
In times like these, patience and fortitude are stirred,

في مثلها يستثار الصبر والجلد

1. In times like these, patience and fortitude are stirred,
And in them, determination demands what it finds.

١. في مِثلِها يُستَثارُ الصَّبرُ والجَلَدُ
وعندها يَتقاضى الحزمُ ما يَجِدُ

2. Trouble is naught but to be confronted by us,
While we, oblivious to it, remain far removed.

٢. وَما الرزيَّةُ إلّا أَنْ تُلِمَّ بنا
وَنَحنُ لاهونَ عنها غُفَّلٌ بُعُدُ

3. Like sheep grazing in waste terrain,
The shepherd slept while the lion awakened.

٣. مثلُ السّوامِ رَعَى في أرض مَضْيَعةٍ
نامَ المُسِيمُ بِها وَاِستَيقظَ الأسدُ

4. Adversity walks veiled, not revealing it,
While cold chance hovers over it.

٤. تَمشي الضَّراءَ وهامٌ لا تُخَمِرُّها
محلّقٌ فوقهنّ العارِضُ البَرَدُ

5. Man's days are but detention,
until death comes to take him unawares.

٥. وإنّما المرءُ في الأيّامِ مُحتَبَسٌ
على المنيّةِ تأتيهِ ومُقتَعَدُ

6. He strives though only toward his grave,
Deeming himself supported, or how else supported?

٦. يَسعى وَلَم يسعَ إلّا نَحوَ حُفرتِهِ
يخالُ معتمداً أو كيف يعتمدُ

7. He roamed lands, evading his death sites,
Yet one land among them encompassed his death site.

٧. جاب البلادَ وعدّى عن مصارعِهِ
فَاِختطّ مَصرعَه مِنْ بينها بَلدُ

8. How can a man escape the cords of woe
When deaths throng him afterwards in hosts?

٨. وَكَيف يَنجو حِبالاتِ الرّدى رجلٌ
مُستَجمعٌ للمنايا بعده بَدَدُ

9. We knew we were a folk eaten away,
Sought by death sometimes, at others missed.

٩. وَقَد عَلِمنا بِأنّا مَعشرٌ أُكُلٌ
للموتِ نُوجَدُ أحياناً ونُفتَقَدُ

10. One who knows not what tomorrow holds for him
Will not rest tonight in apathy ever.

١٠. يَرتاحُ نحوَ غدٍ من غفلةٍ أبداً
مَنْ ليس يدرِي بما تجنِي عليهِ غَدُ

11. How many honored ones have we lost, no return for them,
Cast down from the sublime lodging, and we miss them!

١١. كَم ذا فَقَدنا كراماً لا إِيابَ لهمْ
حُطّوا منَ المَنزلِ الأعلى وَنفتَقِدُ

12. Their lips tasted the savor of woe in the end,
While midst them honey had oft flowed.

١٢. ذاقَتْ شِفاهُهُمُ طعمَ الرّدى مَقِراً
وَطالَما كانَ يَجري بينها الشَّهَدُ

13. How we frequented them! - but our visiting availed not
When the fates swooped down on them.

١٣. وَكَم وَرَدْنا وَما تُغْنِي ورادَتنا
إنّا وردنا وأُعْفُوا مُرَّ ما وردوا

14. Neither what they hoarded to defend against misery
Nor their mustering availed them.

١٤. لم يُغنِ عنهمْ وقد همّ الحِمامُ بهمْ
ما جَمّعوا لدفاعِ البُؤْسِ وَاِحتَشدوا

15. No matter how ample his plenty,
It avails not the youth when his term is done.

١٥. وَلَيسَ يُجدِي وَإِنْ أَرْبى بكثرتِهِ
عَلى الفَتى مَدَداً إِذا اِنقَضتْ مُدَدُ

16. As if, when their span had stretched out long for them,
Having marched to death, they had not been born!

١٦. كَأنّهمْ بَعد ما اِمتدَّ الزّمانُ لَهمْ
لِما مَضوا في سبيلِ المَوتِ ما وُلِدوا

17. So we weep for their traces in anguish,
Saying, "Do not leave us!" though they have left.

١٧. فَنَحنُ نَبكي عَلى آثارهمْ جَزَعاً
نَقولُ لا تبعُدوا عنّا وقد بَعُدوا

18. Say to the minister - none but you to rouse him -
While to others appeal slumber and torpor.

١٨. قُلْ لِلوَزير سواك المرءُ نوقظُهُ
وَسمعَ غيرِكَ يَغشى العَذْلُ والفَنَدُ

19. How long will you brood on the past in sorrow?
The fates have reaped their harvest; no sense or leader!

١٩. حَتّى مَتى أَنتَ فيما فات مُكتئِبٌ
جَنَى الحِمامُ فلا عَقْلٌ ولا قَوَدُ

20. Leave off pursuing the life you spent,
Which death and doom have terminated and ended.

٢٠. دَعِ التتبّع للعُمرِ الّذي قطعتْ
عَنه الحياةَ المنايا وَاِنتَهى الأمدُ

21. Grieve for it only while you hope to regain it;
If you despair of it, then neither grief nor toil!

٢١. ما دُمتَ تطمعُ فيه فَاِحزنَنَّ له
فإنْ يَئِسْتَ فلا حُزْنٌ ولا كَمَدُ

22. Hold back your tears, do not let them flow freely,
For one prodigal sheds them, while one is frugal.

٢٢. وَاِستبقِ دمعَك لا تذهبْ به سَرَفاً
فمسرفٌ فيه يُضحِي وهو مقتصدُ

23. If you are distraught that a hand has reached out to you,
By my life, no hand has reached out to you!

٢٣. وإنْ جَزِعتَ لأَنْ مدّت إليك يدٌ
فبالّذي عشتَ ما مُدّت إليك يَدُ

24. That parents should drink death to the dregs
Is that their children may live safe from it.

٢٤. ومُنيةُ الوالدين الدّهرَ أجمعَهُ
أنْ يكرعا الموتَ حتّى يسلمَ الولَدُ