
Gray-haired before I reached fifty pilgrimages,

أشيبا ولما تمض خمسون حجة

1. Gray-haired before I reached fifty pilgrimages,
And it did not even come close to me, this is truly unjust.

١. أَشَيباً ولمّا تَمضِ خَمسونَ حجّةً
وَلا قارَبتني إنّ هَذا منَ الظلمِ

2. Had forty been fair to me, it would have rebuked
The gray hair falsely coming from worry's side.

٢. وَلَو أَنصفتني الأربعون لَنَهنَهَت
مِنَ الشيبِ زَوراً جاءَ من جانبِ الهمِّ

3. I knocked on its years, and if I were able,
I would have knocked on what my eyes have not seen of my bones.

٣. قَرعتُ لَه سنّي وَلَو أَستَطيعُهُ
قَرعتُ لَه ما لَم تَر العينُ مِن عظمي

4. They say, do not worry that the gray hair misguided you,
And their arrows at me fall short of them.

٤. يَقولونَ لا تَجزع منَ الشيبِ ضلّةً
وَأسهُمُهُ إِيايَ دونَهمُ تصمي

5. They said gray hair came with wisdom and experience,
So I said with what feeds and sweats from my flesh.

٥. وَقالوا أَتاه الشّيب بِالحلمِ وَالحجى
فَقُلتُ بما يَبري وَيعرُق من لحمي

6. Wisdom that regresses to evil never pleased me,
What came before the gray hair sufficed me of wisdom.

٦. وَما سرّني حِلمٌ يَفيءُ إِلى الرّدى
كَفانِيَ ما قَبلَ المَشيبِ من الحلمِ

7. If what gives me composure takes away my life,
Tell me, how can composure benefit me?

٧. إِذا كانَ ما يُعطينِيَ الحزمُ سالِباً
حَياتي فَقُل لي كيفَ يَنفعني حَزمي

8. I tried my soul in the morning, dignified,
But it neither strengthened my weakness nor sealed my gaps.

٨. وَقَد جرّبت نَفسي الغداةَ وقارَه
فَما شدّ مِن وَهني وَلا سدّ مِن ثَلمي

9. Since it cleared in the morning, it repeats without illness
And desists without crime.

٩. وَإِنّي مُذ أَضحى عذاري قرارَهُ
أَعاد بلا سُقمٍ وَأَجفى بلا جرمِ

10. After gray hair, both are the same to my loved ones,
Whether they paused over it or paused over my remains.

١٠. وسيّان بَعد الشيبِ عندَ حَبائبي
وَقَفنَ عليه أَو وَقفن على رسمِ

11. I used to be one who witnessed war sometimes
And was pelted by spear tips as they pelted.

١١. وَقد كنتُ ممّن يَشهدُ الحربَ مرّةً
وَيُرمى بِأَطراف الرماحِ كما يرمي

12. Until this gray hair parted from me,
And the people left me only to peace.

١٢. إِلى أَن علا هَذا المشيبُ مفارقي
وَلَم يَدعُني الأقوامُ إِلّا إِلى السلمِ