
Will the nights of mourning return for us,

أترى يؤوب لنا الأبي

1. Will the nights of mourning return for us,
And sorrow become the preoccupation of man?

١. أترى يؤوب لنا الأُبَيْ
رِقُ والمُنى للمرءِ شُغْلُ

2. A trace remains of the glory of those who have passed,
Their blood still stains the earth.

٢. طَلَلٌ لعَزَّةَ ما يزا
لُ على ثراهُ دمٌ يُطَلُّ

3. They were killed yet they were not killed,
For us they lit a fire and left wisdom.

٣. قتلوا وما قتلوا وعن
دَهُمُ لنا قوَدٌ وعَقْلُ

4. Tell those who await their promises:
We have successors for them and determination.

٤. قل للّذين على مَوا
عِدهم لنا خُلفٌ ومَطْلُ

5. How many guarantors do I have
When those I leaned on have forsaken me?

٥. كم ضامني من لا أُضِي
مُ وملَّني مَن لا أمَلُّ

6. O reproacher, enough blame
My hearing grows heavy with it.

٦. يا عاذلاً لعتابه
كَلٌّ على سَمْعِي وثِقْلُ

7. If you order me to be patient,
Tell my heart how to find solace,

٧. إن كنت تأمر بالسُّلُو
وِ فقل لقلبي كيف يسلو

8. My heart is captive to passion,
Unless your heart is free of it.

٨. قلبي رهينٌ في الهوى
إن كان قلبُك منه يخلو

9. Indeed I know that passion
Is sickness and humiliation.

٩. ولقد علمتُ على الهوى
أنّ الهوى سُقمٌ وذُلٌّ

10. A camel wondered at my departure
And the camel herd grew grey.

١٠. وتعجّبتْ جَمْلٌ لشَيْ
بِ مفارقي وتشيبُ جَمْلُ

11. It saw a whiteness on the hillside
That it had not seen there before.

١١. ورأتْ بياضاً في سوا
دٍ ما رأته هناك قَبْلُ

12. Like an illusion raised on the slopes
To mislead those who go astray.

١٢. كَذُبالةٍ رُفعَتْ على ال
هضباتِ للسّارين ضَلّوا

13. What departed one does not bid farewell
At this whiteness, and is not dissolved?

١٣. أيُّ المفارق لا يُزا
رُ بذا البياضِ ولا يُحَلُّ

14. Do not deny it, my friend,
For it is a madness to the ignorant.

١٤. لا تُنكِرِيهِ وَيْبَ غي
رك فَهْو للجهلاءِ غُلُّ

15. And a bridegroom I awakened
While night wrapped the horizons like kohl.

١٥. ومُعَرِّسٍ أيقظتُه
واللّيلُ للآفاقِ كُحْلُ

16. On a stormy night,
With candles flickering in the distance.

١٦. في لَيلةٍ مضروبةٍ
والقُرُّ في الأطرافِ نَمْلُ

17. Fate cast him aside, then he stood up
As if he were a guide for the caravan.

١٧. نزع الكرى ثمّ اِستَوى
فكأنّه للرّكْبِ جِذْلُ

18. O maker of mornings and evenings,
Destiny carries us like a mantle.

١٨. يا صانعَ البُكراتِ والر
رَوْحاتِ تنقُلُه شِمَلُّ

19. In every east he intended for us
A purpose or destination.

١٩. ينبو به في كلّ شا
رقةٍ مَرادٌ أو محلُّ

20. This is Abu Al-Khattab, noblest of men,
Release the fetters and resolve disputes through him,

٢٠. هذا أبو الخطّاب ذو الن
نعماءِ سيّدُنا الأجلُّ

21. For after today there is no solution.
Repel your camel from him,

٢١. أحللْ به عُقَدَ الرّحا
لِ فليس بعد اليومِ حَلُّ

22. For there lie riches and family.
O refuge of the anguished,

٢٢. واِعقِرْ قَلوصَك عنده
فهناك مالٌ ثمّ أهلُ

23. Hearts find safety in fearing or stumbling.
And fortress of the dejected,

٢٣. يا مفزعَ الملهوفِ مم
ما خاف يعمِدُ أو يَزِلُّ

24. When they are weakened and defeated.
To the people your rule

٢٤. ومحصّن المهجات لم
