1. When will I see fate turn its course
To what was once familiar and expected
١. مَتى أَرى الدّهرَ قد آلت مصايرُهُ
إلى الّذي كان مألوفاً ومعهودا
2. How much do I see all that is blameworthy yet I do not see
Among people forever anything praiseworthy
٢. كم ذا أرى كلَّ مذمومٍ ولست أرى
بين الورى أبدَ الأيّامِ محمودا
3. She said, I see you worried, never leaving you
So I said, my worry is because I remained exhausted
٣. قالتْ أراك بهمٍّ لا تفارقُهُ
فقلت همِّي لأنّي ظَلْتُ مَجهودا
4. If you want honor without disgrace accompanying it
Then sever any rope that has been extended by greed
٤. إنْ شئتَ عزّاً بلا ذُلٍّ يُطيف بهِ
فَاِقطَعْ منَ الحرصِ حبلاً كان ممدودا
5. Take in any way you wish from all regions
And seek sustenance, desired and found
٥. خذْ كيفَ شئتَ عن الأقطار قاطبةً
وَاِطلُبْ من الرّزق مطلوباً وموجودا
6. For you will not take except what you were preceded with
Nor exchange the predetermined for another predetermined
٦. فلستَ تأخذُ إلّا ما سبقتَ بهِ
ولا تبدّل بالمجدودِ مجدودا
7. The trusted ones have passed away, no eye or trace
And they were led into death's meadows as sacrificial offerings
٧. مضى الثّقاتُ فلا عينٌ ولا أثرٌ
وأُورِدوا من حياضِ الموتِ مورودا
8. And they became like chaff that spent the night in hides
Blown by storms of adversity into sand dunes
٨. وأصبحوا كهشيمٍ بات في جَلَدٍ
بِعاصِفاتٍ منَ النّكباءِ مكدودا
9. So why should I care, now that I have parted from them stingily
Out of fate's stinginess in benefit and generosity
٩. فما أبالِي وقد فارقتهمْ غَبَناً
شُحّاً منَ الدَهرِ في نفعٍ ولا جودا
10. And I do not join my hands with others
Nor love anyone of the people as loved ones
١٠. وَلا أضمُّ يداً منِّي بغيرهمُ
ولا أودُّ من الأقوامِ مودودا
11. And I do not fear for those after them
Misfortune or fortune, whiteness or blackness
١١. ولا أخاف على مَن كان بعدهُم
نَحساً وسعداً ولا بيضاً ولا سودا