
O you whom I was paired with against my will, so I became his companion

يا من قرنت به على

1. O you whom I was paired with against my will, so I became his companion
And I bought his wickedness when I was deceived, so he was not a precious purchase

١. يا منْ قُرِنتُ به على
رغمي فصرتُ له قرينا

2. And I thought I was cheating him, so I was the stupid one
When I got to know you, I did not find anything to resent

٢. وشريتُه لمّا غُرِرْ
تُ فلم يكن عِلْقاً ثَمينا

3. And if I make you the delight of my eye, you warm the eyes

٣. وظننتُ أنّي غابنٌ
فيه فكنتُ به غبينا

٤. لمّا خبرتُك لم أجدْ
شيئاً أكون به ضَنينا

٥. وإذا جعلتك قُرّةً
للعين أسخَنْتَ العيونا