
Tears are shed on the likes of him,

على مثله تذرى العيون دماء

1. Tears are shed on the likes of him,
No mourner feels shy shedding tears over him.

١. عَلى مثلهِ تُذرى العيونُ دماء
فَلا يَحتَشِم باكٍ عَليهِ بُكاءا

2. And say to him whose affairs shed tears,
Let tears flow however you want.

٢. وَقُل لِلّذي سَحّت شؤونُ دُموعِهِ
دَعِ الدمعَ يَجري كَيفَ شِئتَ وشَاءا

3. Do not prevent the eyelids from pouring out
Whatever is in them of delight.

٣. وَلا تَمنعِ الأجفانَ سَحَّا فكلّما
هَرَقْنَ الّذي فيهنَّ عُدنَ ملاءا

4. Today is just a day of sorrow and agony,
So leave us grieving and refusing consolation.

٤. فَما اليوم إِلّا يَومُ حُزنٍ وَلَوعَةٍ
فَخلِّ حِراناً في الأَسى وَإِباءا

5. If you are inclined to modesty, do not obey
Your zeal in this calamity, modesty.

٥. وَإِن كُنتَ طَوْعاً لِلحَياءِ فَلا تُطِعْ
بِجَدّك في هَذا المُصابِ حَياءا

6. Call sincerely I do not like sincere advice,
And say to a consoler I do not want condolences.

٦. وَنادِ نَصيحاً لا أُحبُّ نصيحةً
وَقُل لِمعَزٍّ لا أريدُ عَزاءا

7. Can I have hope after the bereavement of Muhammad's son
Who was like a shining full moon?

٧. أَمِن بعدِ فجعِ الموتِ بِاِبن مُحمّدٍ
وَكانَ كَصدر المشرَفيِّ مَضاءا

8. Do I hope to gain wealth in the lands of execution?
And expect life in the abode of extinction?

٨. أُرجّي بِأوطانِ العَدامة ثَروةً
وَآمل في دارِ الفناءِ بَقاءا

9. I buried sweet brotherhood when I buried him.
So I shall not live as a flourishing brotherhood.

٩. دَفَنتُ الإِخاءَ العذب لمّا دَفنتهُ
فَلَستُ بباغٍ ما حييتُ إخاءا

10. He was only carrying the burden of his people
When they wronged him, he would light up for them.

١٠. وَما كانَ إِلّا حامِلاً ثِقْلَ قومهِ
إِذا أَظلَموا يَوماً عليهِ أَضاءا

11. He was neither timid nor was his firewood
Made of date palm branches if they provoked him.

١١. وَلَم يكُ خَوّاراً وَلا كانَ عُودُهُ
إِذا عَجموهُ بِالنيوبِ أَباءا

12. They knew he endured agonies and he knew them
With clarity despite their betrayal and loyalty.

١٢. يَعِلُّونَه ما يُجتَوى ويَعِلُّهمْ
صَفاءً عَلى تَرنيقِهم وَوفاءا

13. He was quick to carry what burdened him of their affairs
Even if they were slow towards him.

١٣. وَيُسرع نَهّاضاً بما آدَ ثِقلُه
إِلَيهم وَإِن كانوا عَليه بِطاءا

14. Of what pained me is that I lost you suddenly
While my heart brimmed with hope.

١٤. وَمِمّا شَجا أنّي رُزِئتك بَغتةً
وَقَد كنتُ مَملوءَ الفُؤادِ رَجاءا

15. Men wished they could ransom you but rarely
Do receivers of pigeons accept ransom.

١٥. وَودَّ رِجالٌ لَو فَدَوْك وقلّما
تَقبّل وُرّادُ الحِمامِ فِداءا

16. Indeed after harm and great numbers
My people fulfilled the rulings of tribulations.

١٦. أَلا إِنَّ قَومي بعدَ بَأسٍ وَكَثرةٍ
قَضَوا بِفُنونِ الحادِثاتِ قَضاءا

17. They turned back after they were pillars of greatness
And were cures for the agonies of time.

١٧. رَدوا بعدَ أَن كانوا سدادَ عظيمةٍ
وَكانوا لأوجاعِ الزّمانِ شِفاءا

18. They went astray like the dispersing stars of delusion
Though they had memorized the scrolls of narration.

١٨. وولَّوا كما انقضّت نجومُ دُجُنَّةٍ
وقد أترعوا صُحفَ الرّواة ثناءا

19. When they passed away, plunging into the ways of loss
They turned the dawn of honors into night.

١٩. وَلَمّا مَضوا يَهوُون في سنَنِ الرّدى
أَحالوا صباحَ المَكرُمات مَساءا