1. Spare me your looks if I'm not striking to you
And look only at the beauty of my words
١. دَعى مَنظري إنْ لم أكنْ لكِ رائعاً
وَلا تنظري إلّا إِلى حُسنِ مَخْبَرِي
2. For I and the best speech, whatever was truthful
In pride, am foremost to every boast
٢. فَإنّي وَخَيرُ القولِ ما كانَ صادِقاً
لَدى الفَخر سبّاقٌ إلى كلِّ مَفْخَرِ
3. I marry in the home of the preservers even if distant
And every bygone rolled up his sleeves from it
٣. أعرِّسُ في دار الحِفاظ وإنْ نأى
وشَمَّرَ عنها كلُّ ماضٍ مُشمِّرِ
4. And if a people deviated from guidance and changed
I with the smile of moderation did not change
٤. وَإِن حالَ قَومٌ عَن هُدىً وَتَغيّروا
فَإنّي بسمتِ القَصْدِ لم أتغيَّرِ
5. And I know that fate plays tricks with its turns
With whatever it wished of the stingy's wealth, the tight-fisted's
٥. وَأَعلَمُ أَنّ الدّهرَ يَعْبَثُ صَرْفُهُ
بِما شاءَ مِن مالِ البَخيلِ المُقَتِّرِ
6. For demise is a debt upon us, its decree
Between one served his cup and another delayed
٦. فَإِنَّ الرّدى دَيْنٌ علينا قضاؤُهُ
فبين مُسقَّى كأسِهِ ومؤخّرِ
7. And there are no people like mine in bliss and generosity
Nor a band on a frightening day like my band
٧. وَلَيسَ كَقومي في ندىً وسماحةٍ
ولا معشرٌ في يوم رَوْعٍ كمعشري
8. They pitched tents for the visitors
And they raised fires for the enlightened
٨. هُمُ ضربوا لِلطارِقينَ خِيامَهمْ
وهمْ رفعوا النّيرانَ للمُتَنوِّرِ
9. And they uncovered on the day of calamity its disasters
With every long-armed mighty warrior
٩. وهمْ كشفوا يومَ الوَغى طَخَياتِهِ
بكلّ طويل السَاعدين عَشَنْزَرِ
10. So if you don't know my might and help
Then ask about my help every courageous warrior
١٠. فَإِنْ كُنتِ لا تَدرينَ بَأسي ونَجْدَتي
فَقومي اِسأَلِي عَن نَجدتي كلَّ عِثْيرِ
11. And every polished armor by strikes dented
And every loud-voiced by stabbing cracked
١١. وَكلَّ صَفيحٍ بِالضّرابِ مُثَلَّمٍ
وكلَّ وشيجٍ بالطّعان مكسَّرِ
12. And where is my stance if you don't know my abode
Search for me in the lair of every cat
١٢. وَأَينَ مُقامي إِن جهلت إِقامتي
وجَدِّك إلّا في قَطا كلِّ ضُمَّرِ
13. You blamed me for squandering my money, but do you see
We gather only for the generous squanderers
١٣. عَذلتَ عَلى تَبذير مالي وَهل ترى
نجمّعُ إلّا لِلجؤور المبذِّرِ
14. I distribute it before what prevents it
My departure from it with the destined oblivion
١٤. أفرّقُهُ من قبل أن حال دونه
رحيلِيَ عنه بالحِمامِ المقَدَّرِ
15. And before I am lowered into a narrow, dusty
Grave to moulder, debris-filled
١٥. ومن قبل أنْ أُدْلى بملساءَ قفْرَةٍ
إلى جَدَثٍ ضَنْكِ الجوانب أغبرِ
16. Caesar passed after Chosroes, and the days toy
With the wealth of Chosroes and Caesar
١٦. مَضى قَيصرٌ من بعد كسرى وخلَّيا ال
تَلاعب في أموال كسرى وقيصرِ
17. And demise wandered in the houses of the burnt
And passed through generations of Manzur's descendants
١٧. وجال الرّدى في دور آل مُحرّقٍ
وزال بأجيالٍ لأبناء منذرِ
18. They were not defended from a predatory dove
With copious or numerous wealth
١٨. رَدُوا لَم يُجاروا من حِمامٍ سطا بهمْ
بمالٍ عريضٍ أو عديدٍ مُجَمْهَرِ
19. Between the generous spender crowned
And the smooth-wristed bejeweled
١٩. فَبين كَريم المفرقينِ متوَّجٍ
وَبينَ محلَّى المِعْصَمين مُسَوَّرِ
20. And they listened to the caller of demise and scattered
Scatter like frightened mice
٢٠. وَأصغوا إِلى داعي الرّدى وَتَهافتوا
تَهافُتَ خَوَّارِ الأباءِ المسَعَّرِ
21. And it drove them from what they built
As gusts of wind blow the heavy clouds
٢١. وَطَرّدهمْ عمّا اِبتَنوه كَما هَفَتْ
خريقُ رياحٍ بالسّحاب الكنَهْوَرِ
22. It removed so nothing of their arrogance remained
And humbled whatever haughtiness it left them
٢٢. أَزالَ فَما أَبقى لَهُمْ مِن تَكبّرٍ
وَأَخشَعَ ما خلَّى لهمْ من تجبُّرِ
23. And they were once a delight to contemplate
Then they turned into a regret for remembrance
٢٣. وكانوا زماناً بهجةً لتأمّلٍ
فآبوا اِنقلاباً حَسْرَةً لتذكّرِ