
Tell those I yearn for that I long for their company,

قل للألى أطمعوني في وصالهم

1. Tell those I yearn for that I long for their company,
Until I felt hope, and they cast me into despair.

١. قلْ للألى أطمعوني في وصالِهُمُ
حتّى طمعتُ فألقوني على الياسِ

2. For long have I been deceived by them without cause,
And the most foolish of people is one deceived by people.

٢. وقد غُرِرْتُ بهمْ دهراً بلا سببٍ
وأغبنُ النّاسِ مَن يغترّ بالنّاسِ

3. They compensated my companionship with estrangement,
And replaced my intimacy with rejection.

٣. همْ عوّضونِيَ هجراً من مواصلةٍ
وأبدلونِيَ إيحاشاً بإيناسِ

4. Had I known what was in their hearts,
I would have severed my ties with them long before today.

٤. ولو علمتُ بما لي في صدورهُمُ
قطعتُ منهمْ قُبيلَ اليوم أمراسي

5. So I neither knocked on their door to enter,
Nor lifted my head to them even once.

٥. فما قرعتُ لهمْ باباً لأدخلَهُ
ولا رفعتُ إليهمْ مرّةً راسي

6. Yet I have sinned against myself through them - how much
The hands sin against the eyes and the head!

٦. لكنْ جنيتُ على نفسي بذاك وكم
تجني اليدان على العينين والرّاسِ