
How much our heads are humiliated by this matter,

كم ذا تذل بهذا الأمر أرؤسنا

1. How much our heads are humiliated by this matter,
And we have in it nothing but lean and satiation.

١. كم ذا تَذِلّ بهذا الأمر أرؤُسُنا
وما لنا فيه إلّا الرِّيُّ والشِّبَعُ

2. A man does not move away from his humiliation for a while
Among men, while greed is in his throat.

٢. لم يَبعُد المرءُ فِتْراً مِن مَذَلَّتِهِ
بين الرّجالِ وفي حَيْزومِهِ الطَّمعُ

3. Do not seek benefit in this world, for how many men
Sought benefit from this world but did not profit.

٣. لا تَطلب النَّفْعَ في الدّنيا فكم طلب الر
رجالُ نفعاً من الدّنيا فما اِنتَفَعوا

4. If there is no refuge in seeking abundance,
Then in seeking good mention there is refuge.

٤. إنْ لم يكنْ في طلابِ الوَفْرِ مُنْتَجعٌ
ففي طِلابِ جميل الذِّكرِ مُنتَجَعُ

5. And look at the people, a judge who cannot handle
Repelling it, and one passing away who cannot be brought back.

٥. واِنظر إلى النَّاسِ قاضٍ لا يُطيق لما
عراهُ دفعاً وماضٍ ليس يُرتَجَعُ

6. It is as if after separation has torn them away,
They did not stay among us a day or gather.

٦. كأنَّهمْ بعد أنْ شطّ الفراقُ بهمْ
لم يلبثوا بيننا يوماً ولا اِجتَمعوا