1. With my father as a visitor, wings came to me,
Bearing no affection, so I turned away,
١. بأَبِي زائراً أتانِيَ جُنْحاً
لا وِداداً منه فعنّى ومَنّى
2. Saddened that he came to my abode,
With a miserly heart and hostile towards me.
٢. زاده ضِنَّةً بموضعه الما
لكِ قلبي بُخلاً عليَّ وضَنّا
3. He brought me nothing, and at my resting place,
He came and made me rich and content.
٣. لَم يُنِلنِي شيئاً وعند رُقادي
أَنّه جاءني فَأَغنى وأقنى
4. He turned away at dawn while my eyes were awake
And walked away while my eyes were sleeping.
٤. صَدَّ صُبحاً والعينُ منِّيَ يَقْظى
وسرى واصلاً وعينِيَ وَسْنى
5. He was harsh in daylight after he had
Misled me into thinking he had come to me weak.
٥. وجفا بالنّهار من بعد أن خي
يِلَ لِي أنّه أتانِيَ وَهْنا
6. An illusion he did not know about, that visi-
tor to my quarters - so how could he oblige me?
٦. زَوْرَةٌ ما درى بها ذلك الزّا
ئرُ رَبْعِي فكيف يوجب مَنّا
7. He is oblivious to it and I do not blame him,
He had no knowledge of it nor any suspicion.
٧. هو لاهٍ عنها وما بتُّ فيه
لم يُحِطْهُ عِلْماً ولم يكُ ظَنّا
8. So it is a pretext for grief in a grieving heart
Or a deception sent to my troubled heart.
٨. فهْيَ تعليلةٌ لصبٍّ عليلٍ
أوْ خداعٌ يُهْدى لقلبي المُعَنَّى
9. It is like a mirage or like words
That have no meaning or significance.
٩. فهي مثلُ السّراب أو مثلُ لفظٍ
ما له حاصلٌ ولا فيه مَعْنى