
My youth has been exposed by gray hair, so it is disgraced

فضح الشيب شبابي فافتضح

1. My youth has been exposed by gray hair, so it is disgraced
And my heart is hurt by it, then wounded again

١. فَضحَ الشّيب شبابي فَاِفتَضَحْ
ونَكا قلبي به ثمّ جَرَحْ

2. Seriousness has now come to me after jest,
And pursuing seriousness is for he who once jested

٢. جدَّ لِي من بعد مزحٍ صبغُهُ
ورَكوبُ الجِدِّ من كان مَزَحْ

3. So my enemy is healed of me and satisfied
And saw all that he had wished for

٣. فَاِشتَفى منِّي عَدوِّي وَاِكتَفى
وَرَأى كلَّ الَّذي كانَ اِقتَرحْ

4. And sins that were forgiven me
Return, for all who once forgave relapse

٤. وَذنوبٌ كُنَّ لِي مغفورةً
عاد فيها كلُّ من كان صَفحْ

5. Whenever I call him toward me, he goes away
And if I say come near me, he recoils

٥. كُلّما ناديتُهُ نَحوي مضى
وَإِذا قلتُ دنا مِنِّي اِنتَزحْ

6. By Him who cleared my worries from me
When the solution came after adversity

٦. والّذي طيّر عنِّي غُمَمِي
حين وافى حَلَّهُ بعدُ جَلَحْ

7. So you are all amazed at me
That I love the night and do not desire the morning

٧. فَاِعجَبوا كُلّكُمُ مِنّي إذنْ
أَعشقُ اللّيلَ ولا أهوى الصُّبُحْ