1. O King of kings, He whom you have blessed me with grace and care,
Has come to me and sent calling me to praise, my head is crowned, bracelets in hand,
١. أيا ملكَ الأملاكِ قَد جاءني الّذي
حبَوْتَ به من نعمةٍ وتعهّدِ
2. And I have no adornment besides the rags of my clothes and the strings of beads around my neck.
No rhythm did I delay which you addressed between these people at every gathering,
٢. وأرسلتَ تستدعِي المديحَ وإنّه
لرأسِيَ تاجٌ والسّواران في يدِي
3. Except illness which you protected me from, and I am content that I ransom myself for your sake.
My diction has been impaired by that which I complained of,
٣. ولم يكن التّشريفُ لِي دَرَّ درُّه
سوى خزّ أثوابِي ودُرِّ مقلَّدي
4. And I do not approve any saying about you that is not excellently crafted.
The tongue has no speech to utter, nor can the fettered foot walk.
٤. وما أخّرَ النَّظْمَ الّذي كنتَ خاطباً
به بين هذا الخلق في كلِّ مشهدِ
5. How can I, in my feeble state, praise the one whose praise has been my days and nights of worship?
I originate deeds through him above every doer,
٥. سوى مرضٍ حوشيتَ منه وإنّني
لراضٍ بأنّي للأذى عنك مُفتدِ
6. And with him I surpass in words every poet.
And how many eulogies of your loftiness excel,
٦. وحال عن التّجويدِ ما قد شكوتُه
ولم أرضَ قولاً فيكَ غيرَ مجوَّدِ
7. Triumphing over the compositions of all other eulogists,
Journeying east and west with ease,
٧. وليس لمعقول اللّسانِ مقالةٌ
تُقالُ ولا مَشْىٌ لرجلِ المقيَّدِ
8. Traversing every land and wilderness,
And pleasing to the ears of those who listen,
٨. وَكَيفَ اِطّراحِي مدحَ مَن كان مدحُه
به الدّهرَ تسبيحي وطولُ تهجّدِي
9. As the tunes of the lutanist pleased the drinker of wine.
If the warbler trills sadly with them,
٩. أصولُ به فعلاً على كلِّ فاعلٍ
وأزهى به قولاً على كلّ منشدِ
10. You forget the cooing of the love-lorn dove.
I have served you as an old man for thirty pilgrimages,
١٠. وكم لِيَ في مدحِي عُلاكَ قصائدٌ
فَضَلْنَ اِفتِخاراً نَظْمَ كلِّ مُقصِّدِ
11. Going as you wish of me, content.
No slip have I relied on from you, so why should that come from a willful hand?
١١. يَسِرْن عَلى الأكوار شرقاً ومغرباً
وَيَقطعنَ فينا كلَّ بَرٍّ وفَدْفَدِ
12. I have only rolled up my sleeves in your satisfaction,
And only stripped myself in your love.
١٢. ويُطربن مَن أصغى لهنَّ بسمعِه
كما أطربتْ ذا الخمرِ ألحانُ مَعبدِ
13. Night's veil falls from me as I traverse its expanse,
Supplicating with what you desire, eyes pressed in prayer.