ما أنْ غَدَوْنَ وهنّ أُكْلُ

25. Is forbidding on the cushions.
A deceiver who promises men

٢٥. وعلى الوسائد منك لل
أقوامِ مرهوبٌ مُجَلُّ

26. While behind them lies torn garments.
Fear and greed are with him,

٢٦. مُتَخمِّطٌ يَعِدُ الرّجا
لَ ودونهمْ خَرْقٌ مَضَلُّ

27. As if he were the sun and shadow.
But many a cunning plot,

٢٧. رَهْبٌ ورَغْبٌ عنده
فكأنّه شمسٌ وطَلُّ

28. Deafens the hearing of time.
With blurred signs on its roads,

٢٨. ولربّ داهيةٍ يضي
قُ بكيدها السِّمْعُ الأزَلُّ

29. Embarrassment and slipperiness.
You were born in its glory, when

٢٩. مطموسةِ الأعلام في
طُرُقاتها حَرَجٌ وأزْلُ

30. Men were called to it, but few came.
And indeed hardships were assured

٣٠. كنتَ اِبنَ بَجْدَتِها وقدْ
دُعِيَ الرّجالُ لها فقلّوا

31. That your absence cannot be restored.
The fortress of your security

٣١. ولقد تحقّقت النّوا
ئبُ أنَّ غَرْبَك لا يُفَلُّ

32. Cannot be breached or shaken.
I swore by the Sacred House,

٣٢. وحريزَ أمْنِك لا يُرا
عُ وذَوْدَ أرضك لا يُشَلُّ

33. Visited by pilgrims near and far.
And by Zamzam and Safa and Marwa,

٣٣. أقسمتُ بالبيت الحرا
مِ يزوره رَكْبٌ ورَجْلُ

34. Where people draw water and perform Sa'ee.
And by Mina, landing place of pebbles

٣٤. وبزمزمٍ والكارعي
ن لما بها نهلوا وعَلُّوا

35. Cast there, soaked crimson.
Your noble qualities possessed

٣٥. والنّازلين على مِنىً
لهمُ بها عَقْرٌ وبَزْلُ

36. Cannot be matched or paralleled.
Generosity and justice abound,

٣٦. وبمسقَطِ الجمراتِ في ال
وادي المُغَمّسِ واِستهلّوا

37. Who has such generosity and justice?
And care for the needy,

٣٧. إنّ السّجايا الغُرَّ عن
دك ليس يعدِلهنّ مِثْلُ

38. No blame can touch you.
How many gifts and favors upon me,

٣٨. كرمٌ وعدلٌ فائضٌ
مَن ذا له كرمٌ وعدلُ

39. Acts of goodwill and grace!
And famous talents,

٣٩. وجَنانُ مفتقرِ الجرا
ئرِ لا يُقيمُ عليه ذَحْلُ

40. Paths to thanking me and reaching me.
I cannot forget our days together,

٤٠. كم نعمةٍ لك جَمّةٍ
عندي ومعروفٌ وفضلُ

41. Though the days have been hard.
And times you stood by me

٤١. وصنائعٍ مشهورةٍ
طُرُقٌ إلى شكري وسُبْلُ

42. While the envious were against me.
You sufficed me when questions were thrown,

٤٢. ما أنسَ لا أنسَ اِهتما
مك بي وقد شَحَطَ المحلُّ

43. What anger does not dissolve?
If we do not appreciate your gratitude,

٤٣. ومواقفاً لي قمتها
وَالحاسدونَ إليّ قُبْلُ

44. Then the unlawful becomes permitted.
Much we have done by your side,

٤٤. وَكَفيتني شَطَطَ السؤا
ل وأيُّ عَضْبٍ لا يُسَلُّ

45. Independently from your rights.
Listen, for Nowruz brings tidings

٤٥. إنْ لم نُوَفِّك قَدْرَ شك
رِكَ فالمحارمُ تُستَحَلُّ

46. That your ancestors triumphed therein.
And enduring glory that does not fade or expire,

٤٦. وكثيرُ ما قمنا به
في جَنبِ حقّك مُستَقَلُّ

47. Nor decline or tire.
Submit, for after you have healed

٤٧. واِسمَعْ فذا النّيروزُ يُخْ
برُ أنّ جَدّك فيه يعلو

48. We do not care who rises high.
If you remain forbidden to us,

٤٨. وَخلود عزٍّ لا يُحا
لُ ولا يُزال ولا يُمَلُّ

49. Then all we dread becomes permitted.

٤٩. واِسلَم فإنّا لا نُبا
لي بعد بُرْءِك مَن يُعَلُّ

٥٠. وإذا بقيتَ محرّماً
فجميع ما نخشاه حِلُّ