
What doubts you of my worries,

ألا ماذا يريبك من همومي

1. What doubts you of my worries,
And of the news of my side away from my bed?

١. أَلا ماذا يُريُبك مِن هُمومي
ومن نَبواتِ جنبي عن فراشِي

2. For me in every dawn is a friend
I part with without yearnings and cravings

٢. وَلِي في كلّ شارقةٍ خليلٌ
أفارقُهُ بلا نَزَواتِ واشِ

3. And I take off his connection against my will
As my hand took off from me my pillow

٣. وَأَنزعُ وَصلَهُ بالرّغم منِّي
كَما نَزعتْ يدي عنّي رِياشي

4. How long is this sequence and continuation
And how long is this persistence and contention

٤. إِلى كَم ذا التّتابعُ والتّمادي
وكم هذا التّصاممُ والتّغاشي

5. And how many frowning faces make me gloomy, not smiling
And fasting like palms, unavoidable

٥. وَكم شَنِفٍ يُنكِّدُ لا يُحابِي
وصُمٍّ كالأراقم لا تُحاشي

6. Through it is my rise and fall
And from it is my setback and my shuddering

٦. يَكونُ بِها اِنحِطاطي وَاِرتِفاعي
وَمِن يدها اِنتكاسي واِرتِعاشي

7. And what is this focusing on the worthless
Led to dissolution and vanishing

٧. وَما هذا العكوفُ على حقيرٍ
يُساق إلى التحلّلِ والتّلاشي

8. So a hitting of heads without moaning
And a stabbing of throats without a slaughterer

٨. فَضربٌ بالرّؤوسِ بلا نَجيعٍ
وطعنٌ في النّحورِ بلا رَشاشِ

9. My toes warn me of disasters
If they cramp, preventing my recovery

٩. تُشيك أخامصي منه خطوبٌ
إذا ما شِكْنَ يمنعنَ اِنتعاشي

10. And it redeems the feeble with a slight limp
And precedes the rider faster than the walker

١٠. وَيفدِي واهناً فيه بنَدْبٍ
ويُسبِق راكباً ممّا يماشي

11. And how many a young man survived calamities
And returned him to the soft bed

١١. وَكَم أَنجى فتىً خاضَ المَنايا
وَأَرداهُ على ثَبَجِ الفراشِ

12. So you who wait for my inflammation
When will my inflammation come by your hand?

١٢. فَيا متنَظِّراً مِنّي اِحتِراشاً
مَتى يَأتي عَلى يدك اِحتراشي

13. I was shocked by the satisfier of desires generously
And the assuager of the thirst of ardour thirstily

١٣. فُجِعتُ بُمشبعِ السَّغَباتِ جوداً
وناقعِ غُلَّةِ الهيمِ العِطاشِ

14. And the bestower of blows on the day of peace
And the striker of kidneys on the day of skirmishing

١٤. وَوهّابِ اللُّها في يومِ سلمٍ
وضرّابِ الكُلى يومَ الهِراش

15. His love penetrated the mother of my head
And his affection pierced my temples

١٥. تغلغلَ حبُّهُ في أُمِّ رأسي
وخاض ودادُه منّي مُشاشِي

16. And he saddled me with sorrow over him
I wish it was for another my preparation

١٦. وَأَفرَشني القَتَادَ أسىً عليهِ
فَليتَ لِغَيرِه كانَ اِفتِراشي

17. And I faced tribulations with dignity
So my misery led my diminution

١٧. وَكنت عَلى الرّزايا ذا إِباءٍ
فَقَد قادتْ رزيّتُه خِشاشِي

18. And I said to whoever sneered at him
And seeks blame like an arrowhead

١٨. وَقلتُ لِمن لَحا سَفَهاً عليه
وراجٍ في الملامةِ مثلُ خاشِ

19. You reproach me while your mind is not my mind
And you condemn me while your temper is not my temper

١٩. تُعنِّفُنِي وَبالُك غيرُ بالي
وَتعذلِني وجأْشُك غيرُ جاشي

20. And I have taken no friend but him
And no love possesses me but his possession

٢٠. وَلستُ سواه متّخذاً خليلاً
وَلا يغشى هواي سِواه غاشِ

21. For if I seek an alternative
I seek the bitter from thirst

٢١. فَإنّي إِنْ فزعتُ إلى بَديلٍ
فزعتُ إلى الأُجاج من العِطاشِ

22. So after losing you I have no pleasant soul
Nor any little life from my livelihood

٢٢. فَما لِي بعد فقدك طيبُ نفسٍ
وَلا جَذَل بِشيءٍ من معاشِي