
Your heart was not hunted but by the daughter of dusk

ما صيد قلبك إلا بابنة الكلل

1. Your heart was not hunted but by the daughter of dusk
And how many arrows escaped that did not escape from the twisted one

١. ما صِيدَ قلبُك إلّا باِبنةِ الكِلَلِ
وكم نجا النَّبلَ مَن لم ينجُ من مُقَلِ

2. My passion called me to her, so I responded
She has no need for kohl with kohl on her eyes

٢. دعتْ هوايَ إليها فاِستَجاب لها
غنيّةٌ عن سوادِ الكُحلِ بالكَحَلِ

3. White, she shames the dawn of the night if she let down
Her braids among the branches of the tall, sturdy palm

٣. بيضاءُ تفضح صبحَ اللّيلِ إنْ نشرتْ
ذُؤابةً في فروع الفاحمِ الرَّجِلِ

4. And if the sun of day saw her face after
She climbed its steps, it would disappear from shyness

٤. وَلَو رأتْ وجهَها شمسُ النّهارِ وقدْ
ألْقَتْ معارجها غابتْ من الخَجلِ

5. And my poetry would not have flown were it not for her love
So her beauty reluctantly led me to poetry

٥. وَلَم يَطُر بِيَ لولا حبُّها غَزَلٌ
فساقني حسنُها كرهاً إلى الغَزَلِ

6. If a virgin saw her, he would repent, apologizing
For ever returning to any part of virginity

٦. فلو رآها عذولٌ تاب معتذراً
من أنْ يعود إلى شيءٍ من العَذَلِ

7. She passed by us, while my heart was mine, and did not stop
Until it was as if my heart had never belonged to me

٧. مرّتْ بنا وفؤادي لِي فما برحتْ
حتّى كأنّ فؤادي قطُّ لم يكُ لِي

8. Her specter visited me weakly, making me imagine
A visit I had hoped for but never attained

٨. وزارني طيفُها وَهْناً فأَوْهمني
زيارةً كنتُ أرجوها فلم أَنَلِ

9. That is a sugared visit, yet it contains
Nothing of honey for us

٩. هي الزّيارةُ معسولاً تطعُّمُها
وليسَ فيها لنا شيءٌ من العَسَلِ

10. If your specter had truly visited us
It would not have turned away so hastily

١٠. لو كان طيفُك أوْلانا زيارَته
على الحقيقةِ ما ولَّى على عَجَلِ

11. The gift of sleep is useless
For lovers, the specter's existence is like miserliness

١١. عَطِيّةُ النومِ مَنعٌ لا اِنتِفاعَ بها
للعاشقين وجودُ الطّيف كالبُخُلِ

12. So how did you come to us not mounted
On a steed or camel litter

١٢. فَكيفَ جِئتِ إلينا غيرَ سائرةٍ
على جوادٍ ولا حِدْجٍ على جملِ

13. And why did you not wake my companions as they slept
By the tinkling of anklets or the rustle of skirts

١٣. وَكيفَ لَم توقِظي صحبي وقد هجعوا
برنّةِ الحَليِ أوْ مِن فَغْمَةِ الحُلَلِ

14. I told the caravan to spur on every bare, smooth camel
Or short, beautiful foal of the finest pedigree

١٤. قد قلتُ للرّكب حثّوا كلَّ سَلْهَبَةٍ
جَرْداءَ أو جَسْرَةٍ من أينُقٍ بُزُلِ

15. In confusion where you see no she-camel for a confidante
Except firm saddles and luggage

١٥. في مَهْمَهٍ لا ترى فيه لناجيةٍ
في ظهرها الكُورُ غيرَ الشدِّ والرَّحَلِ

16. Stop at the cornerstone of religion and rejoice
At the fresh springs or the lush planted thickets

١٦. حُطّوا بعَقْوَةِ ركنِ الدّين واِبتَهِجوا
بالمَنهلِ العَذْبِ أو في المنبَتِ الخَضِلِ

