
Why have you today filled my chest with doubt

ما ارتبت منكم على مر الزمان فلم

1. Why have you today filled my chest with doubt
When I never arranged from you over the years of time

١. ما اِرتبتُ منكمْ على مرِّ الزّمانِ فلِمْ
ملأتُمُ اليومَ أضلاعي من الرِّيَبِ

2. And I was truthful to you until I saw you had
No lies from me, not even a bit

٢. وقد صَدقتُكُمُ حتّى رأيتُ لكمْ
وما كذبتكُمُ حظّاً من الكَذب

3. What good is it for me to choose your love
A burden I bear, yet never succeed in seeking

٣. ما خِيرَ لِي في اِختياري وُدّكمْ وَزَرٌ
آوِي إليه ولا أنجحتُ في الطّلبِ

4. And I was close to you before your betrayal
So I became further than a grandfather from playing

٤. وكنت منكمْ قريباً قبل غدركُمُ
فصرتُ أبْعَدَ من جِدٍّ إلى اللّعِبِ

5. Do not boast of riches made easy for you
No good after loss of honor by greed

٥. فلا تُدِلّوا بإثراءٍ أُتيحَ لكمْ
لا خَيرَ بعدَ اِفتِقارِ العِرْضِ بالنَّشَبِ

6. It would not harm you to grant me your kindness
So what favor have I missed to grant

٦. ما ضرّكمْ لو وهبتمْ لِي جميلَكُمُ
فأيُّ شيءٍ من الإجمال لم أهَبِ

7. I thought you were, and guessing is tempting,
Glory for the disgraced or haven for the troubled

٧. قَد كنتُ أَحسبكمْ والظنُّ مَطْمَعَةٌ
عزّاً لِذي الذُلِّ أو حِرْزاً لذِي العَطَبِ

8. Until I accompanied you in ignorance of your good
Then I tested and found you the worst company

٨. حتّى صحبتُكُمُ جهلاً بخيرِكُمُ
ثمَّ اِختبرتُ فَكنتمْ شَرَّ مُصْطَحَبِ

9. If only you had not offered me your friendship
And if only I had been invited yet never answered

٩. فَليتكمْ ما عرضتُمْ لي مودَّتكم
وَلَيتَني كنتُ مدعوّاً فلمْ أُجبِ

10. And I was often absent from your benefit ashamed
Yet lived near you, never absent

١٠. وطالما غِبتُمُ عن نفعِكمْ خَوَراً
وكنتُ منهُ قريبَ الدّار لم أغبِ

11. Indeed he who straightened then bent
And slipped from his path and strayed

١١. إنَّ الّذي اِعوجَّ من بعد اِستقامتِهِ
وَاِنسَلَّ من وَطَري فيه ومِنْ أرَبِي

12. I shook your love from my palm and it had yellowed
And I returned from your home walking backwards

١٢. نَفضتُ مِن وُدِّه كفّي وقد صَفِرَتْ
وَعُدتُ من دارهِ أَمشي إلى العَقِبِ