
I warned you, and how much I have with God

حذرتكم وكم لله عندي

1. I warned you, and how much I have with God
My work suffices me, so beware of me

١. حَذِرتُكُمُ وكم للّهِ عندي
صنيعٌ في كفايتِهِ حِذاري

2. If I wanted, I would have been among you
In place of the star in its orbit

٢. وَلَو أنّي أشاءُ لَكنتْ مِنكمْ
مكانَ النّجمِ في الفلك المُدارِ

3. Yet I saw nothing from you but misfortunes
If not for old age, youth would have avenged me

٣. وَلَم أَرَ مِنكُمُ إلّا خُطوباً
فَلولا الشّيبُ شاب لها عذاري

4. You disappointed many hopes, long and vast
Seeking refuge in you with short hopes

٤. رَددتم رَبَّ آمالٍ طِوالٍ
يلوذ بكمْ بآمالٍ قصارِ

5. I had intended to settle with you
Yet I settled with you against my will

٥. وَكُنتُ وَقَد حَططتُ بكمْ رِحالي
نزلتُ بكمْ على غير اِختيارِ

6. Your lands were not fertile, yet barren
Nor did they rain heavy showers

٦. فَلا خَصِبَتْ بلادُكُمُ بجَدْبٍ
ولا جيدَتْ بأنواءٍ غِزارِ

7. No bright eyes looked
With delight through the darkness for the light of fire

٧. ولا نظرتْ عيونٌ مُدْلِجاتٌ
بهنّ على الظّلام ضِياءَ نارِ

8. I hope in you, soon
Even if I delay taking my vengeance

٨. وإنّي آملٌ فيكمْ وشيكاً
وإنْ موطلتُ عنه بلوغَ ثاري