
If I had a shield against fate,

لو كنت أملك للأقدار واقية

1. If I had a shield against fate,
I would have protected you, O Abul Khattab, from its blows,

١. لو كنت أملك للأقدار واقيةً
دفعتُ عنك أبا الخطّاب ما طرقا

2. Verily time and no affliction upon a time
Gave me the bitter drink after losing you when it gave water.

٢. إنّ الزّمانَ ولا عَدْوَى على زمنٍ
سقانِيَ المُرَّ مِن فقدِيك حين سقى

3. How much you clothed the boughs when they withered
With water from your outstretched, bountiful hand and leaves.

٣. كم ذا كسيتَ غصوناً وهي ذاويةٌ
الماءَ من جاهك المبسوط والورقا

4. And how much you made flow without trouble or sorrow
Clinging to you in fear and holding fast.

٤. وكم أجَرْتَ بلا مَنٍّ ولا كدرٍ
مستمسكاً بك في خوفٍ ومُعْتَلِقا

5. Some people attained and settled every high place,
Yet what you attained among people never coincided.

٥. قد نال قومٌ وحلّوا كلَّ عاليةٍ
ومثلَ ما نلته في النّاسِ ما اِتّفقا

6. You hoarded nothing but praise and magnanimity,
While they only hoard the fountain and the leaves.

٦. وما ذخرتَ سوى حَمْدٍ ومَكرُمةٍ
وإنّما يذخرون العين والوَرَقا

7. You ruled time, gaining no provision from it,
And affairs after you belong to those provisioned.

٧. حكمتَ في الدّهرِ لا رزقاً أصبتَ به
والأمرُ بعدك في الدنيا لمن رُزقا

8. So you turned not to vanity or play,
Nor sent for your needs insistently.

٨. فلم تعرِّجْ على لهوٍ ولا لَعِبٍ
ولا بعثتَ إلى حاجاتك المَلَقا

9. You counseled kings, and the people wished
They had counseled, but never attained those heights.

٩. سُستَ الملوكَ وودّ القومُ أنّهُمُ
ساسوا وما بلغوا تلك المُنى السُّوَقا

10. You were the gate to kings, but since
You tasted misfortune, that gate has shut and locked.

١٠. وإنّما كنتَ باباً للملوك ومذْ
ذُقتَ الرّدى سُدّ ذاك الباب واِنغلقا

11. And you left nothing of the world and its adornments
After losing you except its ruins taken by creation.

١١. وما تركتَ من الدّنيا وزينتها
مِن بعدِ فقدك إلّا رَثَّها الخَلَقا

12. Your state was the reddening of the two sides coming together,
You shone in it with clear, penetrating insight.

١٢. وحالكٍ شَحِبِ القُطرين مُلتبسٍ
أَطلعتَ فيه برأيٍ واضحٍ فَلَقا

13. And in a position perilous in its dimensions you stood
While the sword blades were strewn between them cleaving.

١٣. وموقفٍ حَرِجِ الأرجاءِ قمتَ به
والبَيْضُ تنثرها ما بينهما فِلَقا

14. You stabbed with your view there, and the spear was straight,
And stabbing cleaves bodies whether high or low.

١٤. طَعنتَ بالرّأي فيه والقنا قَصِدٌ
والطَّعنُ يفتقُ بالأجساد ما اِرتَتقا

15. So they saw what you used to do
In one insolent or apostate straying away.

١٥. فقد رأوا منك ماذا كنتَ تعملهُ
في ضالعٍ شذّ أو في مارقٍ مَرَقا

16. They slept, neglecting to support the king,
While you alone were wakeful supporting him.

١٦. ناموا عن الملك إِهمالاً لنصرتِهِ
وأنت تكرع فيه وحدَك الأَرَقا

17. You were sincere in supporting him until you established for him
A pillar, and the noble one in the matter is the sincere one.

