
Have you seen what the days have done to us?

أرأيت ما صنعت بنا الأيام

1. Have you seen what the days have done to us?
Solace is lost and dreams have strayed.

١. أرأيتَ ما صنعتْ بنا الأيّامُ
ضاع العزاءُ وضلّتِ الأحلامُ

2. News that rends breasts apart from anguish,
While the perils of censure are scorned and suppressed.

٢. نبأٌ تُفَكّ له الصدور عن الحِجى
وتُهانُ أخطارُ النُّهى وتُضامُ

3. And a tragedy has assailed the king of the world,
Its gates, while the guards lie sleeping.

٣. ومصيبةٍ وَلَجَتْ على ملك الورى
أبوابَه والذّائدون نيامُ

4. The men's resolve melted at its command; bonds of love now untied,
As if, though seated, they stand.

٤. حلّ الرّجال بأمرها عُقَدَ الحُبا
فكأنّهمْ وهمُ القعودُ قيامُ

5. And their opinions rendered powerless - you see them
With no resolve, or binding pact.

٥. واِستَوهلتْ آراؤهمْ فتراهمُ
لا نَقْضَ عندهُم ولا إبرامُ

6. Perplexed, so that if addressed or addressing
They have no understanding, or clear expression.

٦. حاروا فليس لديهمُ إنْ خوطِبوا
أو خاطبوا فَهْمٌ ولا إفهامُ

7. Like a scabbard bereft of its blade in the fray,
Its strap discarded, with no system or order.

٧. كالغِمْدِ فارق نَصْلَه في معركٍ
والسِّلْكُ مُلْقىً ليس فيه نِظامُ

8. And the spring - the copious rain takes away its branches' yield,
While, avoiding harm, the pair of tattooed dark doves escaped.

