
Take me, my Lord, to those whom You have chosen,

أقلني ربي بالذين اصطفيتهم

1. Take me, my Lord, to those whom You have chosen,
And You told us they are the best of all I have created.

١. أقِلْنِيَ ربّي بالّذين اِصطفيتَهُمْ
وقلتَ لنا هم خيرُ مَنْ أنَا خالقُ

2. If I have fallen short in striving for piety,
With them, if You will, I will catch up before You.

٢. وإنْ كنتُ قد قصّرتُ سعياً إلى التُّقى
فإنّي بهمْ إنْ شئتَ عندك لاحقُ

3. They saved me when terrors drove me to them,
And misfortunes were charging at me like predators.

٣. هُمُ أنقذوا لمّا فَزِعتُ إليهمُ
وقد صَمّمت نحوي النُّيوبُ العوارقُ

4. They pulled me by the hand from harm,
And calamities were knocking at my door insistently.

٤. وهم جَذَبوا ضَبْعي إليهمْ من الأذى
وقد طرقتْ بابي الخطوبُ الطّوارقُ

5. Without them I’d have gained no fortune in religion,
Nor would straits have expanded for me therein.

٥. ولولاهُمُ ما نلتُ في الدِّينِ حُظوَةً
وَلا اِتّسَعَتْ فيه عليَّ المضائقُ

6. Nor would my merits have journeyed westwards through them,
Nor soared among them the east winds.

٦. ولا سيّرتْ فضلي إليها مغاربٌ
ولا طَيَّرَتْهُ بينهنّ مشارقُ

7. Nor would my heart have made of all mankind
A homeland, where truths might find refuge.

٧. ولا صَيّرتْ قلبي من النّاسِ كلّهمْ
لَها وَطَناً تأوي إليه الحقائقُ