
I fell in love with the heights, desiring no substitute,

عشقت العلا لا أبتغي بدلا لها

1. I fell in love with the heights, desiring no substitute,
Nor compensation, though lovers are of different kinds.

١. عَشِقتُ العُلا لا أَبتغي بَدَلاً لها
ولا عوضاً والعاشقون ضروبُ

2. I care not for the common sort, youths of no merit;
I care only for the outstanding, who are my beloved.

٢. فَما لي بِغَيرِ المأثُرَات صَبابةٌ
وما لِيَ إلّا المَأثراتُ حبيبُ

3. I erred when I made you my companion,
Though the wise err once, as well as hit the mark.

٣. وَأَخطأتُ لمّا أن جَعلتكَ صاحِبي
وَذو الحَزمِ يُخطِي مرّةً ويصيبُ

4. You are far from the place of my affection,
Though between us there lies an easy road.

٤. وَأَنتَ بَعيدٌ مِن مَكانِ مَودّتي
وَإِنَّ مَزاراً بَينَنا لَقَريبُ

5. It was but a slip, and after it I walk bent over,
Regretful and repentant, turning myself right.

٥. وَما هيَ إلّا زَلّةٌ أنَا بَعدها
أَعوجُ عَلَيها نادِماً فَأَتوبُ

6. O you, who are, to my eyes each day and night,
Either a mote, or else grief to my heart!

٦. فَيا مَنْ لِعَينِي كلَّ يومٍ وليلةٍ
قَذاةٌ بِها أَو لِلفُؤادِ كروبُ

7. But for you, Time would have against me no cause for blame,
No guilt for which from Time I would earn rebuke.

٧. وَلَولاهُ ما كانَت لِدَهري جِنايَةٌ
عَليَّ وَلا منه إليّ ذنوبُ

8. No claws in the dawn would tear my skin,
No fangs of Time gouge me in their jaws.

٨. وَلا مَزّقتْ جلدي الغداة أظافرٌ
وَلا خَرَقْتهُ للزّمان نيوبُ

9. I answered you when you called out foolishly,
But after that, alas! I will not so respond.

٩. أَجبْتُك لَمّا أَن دَعوتَ اِغترارةً
وهيهات أُدعى بعدها فأُجيبُ