلامها

32. It stood at the abode of disloyalty but did not throw,
Only hurling prolonged blame.

٣٢. أقامتْ على دار العُقوقِ فلم تَرِمْ
وَما رَدَّدَتْ إلّا طويلَ ملامِها

33. When it saw you approaching, its understanding was confused
And its spears were hindered by your swords.

٣٣. ولمّا رأَتْك مُقبلاً حار فَهْمُها
وأشْكَلَ فيها رُمْحُها من حسامِها

34. And false imaginings it was deluded by collapsed,
Becoming like a dream seen in sleep.

٣٤. وَطاح الّذي غُرّتْ بهِ من وساوسٍ
وصارتْ كحُلمٍ أبصرتْ في منامها

35. They provoked it to chaos but gained
Nothing but their loss and its revenge.

٣٥. هُمُ ثوّروها فتنةً لم تفِدهُمُ
سوى حزِّهم أَوصالَها واِنتقامها

36. They denied their efforts so you recognized it,
Though it emerged before the removal of its veil.

٣٦. وقد نَكَّروها جُهْدَهمْ فعرفتَها
وقد طلعتْ من قبل حَطِّ لِثامها

37. And they ignited it in ignorance of its consequences,
Only burning with the flames of its fire.

٣٧. وهمْ أوقدوها جَهْلَةً بمآلها
فَما اِحتَرقوا إلّا بشبِّ ضِرامِها

38. They shook it and coveted the pleasure of plunder,
Reaping today none but its protectors.

٣٨. وَهُمْ زَعزعوها وَاِرتَجَوْا لذّةَ الجنى
فلم يجتنوها اليومَ غيرَ حِمامِها

39. You scattered them, striking and stabbing the wasteland
As if they were in the eye some cattle dung.

٣٩. نَثَرْتَهمُ ضرباً وطعناً بقفرةٍ
كأنّهُمُ بالعين بعضُ رَغامِها

40. And when felling them you increased over it
More fallen - counted among the dead.

٤٠. وزدتَ وقد طَرَّحْتَهمْ حِزَقاً بها
بطرْقِ المنايا في عِدادِ إكامِها

41. It was but like a glowing coal,
Or a spark that drank not of its source.

٤١. وَلَم تكُ إلّا مثلَ قَبْسَةِ قابِسٍ
ونُغْبَةِ كُدْرٍ ما اِرتَوَتْ من أُوامِها

42. Its return followed its coming,
And weaning neighbored its suckling.

٤٢. وكان تَوَلِّيها عقيبَ مجيئها
وكان الرّضاعُ في جوارِ فطامِها

43. You at its severity like a wolf of fright,
Or a lion's severity roaring.

٤٣. وأنت على مَعْروقةٍ عند شدّها
كذئبِ الفلا أوْ شِدَّةً كسِلامها

44. You seem above it, or like a rider
Atop the tallest summit of a mount.

٤٤. تُخال وقد هزّ المَراحُ كَلِيلَها
نجومُ الثُرَيّا حِلْيَةً للجامِها

45. Your hands sufficed you in guiding its rein,
Your feet in seizing it like a belt.

٤٥. كأنّك منها فوقها أوْ كراكبٍ
من الشُّمِّ أعلى هَضْبَةٍ من شَمامها

46. You tread the slain filling the earth
Without respect or restraint.

٤٦. فكفّاك في تصريفها كعِنانِها
ورِجْلاك في إمساكِها كحِزامها

47. Take it as your Lord gave you authority,
Loving what you desire in the abode of stay.

٤٧. تدوس بك القتلى وقد ملأوا الثّرى
بِغيرِ تَوقّيها وغيرِ اِحتشامِها

48. Renewed, no slippery places for misfortunes,
Nor imamate from any turban.

٤٨. فخذها كما أعطاك ربُّك دولةً
حباك بما تهوى بدار مُقامِها

49. The enemies wanted to take its garment from you,
But destiny prevented their wish.

٤٩. مجدَّدَةً ما للخطوبِ معرَّجٌ
عَليها ولا إلمامةٌ من لِمامِها

50. And place you away from its villages, as though
By their deeds they elevated you over its summit.

٥٠. ورام العِدا أنْ يسلبوك ثيابَها
وقد حالت الأقدارُ دون مَرامِها

51. No path to it was trod by misfortunes,
Nor did the hands of havoc tear its wholeness.

٥١. وأنْ يُنزلوك عن قَراها كأَنَّهمْ
بما فعلوا عالوْك فوق سنامِها

52. You remained beloved to it each night,
Greeting its length with well-being.

٥٢. فلا طَرَقتْها للحوادثِ طَرْقةٌ
ولا عبثتْ أيدي الرّدى باِنثلامها

٥٣. ولا زِلْتَ مَحْبُوّاً بها كلَّ ليلةٍ
مُحَيّاً على طولِ المدا بسَلامِها