
O quencher of my night, the night of separation,

يا سقى الله ليلتي ليلة السب

1. O quencher of my night, the night of separation,
With not mere water but drink you sated it.

١. يا سَقى اللَّه لَيلتي لَيلة السّبْ
تِ زُلالاً لا بل سقاها شرابا

2. A night that brought near one far away,
Gave longed-for boon, returned the absent dear;

٢. لَيلةٌ قرّبت بعيداً وأعطتْ
مُتَمَنّىً وأقدمتْ غُيّابا

3. And we regained our days of old, as though
After our greying, we regained our youth.

٣. وَاِرتَجَعنا زَمانَنا وكأنّا
بَعد شَيبٍ منّا اِرتَجَعنا الشّبابا