١٧. صدقتَ في نصره حتَّى أقمتَ له
دِعامَه والفتى في الأمر مَن صدقا

18. O, treaty of a palace built upon a rubbish heap,
You have become the treaty of a ruin upon the throne.

١٨. يا حِلْفَ قصرٍ مشيدٍ فوق نُمْرُقةٍ
على الأريكة قد أصبحتَ حِلْفَ نَقا

19. O, edifice, atop sand dunes of great height,
How could you accept a collapse to become lowly?

١٩. ويا مبيناً على الأطواد من عِظَمٍ
كَيفَ اِرتَضيت بوَهدٍ هَبْطَةٍ نَفَقا

20. They wanted you to join the most towering heights,
Can you see anyone reaching the abode of a star?

٢٠. راموا لِحاقك في علياءَ شاهقةٍ
وهل ترى لمحلّ النَّجمِ مَن لحقا

21. I trusted you with what I did not fear failing,
And many a time those who trusted failed.

٢١. وثِقتُ فيك بما لم أخشَ نَبْوَتَه
وطالما عاد بالإخفاقِ مَن وثقا

22. And you were my fortress, strong, in every quandary,
A cool, flowing water in the heat of afflictions.

٢٢. وطالما كنتَ لي في كلّ مُعضلةٍ
حصناً حصيناً وماءً بارداً غَدَقا

23. So which eye, that did not shed tears for you,
And which heart has not burned from the fire of anxiety?

٢٣. فأىُّ عينٍ عليك الدّمعَ ما قَطرتْ
وأيُّ قلبٍ بنار الهمِّ ما اِحترقا

24. Had you looked upon us after we were parted,
You would have seen those whom you nurtured split open.

٢٤. ولو نظرتَ إلينا بعد فُرقتنا
رَأيتَ منّا الّذي رتّقتَ مُنفتِقا

25. Honor me by sacrificing for some wretches among us
While your pledge is locked in the grip of misery.

٢٥. أَعزِزْ عليَّ بِأن تُضحِي على شَحَطٍ
منّا ورهنُك في كفِّ الرّدى غُلِقا

26. And that the peerless one see you amid desolation,
He who, had you occurred to him, would meet misery cleft.

٢٦. وأنْ يراك فريداً وسْطَ مُقفرةٍ
مَن لو خطرتَ له لاقى الرَّدى فرَقا

27. If you touch the dust with a gown,
You have long been touching the noblest dress.

٢٧. إنْ تُمسِ مرتفقاً بالتّربِ جَنْدَلَةً
فطالما كنت بالعَيّوقِ مرتفقا

28. And if you touched the earth dead, you never accepted
From it brocades or silk.

٢٨. وإنْ لمستَ الثَّرى مَيْتاً فما رضيت
منك التَّرائبُ ديباجاً ولا سَرَقا

29. And if you dwelled silent to fate, with what
You had become the most eloquent speaker speaking.

٢٩. وإنْ سكنتَ مُصيخاً للرّدى فبِما
أصبحتَ من قبل أعلا ناطقٍ نطقا

30. And if you kept one position, with what
You attacked the heights, the text, and the neck.

٣٠. وإنْ أقمتَ مقاماً واحداً فبما
شَنَنْتَ نحو المعالي النَّصَّ والعَنقا

31. And if you passed away, your hand left
Among us the beauty that did not pass but set out.

٣١. وإنْ مضيتَ فماضٍ خلَّفَتْ يدُه
فينا الجميلَ الّذي لَم يمضِ واِنطلقا

32. So we have no health after his death,
Nor a cure for one whose life is fading.

٣٢. فَما لَنا صِحّةٌ من بعد مصرعهِ
ولا دواءٌ لشاكٍ يمسِكُ الرَّمَقا

33. He was nothing but a star who disappeared from the horizon,
And nothing but a glorious record for mankind that flowed.

٣٣. ولم يكن غيرَ نجمٍ غاب من أفقٍ
وغيرَ سَجْلٍ جلالٍ للورى دَفَقا

34. The owner of lightning bolts in their entirety is gone,
So forget, at his death, the one who owns the lightning.

٣٤. وقد مضى مالكُ الرِّبْقاتِ قاطبةً
فاِنسوا بمصرعه مَن يملك الرِّبَقا

35. You never met an affliction,
Nor did decrepitude give you to drink mouthfuls or sips.

٣٥. فلا لقيتَ من الضَّرّاءِ لاقيةً
ولا سقاك البِلى طَرْقاً ولا رَنِقا

36. Go, your bounty has enabled you to possess
The souls of men, and you have provided me burning thirst.

٣٦. اِذهبْ فزادك إنعامٌ ملكتَ به
رِقَّ الرّجال وقد زوّدتني حُرَقا

37. A grave you dwelt in shall remain
Filled with the scent of life diffusing fragrance.

٣٧. ولا يزلْ جَدَثٌ أُسكِنْتَ ساحتَه
ملآنَ ريّانَ مِن وَكْفِ الحَيَا عَبِقا

38. And if I pass by a tomb you resided in
I will crane my neck toward you after passing it.

٣٨. وإنْ مررتُ على قبرٍ حللتَ به
لَوَيتُ بعد اِجتِيازي نحوك العُنُقا