
He cupped his hand over my mouth and embraced me

وسدني كفه وعانقني

1. He cupped his hand over my mouth and embraced me
While we were intoxicated with passion

١. وَسَّدني كفَّهُ وعانقني
ونحن في سَكْرَةٍ من الوَسَنِ

2. And he stayed with me until morning without
Our meeting becoming known or evident

٢. وبات عندي إلى الصّباح وما
شاع اِلتقاءٌ لنا ولم يَبِنِ

3. He deceived me then counted his deception
As a favor to my love from his blessings

٣. خادعني ثمّ عَدّ خُدْعَتَه
لمُقْلَتِي منَّةً من المِنَنِ

4. If only that meeting had not ended or
Had been but a dream that never was

٤. فليت ذاك اللّقاءَ ما زال أوْ
ليتَ خيالاً في النّومِ لم يَكُنِ

5. He visited me falsely without appointing
A time, and its time never came

٥. وزارني زَوْرَةً بلا عِدَةٍ
وما أتى وقتُها ولم يَحِنِ

6. So if it was an imaginary visit
We found safety in it from suspicions

٦. فإِنْ تكنْ زَوْرَةً موهّمةً
فقد أَمِنّا فيها الظِّنَنِ

7. And if it was false, how much falsehood
Has a dead man lived by in sorrow

٧. وإنْ تكن باطلاً فكم باطلٍ
عاش به ميّتٌ من الحَزَنِ