
I abandoned you out of fear of the slanderers' words

هجرتك خوف أقوال الوشاة

1. I abandoned you out of fear of the slanderers' words
And abandoning you is like abandoning life

١. هَجرتُكِ خوفَ أقوال الوشاةِ
وهجرُكِ مثلُ هجرانِ الحياةِ

2. And you are precious to me like my eyes
And eyes do not escape specks of dust

٢. وأنتِ كرامةً عندي كعيني
وما تنجو العيونُ من القَذاةِ

3. If not for love, my sorrow would not have eased
Nor would my qualities have been refined by your hands

٣. ولولا الحبُّ ما سهلتْ حُزوني
ولا لانتْ بأيديكمْ صفاتي

4. And they said you have fallen in love, so I said love
Is like what the passion has proposed, so who would object

٤. وَقالوا قَد عشقتَ فقلت عِشقٌ
كَما اِقتَرح الهوى فمن المؤاتي

5. With my soul, whoever when I intended praise
Of a beauty in it, my qualities fell short

٥. بِنَفسي مَن إِذا ما رمتُ وصفاً
لِحُسنٍ فيهِ أَعيَتنِي صِفاتي

6. And if anything would make lovers needless
Or defend them, my protective instincts would have

٦. وَلَو أَغنى عنِ العشّاقِ شَيءٌ
وَدافَع عنهُمُ أغنتْ حُماتي