
Say to him who left arrogantly wronging others,

قل للذي راح بعز واغتدى

1. Say to him who left arrogantly wronging others,
Pulling the embroidered train behind him,

١. قُل للّذي راحَ بِعزٍّ وَاِغتَدى
يسحبُ منه مِطْرَفاً مورّدا

2. It is the work of one who hopes to be immortalized,
You gathered what is bound to be scattered.

٢. صنيعَ مَنْ يطمعُ أنْ يُخلَّدا
جمعتَ ما لا بدّ أنْ يُبدّدا

3. If it doesn't vanish during his lifetime, it will be gone tomorrow.
O you who hoard for others covetously!

٣. إنْ لم يزُلْ في يومِهِ زال غدا
يا جامعاً لغيره مُحتشِدا

4. You amassed wealth, did you amass any lifespan?
The same are those who walk dragging grandeur,

٤. نَضَدتَ مالاً هل نَضَدتَ أمَدا
سيّانِ مَنْ سار يجرّ العَدَدا

5. And those who live alone secluded.
Both will leave what they found.

٥. ومن يَظِلّ واحداً مُنفردا
كلاهما مفارقٌ ما وَجدا

6. And what one acquires will be taken away.
And if death befalls him, he cannot be ransomed.

٦. وَصائِرٌ ما يَقتَنيهِ قِددا
وإنْ أتاه حَتفُه لا يُفتَدى

7. Alas! We did not neglect guidance,
Truth has been made clear to us, had we intended.

٧. هيهاتَ ما أغفلنا عن الهُدى
وأوضحَ الحقَّ لنا لو قُصدا

8. How we ride the rugged path and spurn the paved road!
We take falsehood and cast away righteousness,

٨. كم نركبُ الوَعْرَ ونفرِي الجدَدَا
ونأخذُ الغيَّ ونُلْقِي الرَّشَدا

9. And how the two-faced see hypocrisy in us!
It is time we renounce our humbleness,

٩. وَكَم يَرى الراؤُون فينا الأَوَدا
قد آن في زهيدنا أنْ نزهدا

10. And after past tyranny that we be just.
And that we be seen detached from this world.

١٠. وبعد جورٍ قد مضى أنْ نقصِدا
وأنْ نُرى عن الدّنايا حُيَّدا

11. With patience over denial, though rejection is prolonged.
If I miss the count, I shall stay awake at night.

١١. صَبراً عن الوِرْدِ وإنْ طال الصّدى
إنْ فاتنِي العِدُّ أبيتُ الثَّمَدَا

12. I am not pleased with fake pearls.
Don't you see our time has become gloomy?

١٢. ولستُ أرضى بالهِجانِ النَّقَدا
أما ترى زمانَنا ما أنكدا

13. It is as if, when we ask it for charity,
We leave it downcast and fettered.

١٣. كأنّنا إذا سألناه الجِدا
نُرْحِلُ منه بازلاً مُقيّدا

14. Or we stare into the sun until our eyes are blinded.
Or we feel the fire with a rigid stick.

١٤. أو نجتلِي الشّمسَ بعينَيْ أرْمَدا
أو نمترِي النّارَ بزندٍ أصلَدا

15. One who woke me up while he slept.
And tried to fix me but ruined me instead.

١٥. وصاحبٍ أيقظنِي ورَقَدا
ورام أنْ يصلحنِي فأفسدا

16. He envies me yet I don't feel envied.
He stayed up blaming me for being generous.

١٦. يحسُدنِي ولا أرى أن أُحسدا
بات يُلاحينِي على بذلِ النّدا

17. So I said, when he blamed me and impugned,
Pointing sometimes and elevating at others:

١٧. فقلتُ لمّا لامنِي وفنّدا
مصوِّباً وتارةً مُصعّدا

18. Isn't being praised for wealth just?
We spent the night with a mind busy and distracted.

١٨. أليس عدلاً بالغنى أنْ أُحَمدا
بِتْنا بذاتِ العَلَمين سُهَّدا

19. Awaiting in a long dark night,
As if sins were sprinkled upon us.

١٩. نرقُبُ في ليلٍ طويلٍ أسودا
كأنّما ذرَّ علينا الإِثْمِدا

20. Or as if bleakness was eternal.
At dawn like a polished rock bare.

٢٠. أو كان بالطّولِ لِزاماً سَرْمدا
فجراً كمصقولِ الغِرارِ جُرِّدا

21. As if when it appears, the horizon
Changed its color and became turbid.

٢١. كأنّما الأُفقُ به إذا بدا
حالَ لُجيناً لونُهُ وعَسجدا

22. And we only pluck the strings of enmity
With all the indecency of the bold.

٢٢. وإنّما ننشد أوْتارَ العِدى
بكلِّ عُريانِ العِذارِ أَمْرَدا

23. One with an ambition that only climbed peaks,
If he is worn in praise one day and turns back,

٢٣. ذِي هِمّةٍ لم تَرمِ إلّا صُعُدا
إِذا اِحتذى بالحمدِ يوماً وَاِرتَدى

24. And extends with eggs or arrows his hand,
Fear of demise won't come near his nostrils.

٢٤. وَمَدَّ بِالبيضِ أوِ السُّمرِ يدا
لَم يَدنُ من حَيزومِهِ خوفُ الرّدى

25. Unfortunate am I, though I don't intend misfortune,
And I have not fulfilled any promises to enemies.

٢٥. أَسؤدداً ولا أرومُ سؤدُدا
وما قضيتُ في الأعادِي موعِدا

26. Nor have I sought the life of countrysides.
Bringing concerns I thought were diminishing,

٢٦. ولَم أرِمْ طولَ الحياةِ البلَدا
مُجتمعاً أَحسَبُ هِمّاً صَرِدا

27. Wrapped in every depressed chord,
Laying heavy burdens.

٢٧. مُزَمَّلاً بكلِّ وتْرٍ مُكْمَدا
موطِّئاً للمُثقِلاتِ الكَتَدا

28. Whoever wants to excel what I have,
Stand tall, it is possible not to sit still!

٢٨. مَنْ شاء أنْ يعدُوَ في ما لِي عدا
نَهْضاً فقد أَمكن ألّا تقعُدا

29. And draw for the opportunity a sharp sword,
And return to the meadows of glory among those who returned!

٢٩. وَاِستلَّ للفرصةِ نَصْلاً مُغمَدا
ورِدْ حياضَ العزِّ فيمن وردا

30. So whoever seeks glory with effort, his hands were supported!

٣٠. فَمن بغى المجدَ بجِدٍّ أُيِّدا