
Whether you live or others die, their death is easy

إما بقيت فهلك غيرك هين

1. Whether you live or others die, their death is easy
And if you are saved, the sins of your time are forgiven

١. إمّا بقيتَ فهلكُ غيرك هّينٌ
وإذا نجوتَ فجرمُ دهرك يغفرُ

2. And if precautions grow weak for you, what is it to us?
For we have safety in you, something to beware

٢. وإذا المَحاذر تِهنَ عنك فما لنا
ولنا الأمان عليك شيءٌ يُحذرُ

3. We are only for demise and towards demise
So a dove flies ahead and another lags behind

٣. ما نَحن إلّا لِلرّدى وإلى الرّدى
فمقدَّمٌ لحِمامه ومؤخَّرُ

4. And our paths and travels are toward death
A man slips and stumbles while his feet trip

٤. وعلى المنيّةِ طُرقنا ومسيرُنا
والرّجلُ تهفو والأخامص تعثرُ

5. One who lived honorably tasted demise, and one who was stingy
And one who was quick came to his grave, and one who lived long

٥. ذاق الرّدى متكِرّمٌ ومبخّلٌ
وأتى الحِمامَ معجّلٌ ومعمّرُ

6. How many years have adorned us, and how many
Have covered our cheeks, that dust colored soil

٦. كم شذّبتْ منّا السّنون وكم طوى
منّا الخضارمَ ذا التّراب الأغبرُ

7. There is no earth except in it, for wearing away
A cheek has flowed down or a forehead flowered

٧. لا تربةٌ إلّا وَفيها للبِلى
خدٌّ أسِيلٌ أو جبينٌ أزهرُ

8. Whoever lives, will die or will have for him
In every day a lesson that flows down

٨. مَن عاشَ إِمّا مات أو كانت له
في كلّ يومٍ عَبرةٌ تتحدّرُ

9. And it is time, laughing strangely
At what it gained, and crying at what it missed

٩. وَهوَ الزّمان فضاحكٌ مستغرِبٌ
ممّا اِستَفادَ وناشجٌ مستعبِرُ

10. And our palaces are two, one ruined
Abandoned in sorrow, the other rebuilt

١٠. وَقُصورنا قَصران هذا مُخرَبٌ
متعطّلُ حزناً وهذا يُعمرُ

11. And our eyes are two, this one's tears
Are stuck together, and the other's tears drip

١١. وَعُيوننا عَينان هذي دمعُها
متحلّقٌ ودموع أخرى تقطرُ

12. Surely the tragedy for the youth is in loved ones
If he only knew the blessing not thanked

١٢. إِنّ المصيبة في الأحبّةِ للفتى
لو كان يعلم نعمةٌ لا تُشكرُ

13. So leave remembering those who lied down
By the hand of death, for destruction not mentioned

١٣. فَدعِ التذكّر للذين تطارحوا
بيدِ المنون فهالكٌ لا يُذكرُ

14. And if a decree came about something, accept it
For the blamers are angry at what is divined

١٤. وإِذا جرى قَدَرٌ بشيءٍ فاِرضَه
فالمُعتبون لَساخِطو ما يُقدَرُ

15. Give glory to men by your forbearance among them
And pride yourself in that, for by the like one prides himself

١٥. باهِ الرّجالَ بفضل حلمك فيهمُ
وَاِفخَرْ بِه فَبِمثل ذلك يفخَرُ

16. And if time afflicts you, do not blame
Its misfortunes, for more than it erred

١٦. وَإِذا ألمَّ بك الزّمان فلا تَلُمْ
خُلْساتِه فَلما خطاهُ أكثرُ

17. And I have long consoled others in anguish
With patience, and the consoled is more patient

١٧. ولطالما عزّيت غيرَك في ردىً
بالصّبر والمُعزى بصبرٍ يصبرُ

18. We were not struck by hardships
Except you were the most hardy, the most patient

١٨. ما إِنْ رمتنا بالجنادل شدّةٌ
إلّا وَأَنتَ لها الأشدُّ الأصبرُ

19. Females ransom their males from life
And the elder protects the younger dove

١٩. تفدِي الإناثُ ذكورَهنَّ من الورى
ويقِي الكبيرَ من الحمامِ الأصغَرُ

20. About it, ask, it has certainly declined and to
Godliness is the loincloth, and to chastity the gown

٢٠. ولْيُسْلَ عنها إنّها درجتْ ولل
تقوى الإزارُ وللعفافِ المِئزَرُ

21. A breakage has a mending with its like
And your Lord protected you from an un-mendable breakage

٢١. كسرٌ له جَبرٌ بأمثالٍ له
ووقاك ربُّكَ كسرةً لا تُجبرُ