
He passed by us, so we were enveloped by his fragrance

مر علينا فكنفنا به

1. He passed by us, so we were enveloped by his fragrance
Among those who passed without knowing

١. مَرّ علينا فكَنفْنا بهِ
مِن بين مَن مرّ ولا يدري

2. Conversing with him adds to one's life
If anything can add to life

٢. تَزيدُ في العمرِ مُناجاتُهُ
إن كان شيءٌ زاد في العمرِ

3. As if he was created for the buyer
Or created from the full moon

٣. كأنّما صيغ من المشتري
فَاِختالَ أَو صيغَ منَ البدرِ

4. I said to him one day when he visited me
With skin scented without perfume

٤. قُلتُ لَهُ يَوماً وقد زارني
معطَّرَ الجلد بلا عِطْرِ

5. You have conquered me with your beauty, and how many conquerors
Has his beauty conquered the freeman

٥. مَلَكتَني حسناً وَكَم مالكٍ
بحسنه ناصيةَ الحُرِّ

6. Do not turn away from me
For I spend of my patience

٦. لا تَبلِني مِنك بإعراضةٍ
فإنّني أُنفق من صبري