
Would that when we lost composure

ليت أنا لما فقدنا الهجوعا

1. Would that when we lost composure
And it was a habit to us, we had lost tears

١. لَيت أنّا لمّا فقدنا الهجوعا
وهو إِلْفٌ لنا فقدنا الدّموعا

2. Far be it from God that when my companion departed
I became, for one day, satisfied with those who dwell in tents

٢. حاشَ للّه أنْ أكون وقد فا
رقتُ أهلَ الخيام يوماً قَنوعا

3. He whose dweller left home, asks about nothing
Except its heights and open space

٣. مَنْ يَغِبْ عنه ساكنُ الدارِ لا يَس
ألُ إلّا طُلولَها والرّبوعا

4. Had we known that parting would be long
We would have lingered the day of intention to bid farewell

٤. لو علمنا أنّ الفراق طويلٌ
لأَطَلْنا يومَ النّوى التّوديعا

5. May God not tend to the corruptors, nor answer
Responding in tribulations, Hearer

٥. لا رَعى اللّهُ للوُشاةِ ولا نا
دَوْا مجيباً في النّائباتِ سميعا

6. They wasted the covenants of those who were loyal
And never saw me waste it

٦. قَد أضاعَ الّذين كانوا على العَهْ
دِ عهودي وما رأَوْني مُضيعا

7. We were tested by passion in a way that had it
Been from other than them, it would have been agonizing

٧. وَبلونا منَ الغرامِ بما لَوْ
كان من غيرهمْ لكان وجيعا

8. Tell the phantom of imagination, the night it worried
About Najd, do not knock down tottering

٨. قُل لِطَيفِ الخيالِ ليلة هَوَّمْ
نا بِنجدٍ ألّا طَرَقْتَ هزيعا

9. The steeds out of fatigue on a coarse
Zaroud ground spread their chests

٩. وَالمَطايا منَ الكلالِ على رَمْ
لٍ زَرودٍ قدِ اِفتَرشْنَ الضّلوعا

10. No blame on the one who descends into the deep valley if
His specter settled in Najd lying down

١٠. ما على من يَحُلُّ بالغَوْرِ لو با
تَ لنا طيفُهُ بنجدٍ ضَجيعا

11. They deceived us with lies about the truth
So the passionate was never undeceived

١١. خادِعونا بالزُّور منكم عن الحق
قِ فما زال ذو الهوى مخدوعا

12. And tasked us to abstain from love
Yet abstention is far fetched

١٢. وكِلونا إلى النُّزُوعِ عن الحب
بِ وهيهات أنْ نريد النُّزوعا

13. And seek, if you find a secret keeper among you
For we have found the disseminator

١٣. واِطلُبوا إِنْ وجدتُمُ كاتماً للس
سرِّ فيكْم فقد وجدنا المُذيعا

14. O you who sifts men, desiring
A single obedient empty man

١٤. أيّها النَّاخلُ الرّجال يُرجِّي
رجلاً واحداً لخلٍّ مطيعا

15. Be the brother of your own soul, from which
You are secure, and beware of all people

١٥. كُنْ أَخا نفسِكَ الَّتي أَنت منها
آمنٌ واِحذَرِ الأنامَ جميعا

16. Lend no ear to them, for many showed
Dignity and reserve from them, yet were immoral

١٦. لا تُصخْ نَحوهْم بسمعٍ فكم لا
موا وَقوراً منهم وَأعفَوا خليعا

17. And if suspicion grips you, do not show
Submission, nor bow in humility

١٧. ومتى ما يَضمك ريبٌ فلا تُب
دِ خضوعاً ولا تُطأطئ خُشوعا

18. It does not harm the young man if he holds his honor high
That people see his garment patched

١٨. ما يضرّ الفتى إذا صحَّ عِرْضاً
أن يرى النَّاسُ ثوبَهُ مَرقوعا

19. Indeed the pride of kings entrusted with me
Blessings I concealed from the rising of the sun

١٩. إنَّ فخرَ الملوكِ أودَعَ عندي
نِعَماً أخفتِ النَّهارَ طُلوعا

20. Every day I gain a generous deed
That came to me from him, or I consider a favor

٢٠. كُلّ يَومٍ أُثنِي بِفعلٍ كَريمٍ
جاءني منه أو أعدُّ صنيعا

21. Favors I did not attain by any means from him
Nor called an intercessor

٢١. مأثُرَاتٌ ما نلتُها بوسيلٍ
لِيَ منه ولا دعوتُ شفيعا

22. And if the nights passed over them
I increased them in bloom and tailoring

٢٢. وإذا ما مضتْ عليها اللّيالي
زدتُ فيها نضارةً ونصوعا

23. And men who aspired for success, and when they failed
They aspired for what defeats the aspirant

٢٣. ورجالٌ راموا مداه وقد فا
ت فراموا ما يُعجزُ المستطيعا

24. They saw him yesterday protecting from the enemy
His kingdom, yet never saw him panic

٢٤. قد رأَوْهُ بالأمسِ يحمي عن المُلْ
كِ عِداهُ فما رأَوْه جَزوعا

25. And saw in his hands the white plains
Bowing down in the tumult of zeal and kneeling

٢٥. ورأوْا في يديه بِيضَ المواضي
في ذُرا الهامِ سُجَّداً ورُكوعا

26. And if armored bodies were equipped
He made spearing the armored bodies an armor

٢٦. وَإِذا صِينَ بالدُّروعِ جسومٌ
جعلَ الطّعنَ للجسومِ دُروعا

27. You rode but did not ride the great
And you built but did not build the lofty

٢٧. قَد رَكِبتمْ فَما رَكِبتمْ عَظيماً
وَبنيتُم فَما بنيتُمْ رفيعا

28. And you struggled to attain the fence of might
Yet it was from you a vanishing mirage

٢٨. وجَهدتُمْ أن تُدركوا سَوْرَة العز
زِ فكانتْ منكمْ سَراباً لَموعا

29. You were asked but did not give, and giving never
Equaled requesting the generous gifts

٢٩. وسُئِلْتمْ فما بذلْتُمْ وما سا
وى بَذولٌ في المكرماتِ مَنوعا

30. Continuous rain does not bore him
And the brother of folly when called responds

٣٠. لا يَملُّ الإرمامَ إنْ وادعوه
وأخو طَيْشةٍ إذا هو رِيعا

31. O God of creatures who filled the earth
With mercy, safety and abundance

٣١. يا إِلهَ الوَرى الّذي مَلأ الأرْ
ضَ به رأفةً وأمْناً وسيعا

32. Be a protector for him from fear
And a fortress from tribulations, impregnable

٣٢. كنْ له جانباً حَريزاً من الخَوْ
فِ وحِصْناً من الخطوبِ منيعا

33. And save him from the stroke of fate, for how many
Fate struck down, from the fate of an era, dead

٣٣. وأَقِلْهُ صَرْعَ الزَّمانِ فكمْ أنْ
قَذَ من نَبْوَةِ الزَّمانِ صريعا