1. Among the joys is that you die when
Your enviers and enemies have passed away before you.
١. وَمِنَ السَّعادةِ أَن تَموتَ وَقَد مَضى
مِن قبلكَ الحُسّادُ والأعداءُ
2. For he who was deprived of his wish, his endurance is his survival,
And for him who attained his wish, his end is his survival.
٢. فَبَقاءُ مَن حُرِمَ المرادَ فناؤُه
وفناءُ من بلغ المرادَ بقاءُ
3. People are of differing conditions,
Yet when destruction comes, they are equal.
٣. وَالنّاسُ مُختَلِفونَ في أَحوالِهم
وَهُمُ إِذا جاءَ الرّدى أكفاءُ
4. Seekers of what perishes and leaves it to
One who does not appreciate your toil and exertion.
٤. وَطِلابُ ما تفنى وَتتركُهُ على
مَن لَيسَ يَشكرُ ما صَنعتَ عناءُ