١٣. فإنْ غرَّد الشادِي بهنَّ تنغُّماً
تناسيتَ تغريد الحَمامِ المغرّدِ
14. I know my prayers are answered in truth of my loyalty and purity of my devotion.
You held the halter on me long ago,
١٤. خَدَمتُكَ كَهلاً مُذ ثلاثون حجّةً
أروح بما ترضاه مِنِّي وأغتدِي
15. So take my bridle now, pardoned with a renewed sovereignty.
As for our lordship your sons, they have ascended
١٥. ولم تكُ منِّي هفوةٌ ما اِعتمدتُها
فكيف لما تأتي يدُ المتعمّدِ
16. To the heavens for ascent, above every glittering star.
Swords of valor among us, and domination,
١٦. وَما كانَ إلّا في رضاك تشمّرِي
وَلا كانَ إلّا في هواك تجرّدِي
17. Shelters of repose among us, and smooth resting places.
They inherited that honesty, as you desired it
١٧. تَنامُ الدّجى عنِّي وأقطعُ عرضه
دعاءً بما تهوى بجَفْنٍ مُسهَّدِ
18. Passed from lord to lord.
You were envied when their perfection was accomplished,
١٨. وَأَعلمُ أنّي مُستجابٌ دعاؤُه
لصادقِ إِخلاصِي ومحضِ تودُّدِي
19. And what good is he who lives without being envied?
And how much nobility they have in the kingdom,
١٩. وَكنتَ ملكتَ الرِّقَ مِنِّيَ سالفاً
فخذْ رِبْقتِي عفواً بملكٍ مجدّدِ
20. And lofty, well-built heights,
Your attributes that dazzled with glory and pillars
٢٠. فَأَمّا مَوالينا بَنوك فإنّهمْ
علَوْا في سماءٍ للعُلا كلَّ فرقدِ
21. Are known in them.
You did not miss when you shot them as arrows to glory,
٢١. سُيوفُ غِوارٍ بَيننا وتسلّطٍ
كهوفُ قرارٍ بيننا وتمهّدِ
22. Except with an arrow straight and true.
You continue to protect us from every doubt through them,
٢٢. هُمُ ورِثوا تلك النّجابةَ فيهمُ
كَما شِئتَها عَن سيّدٍ بعد سيّدِ
23. And achieve every purpose through them.
And you are of a people, if they witness the fray
٢٣. حُسدتَ بهمْ لمّا تناهى كمالُهمْ
ولا خيرَ فيمن عاش غيرَ محسَّدِ
24. You choose from them helper and gallant knight.
Some white-skinned in striking, and some dark-skinned in thrusting spearheads.
٢٤. وكم لهمُ في الملكِ من عَبَقٍ به
ومن مرتقىً عالي البناءِ مشيّدِ
25. They refused to fall short of immense bravery,
Or refrain from fierce burning.
٢٥. وتُعرَف فيهمْ من شَمائلك التِي
بهرتَ بها آثار مجدٍ وسؤدُدِ
26. They would not return except with gathered band,
Salvation brought together from scattered parts.
٢٦. ولم ترمِ لمّا أن رميت إلى المنى
بهمْ أسهماً إلّا بسهمٍ مسدَّدِ
27. No coward among them when dangers massed,
Nor any giving up weapons and armor.
٢٧. فَلا زلتَ مكفيّاً بهمْ كلَّ ريبةٍ
ولا زلتَ فيهمْ بالغاً كلَّ مقصدِ
28. They were not sated except by what poured from the veins
As the thirsty are sated by water.
٢٨. وَإِنّك مِن قَومٍ إِذا شَهِدوا الوغى
فما شئتَ من عانٍ بها وفتىً رَدِ
29. Forever glory and praise and dew float
Immersed in enduring existence.
٢٩. وَمِن أَبيضٍ عندَ الضّراب مثلَّمٍ
وَمِن أَسمرٍ عندَ الطّعان مقصّدِ
30. If fate sought to wrong you in its turning,
It heard only creaking gibbets and gnashing teeth.
٣٠. أَبَوْا أَن يَسدّوا عَن عَظيمِ أناتِهِ
وَأَن يُحجموا عن جاحمٍ متوَقّدِ
31. Never did a day dawn upon a state where we heard of it,
Except stars of great fortune.
٣١. وَأَن يَرجعوا إلّا بِشملٍ مجمّعٍ
جنَوْه لهمْ من كفِّ شملٍ مبَدَّدِ
٣٢. ولم يُرَ فيهمْ والمخاوفُ جمّةٌ
مُوَلٍّ إلى أمنٍ ولا من معرّدِ
٣٣. وَلَم يَرتووا إلّا بِما سال بالقنا
كما يرتوي بالماءِ من عطشٍ صَدِ
٣٤. وَدمْ أَبداً لِلمَجدِ وَالحمدِ والنّدى
تَعومُ اِنغِماساً في بقاء مخلَّدِ
٣٥. وَإِن رامَ دَهرٌ أَن يسوءَك صرفُه
فأصغى بمصلومٍ وعضّ بأدْرَدِ
٣٦. وَلا طَلعتْ يوماً على دولةٍ بها
بَلغنا بها إلّا كَواكبُ أسعُدِ