٨. يا أَيّها الملكُ الّذي لجلاله
يُتَعَلَّمُ التّوقيرُ والإعظامُ

9. A cleft is not made save in the side of an aged oryx,
From which fault and blemish are absent when mature.

٩. صَبراً فَبِالأدبِ الّذي أسلفتَه
في النّائباتِ تَأَدَّبَ الأقوامُ

10. Only the base leaves the priceless, but the noble
When priceless is gone take no shame.

١٠. أين التَّشَرُّزُ للخطوب وأين ذا
ك الصّبرُ والإطراقُ والإزمامُ

11. War snatches away the valiant, while the weak,
The cowardly, the flinching remain preserved from it.

١١. فالثِّقْلُ لا يسطيعه من شارفٍ
كوماءِ إلّا غاربٌ وسنامُ

12. Cubs - their cubs - in whom nobility runs out:
For us, after them remain the scavenging hyenas.

١٢. والنّبعُ تسلبه النَّجابةُ فرعَهُ
ونجا بلؤمٍ خِرْوَعٌ وثُمامُ

13. An oryx herd whose leader expires:
When one perishes, for him remain the vultures.

١٣. والثَّلْمُ ليس يَكون إِلّا في ظُبا ال
ماضى ويخلو منه وهْوَ كَهامُ

14. Time has taken a soul, and left souls behind:
Then go, dove, and no blame is upon you.

١٤. والبُخل يتّرِك النّفيسَ وإِنّما
فقد النّفائسَ ما جدون كِرامُ

15. More deserving than us to weep for him whom
Time robbed of favor and grace.

١٥. والحربُ تقتنص الشّجاعَ وآمِنٌ
فيها المَنونَ الواهنُ المِحجامُ

16. The horses, their necks now bowed down,
As if their saddlebags and harnesses were graves and cinders.

١٦. شِبْلٌ محا فيه الرّزيّةَ إِنّه
باقٍ لنا من بعده الضّرغامُ

17. Neither have they approached the descent, nor has the saddle
Or bridle been absent from them.

١٧. وثنيّةٍ من يَذْبُلٍ جُدنا بها
إِذْ يَذْبُلٌ خَلَفٌ له وشَمامُ

18. Let the blunt lance, made mute, weep - paralyzed
Are its movements, and the old barren palm trunk.

١٨. أخذ الرّدى نفساً وغادر أنفساً
فاِذهَبْ حمامُ فما عليك مَلامُ

19. Those who delayed have pitched their travel-worn mounts' forelocks
In his courtyard - halted there, annihilated.

١٩. وأحقُّ منّا بالبكاء على الّذي
سلب الزّمانُ الفضلُ والإنعامُ

20. They hastened at dawn, to seize the riches, and take their ease
When the fruits of dew had ripened, they stayed on.

٢٠. والخيلُ قانيةُ النّحورِ كأنّما
بجلودها الحِنّاءُ والعُلّامُ

21. O you who have outstripped the elders, though a youth,
And collected the fruits of old age while still a boy.

٢١. لم يدنُ منهنّ النُّزول ولم يَغِبْ
عنهنّ إِسراجٌ ولا إِلجامُ

22. The ways of youth slink away from your sober piety,
And sins avoid the sanctity of your retreat.

٢٢. ولْيَبكِهِ الرّمحُ الأصمُّ تعطّلَتْ
حركاتُهُ والباترُ الصُّمْصامُ

23. You passed away before calumny's uncertainty about you cleared,
Nor did sins cleave to you.

٢٣. ومؤمِّلون أَناخَ شعْثَ رِكابهمْ
بفِنائِهِ الإنفاضُ والإعدامُ

24. Only the hearts - they now quake with grief
For your day, and tears flow copiously.

٢٤. بكروا ليستلبوا الغِنى ويروّحوا
فحلا لهمْ ثمرُ النّدى فأقاموا

25. What! By the tomb you were made to dwell,
Should no cloud pass over its soil?

٢٥. يا نازحاً فَضَلَ الأكابر ناشئاً
وجنى ثمارَ السِّنِّ وهْوَ غلامُ

26. It should suffice it, when life lies frozen, your own pouring,
As clouds mass, or rain pours in torrents.

٢٦. تَزْوَرُّ عن صَبَواته سُنَنُ الصِّبا
وتطيح عن خَلَواته الآثامُ

27. Or that no garden adjoins his tomb, while yours,
By your eminence, is a garden and haven.

٢٧. وَقَضى ولم تقض اللبانةُ رِيبةً
منه ولا عَلِقَتْ به الأَجرامُ

28. Or that no friends visit him, while by you
Stands one greeting and invocation to God.

٢٨. أمّا القلوبُ فإِنّهنّ رواجِفٌ
حزناً ليومك والدّموعُ سِجامُ

29. A grave that rends hearts - and before it
Tombs themselves are rent asunder.

٢٩. ماذا على الجَدَثِ الّذي أُسكنتَهُ
أَلاّ يمرَّ على ثراه غمامُ

30. Defiled before it are inviolable spirits,
While, beside it, cattle themselves are defiled.

٣٠. يكفيه منك السّكبُ إِنْ جَمَدَ الحَيا
والمستهلّ إِذا السّحابُ جَهامُ

31. We are here but for demise; it is but
The days that delude us with their passage.

٣١. أو لا يجاورَ روضةً وضريحُهُ
منه بعَرْفِك روضةٌ ومُدامُ

32. And if you reflect upon time you find it
Fleeting, with the days of life but ill.

٣٢. أو لا يُحيّيه الرّفاقُ وعاكفٌ
للَّه منه تحيّةٌ وسلامُ

33. We rise and retire laughing, but it is
Morn and eve that laugh at our weeping.

٣٣. قبرٌ تُشَقُّ له القلوبُ وقبله
عند القبور تُشقّق الأهدامُ

34. We rejoice at the new year, but it is the years
That pace us inexorably towards demise.

٣٤. وتُعَقَّرُ المُهجُ الحرامُ حِيالَهُ
وسواه تُعقر عنده الأنعامُ

35. Each day, one of us strides toward the belly of the earth, to our place of rest,
A visitor never to return, irredeemably gone.

٣٥. ما نَحنُ إِلّا للفناءِ وإِنّما
تغترّنا بمرورها الأيّامُ

36. So entrust to us the protected kingdom of the King of Kings,
With you holding its reins fast from disasters.

٣٦. ومتى تأمّلْتَ الزّمانَ وجَدْتَهُ
أَجَلاً وأَيّامُ الحياةِ سَقامُ

37. Fate refuses as you refuse, and does not
Cease to flow as the Pens decree.

٣٧. نُضحِي ونُمسي ضاحكين وإِنّما
لبكائنا الإصباحُ والإظلامُ

38. Success and prosperity to those you befriend,
Subjugation and oppression to those you loathe.

٣٨. ونُسَرُّ بالعام الجديد وإنّما
تسري بنا نحو الرّدى الأعوامُ

39. For the kingdom - since its affairs were raised unto you -
Is inviolable by all men.

٣٩. في كلّ يومٍ زَوْرَةٌ من صاحبٍ
منّا إلى بطن الثّرى ومقامُ