1. What mourner mourned for me, what mourner?
Allah did not strike His people with deception
١. أيُّ ناعٍ نعاهُ لِي أيُّ ناعِ
لا رَمى اللَّهُ شَعْبَه باِنصِداعِ
2. He did not pasture me, though the people oft pastured
Our hearts frightened by trembling
٢. لم يَرُعْنِي وطالما أتْرَعَ النّا
عون فينا قلوبنا باِرتياعِ
3. No, no pain to my heart with what he said
But he cured my pains with it
٣. لا ولا موجِعاً لقلبي بما قا
ل ولكنْ داوى به أوجاعِي
4. And indeed I said, when I heard what I had
Hoped for Allah, the pearl of the mourner
٤. ولقد قلتُ إذْ سمعتُ الّذي كن
تُ أُرَجِّي للّه دَرُّ النّاعي
5. Good news gladdening my heart, though it was
Grieved, exciting my dwelling
٥. خبرٌ مُبهجٌ لقلبي وَقَد كا
ن كئيباً مؤرِّجٌ لرِباعي
6. I never ceased hating every harbinger
Of death until the mourner mourned
٦. لَم أَزَلْ مُبغضاً لكلِّ نذيرٍ
للمنايا حتّى نعاه النّاعي
7. He gladdened the heart with the glad tidings, not still
Alive with asking and pleasure
٧. أمْتَعَ القلبَ بالبشارة لا زا
ل مُحَيّاً بالسُّؤْلِ والإمتاعِ
8. And if I could I would share my lifetime
Then my riches and pleasure and possessions
٨. ولو اِنّي اِستطعتُ شاطرتُ عمري
ثُمَّ ذُخرى ومُتعتي ومَتاعي
9. For him, and rights should be wrapped up and tended
Every right upon me, not neglected
٩. فلَهُ والحقوقُ تلفى وتُرعى
كلُّ حقٍّ عليَّ غيرُ مُضاعِ
10. Indeed an illness that destroyed whoever was
To the world an illness, the lord of pains
١٠. إنّ داءً أودى بمن كان للعا
لَمِ داءً لسَيِّدُ الأوجاعِ
11. The mine of hypocrisy has passed and the root of
Deceit from us, and head of all cheating
١١. قد مضى مَعْدِنُ النّفاقِ وأصلُ ال
مَيْنِ عنّا ورأسُ كلِّ خِداعِ
12. And I who was in a mask, when he
Was lost, I cast off my mask
١٢. والّذي كنتُ في قناعٍ فلمّا
ضلَّ هُلْكاً ألقيتُ عنِّي قِناعي
13. You were selling me short while alive
And you were shrouded in dust and lengthened my sale
١٣. كان باعِي وأنتَ حيٌّ قصيراً
وثوَيتَ الثَّرى فطوّلتَ باعي
14. And you wanted harm upon me, and God sufficed
In place of my harm, my benefiting
١٤. وأرَدْتَ الضَّرّاءَ لِي وكفى الل
هُ فأَوْلى مكانَ ضَرّي اِنتِفاعي
15. And my plain filled up from the meadows as I
Desired, not with my retrieving
١٥. وَرَمَتْنِي السّهامُ منك ولكنْ
لم تَضِرْني واللّهُ من أَدراعي
16. And God's fighting off from me, O my friend
As you see, sufficed me apart from my fighting
١٦. كلُّ شكري لأنّنِي نلتُ ما كن
تُ أُرَجِّي باللّهِ لا باِصطِناعي
17. Destinies battled you from me though
I am valiant and you are not valiant
١٧. وكُفِيتُ المكروهَ منك وشيكاً
بِدفاعِ الإِله لا بِدِفاعي
18. And God cast in your darkness when
It covered all the people entirely
١٨. واِمتلا رَبْعِيَ الجديبُ من الخِصْ
ب كما أَشتَهيه لا بِاِنتِجاعي
19. And trees you planted hastily reaped as a
Gift from God alone, by uprooting
١٩. وقِراعُ الإلهِ عنِّيَ أغنى
يا خليلي كما ترى عن قِراعي
20. And if you built and emigrated still my
Yearning for you and quarrel with you will not cease
٢٠. حَارَبَتْكَ الأقدارُ عنّي على أن
ني شجاعٌ وأنتَ غيرُ شجاعِ
21. And whenever I am asked of you, my saying
Is may he who tends, tend to the tender
٢١. وَرمَى اللَّه في ظلامك لمّا
غَشِيَ النّاسَ كلَّهم باِنقِشاعِ
22. And hearts stony in death with worries
Did not grow soft towards you in coming to you
