1. My heart saddened on the eve of departure, a gazelle
And gazelles of the wilderness are the prey of men.
١. صاد قلبي عشيّةَ النّفْرِ ظبْيٌ
وظِباءُ الفلاة صيدُ الرّجالِ
2. With a guide, though the heart dwells only
As the guide willed and desired.
٢. ذو دلالٍ وإنّما يسكن القل
بَ كَما شاء واِشتهى ذو دَلالِ
3. I spend the night complaining of the anguish of his estrangement
Turning away from my visit and union.
٣. بتُّ أشكو إلى وَلوعٍ بهجري
نافرٍ عن زيارتي ووصالي
4. Hoping for his promise though he broke his word
And made me forget your kindness through long absence.
٤. راجياً وعدَه وإنْ أخلف الوع
دَ وأنساك طِيبَه بالمطالِ