
A man attacked you though he was nothing to you,

رماك فأصماك امرؤ لم تكن له

1. A man attacked you though he was nothing to you,
Neither did you attack him, nor did you care for him.

١. رماكَ فأَصْماك اِمرؤٌ لم تكن له
رَمِيّاً ولم يخطرْ ببالك شأنُهُ

2. Had I been wary of him, I would have restrained him,
And how many a trusted friend turned into a foe!

٢. وَلَو أَنّني حاذرتُهُ لكُفِيتُهُ
وكم آمنٍ جانٍ عليه أمانُهُ

3. If he grieves me in the morn, his absence gives me joy at eve,
Indeed, his long absence brought me comfort.

٣. فَإِنْ ساءَني منه الغداةَ مَغيبُهُ
لقد سرّني منه طويلاً غِيابُهُ

4. And if my conscience pains me for his sake,
His tongue's speech brings no cure.

٤. وإنْ كنتُ مكلوماً بعقدِ ضميرهِ
فإنّ شفاءً ما يقول لسانُهُ

5. For a young man, death is better than disgrace
That grows on him, or the humiliation that dishonors him.

٥. وَللموتُ خيرٌ للفتى من مذلَّةٍ
تنمُّ عليه أوْ هَوانٌ يُهانُهُ

6. And if one day I repent the love of fickle men,
Now is the time and moment for it.

٦. وإنْ كنتُ يوماً تائباً عن مودّة الر
رِجالِ فهذا وَقْتُهُ وأوانُهُ