٢٢. وغُروسٌ غرستَها عوجِلَتْ مَن
ناً منَ اللّه وحدَهُ باِنقلاعِ
23. To you a bit of all good, for I
Devoted myself to only evil with toil
٢٣. ولَئِنْ بِنْتَ واِغتَربتَ فما عن
دك شَوقي ولا إِليك نِزاعي
24. Indeed betrayal which did not spare you
From its disloyalty whatever pierced my chest
٢٤. ومتى ما سُئِلتُ عنك فقولِي
لا رعاهُ في طَرْفِهِ مَنْ يُراعِي
25. And my delusion with you in the morning, as
A mirage deluded with its shimmering
٢٥. وقلوبٌ حُشين في الموت باللّوْ
عاتِ ما خُرْنَ فيك بالإلتِياعِ
26. And God made wretched whoever was not in him
Good in ease or breadth
٢٦. لك نَزْرٌ من كلّ خيرٍ فإنّي
كِلْتُ للشّرِّ وحدَه بالصّاعِ
27. And if I clung to him, my clinging
To the side of a wanderer, by your life, wandering
٢٧. إنّ غدراً ثوى فلم تخلُ أضلا
عُكَ منه ما اِجتازَ في أضلاعي
28. There was between what I hated and loved
Only a short time
٢٨. وغروري بك الغداةَ كما غَر
رَ سرابٌ بوَمْضِهِ اللمّاعِ
29. And God sufficed me the hated from you swiftly
By the defense of God, not my defense
٢٩. وَلَحا اللّهُ كلَّ مَن ليس فيهِ ال
خيرُ في ضيقةٍ ولا في اِتّساعِ
30. And my dwelling filled from the meadows as I
Desired, not with my retrieving
٣٠. وإذا ما عَلِقتُهُ فعُلوقِي
بجنابِ هاعٍ لعمرُك لاعِ
31. And God's fighting off from me, my friend
As you see, sufficed me apart from my fighting
٣١. لم يكنْ بين ما كرهتُ وما أح
ببتُ إلّا وقتٌ قصيرُ السّاعِ
32. Destinies battled you against me though
I am valiant and you are not valiant
٣٢. وَكَفاني الإلهُ شرَّ اِمرئٍ لي
س يُراعي من التُّقى ما أراعي
33. And God cast in your darkness when
It covered all the people entirely
٣٣. إنّ عُلْواً لا يستحقّ كسُفْلٍ
واِرتِفاعاً لا يَنبغِي كاِتّضاعِ
34. And vines you planted hastily reaped as a
Gift from God and Him alone, by uprooting
٣٤. ولَئِنْ فزتَ بالمرادِ فكم كف
فٍ أتاها اليَسارُ غيرِ صَناعِ
35. And if you built and emigrated still my
Yearning for you and quarrel with you will not cease
٣٥. ليت ما كان بيننا لم يكن كا
ن قديماً من إلْفَةٍ واِجتماعِ
36. And whenever I am asked of you, my saying
Is may he who tends, tend to the tender
٣٦. بعتنِي بالرّخيص من غير أن أن
كُثَ عهداً أو أنْ يحين بِياعي
37. And hearts stony in death with worries
Did not grow soft towards you in coming to you
٣٧. وسيدرِي مَن باعني بحقيرٍ
أيُّ غبنٍ عليه من مبتاعي
38. To you a bit of all good, for I
Devoted myself to only evil with toil
٣٨. وإذا ما جهلت فخرى وجودي
بين كفّيك طاب فيه ضيَاعي
39. Indeed betrayal that did not spare you
From its disloyalty whatever pierced my chest
٣٩. ضاع ودّي من لم يكنْ أهل ودّي
وشقيٌّ غادٍ بودٍّ مُضاعِ
40. And my delusion with you in the morning, as
A mirage deluded with its shimmering
٤٠. قد أتاني الوعيدُ منك فما فك
كرتُ فيهِ ولا أضاق ذراعي
41. And God made wretched whoever was not in him
Good in ease or breadth
٤١. كانَ مِثلَ الضَّياحِ في القاعِ طَوْراً
وحكى تارةً ثُغاءَ الرّاعي
42. And if I clung to him, my clinging
To the side of a wanderer, by your life, wandering
٤٢. وعلى ذا مضى الزّمانُ فحيٌّ
غيرُ ساهٍ وميّتٌ غيرُ داعِ
43. There was between what I hated and loved
Only a short time
٤٣. كَيف قدّرتَ أنّنِي من أُناسٍ
قُدْتَهمْ نحو حَيْنِهمْ باِختداعِ
44. And God sufficed me the hated from you swiftly
By the defense of God, not my defense
٤٤. حاشَ للّهِ أنْ أكون سريعاً
ومجيباً من الورى كلَّ داعِ
45. And my plain filled from the meadows as I
Desired, not with my retrieving
٤٥. وغبينٌ مَن هاج منِّي لساناً
مثلَ حدِّ الحسامِ يومَ المِصاعِ
46. And God's fighting off from me, my friend
As you see, sufficed me apart from my fighting
٤٦. ورجا والرّجاءُ نحسٌ وسعدٌ
ليَّ رُمْحٍ يومَ الوغى بِيَراعِ
47. You battled me with arrows, but they
Did no harm, and God is my armor
٤٧. وتعاطى جهالةً منه تروي
عَ جَنانٍ ما كان بالمرتاعِ
48. All my thanks that I attained what I
Had hoped for with Allah, not my doing
٤٨. ولوادٍ حَلَلْتَ فيه جَديبٌ
بك نائي الإخصابِ والإمراعِ
49. And I had enough hated from you soon
By the defense of God, not mine
٤٩. لَيس فيهِ إلّا الجُنابُ لراجٍ
يرتجيه أو الهشيمُ لراعِ
50. And my dwelling filled from meadows as I wished, not
With effort, and repelling of God sufficed me, O friend
٥٠. وصدىً لم يَطُفْ به قطُّ إرْوا
ءٌ وجوعٌ لم يُرْوِ بالإشباعِ
51. Destinies battled you against me though
I am bold and you are not bold
٥١. بين وَهْدٍ غُبْرِ المتون وهَيْها
تَ وِهادٌ مغبرّةٌ من قِلاعِ
52. And God cast in your darkness when
It covered all the people, the lifting of blindness
٥٢. ليس يرميه آملٌ برجاءٍ
لا وَلا يَنتَحيه سعيٌ لساعِ
53. And trees you planted hastily were harvest
Gifts from God alone, by uprooting
٥٣. وَإِذا ما أُلْفِيتَ فيه فما يل
قاك إِلّا بباخلٍ منّاعِ
54. And if you built and emigrated, still my
Longing for you, no enmity toward you
٥٤. مَجْثَمُ اليأْسِ والقُنوط فما في
هِ مَزارٌ لجاثلِ الأطماعِ
55. Whenever asked of you, I say
May he who tends, tend to one who needs tending
٥٥. وبوُدِّي أنْ لم يكن لِيَ تعري
جٌ إليه ولا عليه اِطّلاعي
56. And stony hearts, when dead worries
Did not grow tender toward you in coming to you
٥٦. وإذا ما بقيتَ فاِجتنب الغا
بَ محلَّ الرّدى ومَطْوَى السِّباعِ
57. For you a bit of all good, for I
Devoted myself to evil alone, with toil
٥٧. ودعِ الإِغترارَ بالسِّلْمِ فالسِّلْ
مُ طريقٌ إلى ركوبِ القِراعِ
58. If betrayal lodged in him, its disloyalty
Did not spare you, piercing my ribs
٥٨. إِنّنِي وحدِيَ الّذي لو تأمّلْ
تَ ملأتُ الوادي بغُرِّ المساعي
59. And my delusion with you in the morning, like
A mirage's deceptive shimmer
٥٩. واِتّباعي ما كان قطُّ لخَلْقٍ
وأولو الفضلِ كلُّهمْ أتباعي
60. God made wretched those not good
In ease or scope
٦٠. وغبينٌ مَن ليس يعلم شيئاً
بعيانٍ يُرى ولا بسَماعِ
61. And if I clung to him, my clinging
To one wandering, by your life, wandering
٦١. أيُّ فضلٍ في العقل غيرُ مطاعٍ
واِنتِفاعٌ بالقلب ليس بواعِ
62. Between what I hated and loved
Only a brief time
٦٢. وإذا ما مررتُ يوماً على قب
رك شرِّ القبورِ في شرِّ قاعِ
63. God spared me what I hated from you swiftly
By His defense, not mine
٦٣. قلتُ لا مَسَّكَ النَّسيمُ ولا اِعتا
دك نَوْءٌ من واكِفٍ همّاعِ
64. And my plain the meadows filled, as I wished
Not by my retrieving
٦٤. وعداك السّلامُ والرَّوحُ والرَّحْ
مةُ من فائضِ الجَدا النّفّاعِ
65. God's repelling from me, O friend
Sufficed, as you see, beyond my fighting
٦٥. وسُقِيتَ العَذابَ لا العَذْبَ والزَّلْ
زالَ تأتي به يدُ الزَّعْزاعِ
66. You never considered me one of those
You led to their time by deceiving
٦٦. وإِذا جوزِيَ الأنامُ فلا جو
زيتَ إِلّا بالمؤلمِ اللّذّاعِ