17. Where kings are kings of the earth, bowing
To the King of the earth, necks, and states

١٧. حيثُ الملوك ملوكُ الأرض خاشعةٌ
لمالك الأرضِ والأعناقِ والدُّوَلِ

18. And a side where money is plundered, so he who hopes for money
Will not be pleased with hopes

١٨. وجانبٌ تُنهبُ الأموالُ فيه فما
يرضى لمن أمّل الأموالَ بالأملِ

19. And a meadow where there is no hand for the blamer
Nor critic of poems and compositions

١٩. ومطرحٌ ليس فيه للملامِ يدٌ
ولا معابٌ لتفصيلٍ ولا جُمَلِ

20. Nothing but straightforward talk or honesty
In agreement, no truce for those who enter furtively

٢٠. ما فيهِ إلّا صريحٌ أو علانيةٌ
بالاِتّفاقِ ولا صلحٌ على دَخَلِ

21. So many scenes therein, with none to arbitrate
Except swords and lethal blades

٢١. كم موقفٍ ثمَّ فيه ليس محتكمٌ
غيرَ الصّوارمِ والخطّيّةِ الذّبلِ

22. Where salvation for its seeker is grasping his sword
And the pyre of war hurls men into flames

٢٢. حيث النّجاءُ مَروقٌ كفُّ طالبه
ومَوْقِدُ الحربِ يرمي القومَ بالشُّعَلِ

23. You witnessed it in bliss - no panic touched it
Nor any contamination of fear

٢٣. شهدتَه بجَنانٍ ما ألَمَّ به
ذعرٌ ولا مسّه مسٌّ من الوَجَلِ

24. It stood firm in its rejection of pitfalls
Were shadows to leave it one day, it would not falter

٢٤. ثَبْت المقامة في دحضٍ مزالقُه
لو زالتِ الصُّمُّ يوماً عنه لم يزُلِ

25. While you were on its erect, proud back
As if it were sheer mountain rock

٢٥. وأنتَ في ظهر ملطومٍ بغرّته
كأنّه شِدّةً قَدْ قُدَّ مِن جَبَلِ

26. Knowing no skittishness on smooth roads, brimming
In times of panic with whatever craziness you wished

٢٦. لا يعرف الطَيشَ في سِلْمٍ وممتلئاً
في ساعة الرَّوع ممّا شئتَ من خَبَلِ

27. Controlled by its rider wherever he willed,
Calmly for the steady, swiftly for the hasty

٢٧. مُحَكَّمٌ فيه أنّى شاء فارسه
للرّيث إنْ رامه طوراً وللعَجَلِ

28. Say to those who ignorantly doubted its courage
That it rivals the bravest heroic man

٢٨. فقل لمن شكّ جهلاً في شجاعته
وإنّه قانصٌ نفسَ الفتى البَطَلِ

29. Where but in its hands can you rely on ibex
On the day of tribulation, in bodies and hills?

٢٩. من أين تحكم إِلّا في يديه ظُباً
يوم الكريهة في الأجسام والقُلَلِ

30. Or who but it can you see satisfying his thrust
Into the throat of armored men with ease?

٣٠. أَوْ مَن سواه تروّى فتقَ طعنتِه
نحرَ المدجّجِ طمآناً من الأَسَلِ

31. Who aided the king but it when difficulties
Afflicted the outskirts of his domains?

٣١. مَن عالج الملك لولاه وقد طرأتْ
على ضواحيه صعباتٌ من العِلَلِ

32. Who defended him after his troops were defeated
Who shielded him while in the claws of the debased?

٣٢. مَن راشَهُ بعد أنْ حُصَّتْ قَوادِمُهُ
مَن صانه وهو في أظفارِ مبتذلِ

33. Who warded off from him with a flashing blade what we knew
When they crept crookedly to help him?

٣٣. مَن ذبّ عنه ببيصٍ ما عَرفن وقد
سُلِلْن في نصره عَوْداً إلى الخِلَلِ

34. Who drove away from him the fanged tribulations when they
Swayed with opinions or plotted with cunning?

٣٤. مَن ردّ عنه نيوباً للخطوب وقد
هَفَوْن بالرّأي أو برّحْن بالحِيَلِ

35. Who held back the hands of people who had betrayed him
And repelled them with what they hated of being repelled?

٣٥. مَن كفّ أيدِيَ أقوامٍ به عبثوا
وردّهنّ بما يكرهن من شَلَلِ

36. Think not of me as the people whose way you knew
Bound by the leashes of singing girls and gifts

٣٦. لا تحسبنّي كأقوامٍ خبرتَهمُ
قيدوا بأرشيةِ النَّعماءِ والنَّفَلِ

37. With no resolve to stay where they lodged
No halting place on any path

٣٧. بلا قرارٍ على دارٍ يحلّ بها
ولا مقامٍ على شيءٍ من السُّبُلِ

38. I am sincere to you, without resentment
Coming to you again and again, without hesitation

٣٨. فإنّني لك صافٍ غيرُ ذي كَدَرٍ
وواردٌ منك عِدّاً غيرَ ذي وَشَلِ

39. If people turned away from you and moved on
I have no one but you for the life of this world

٣٩. وإنْ تبدّل قومٌ عنك واِنتَقلوا
فليس لِي منك عُمْرَ الدّهرِ من بَدَلِ

40. If they change and become other than what they once were
My affection remains, does not leave

٤٠. وإنْ يحولوا ويَضحَوا غيرَ مَن عهدوا
فإنّني لم يَزُلْ ودّي ولم يَحُلِ

41. If they weary, though the beautiful does not weary them
I am free of the shackles of weariness

٤١. وإنْ يُمَلّوا وما مُلَّ الجميلُ بهمْ
فإنّني مُعتَقٌ من رِبْقَةِ المَلَلِ

42. You granted me such honor from you I imagine
People granted me no honor when you honored me

٤٢. خوّلتنِي منك إكراماً يُخَيَّل لِي
أنّ الأنامَ لما خوّلتني خَوَلي

43. I have not been miserly about anything in life since
You made me wear the garment of generosity

٤٣. وما جذلتُ لشيء في الزّمان وقدْ
أَسحبتني باِجتبائي حُلَّةَ الجَذَلِ

44. If I come to fresh, gushing water, thirsty
In loyalty to you, water me today or provide me drink

٤٤. فإنْ وردتُ زلالاً غبَّ معطشةٍ
ففي ولائك عَلِّي اليومَ أو نَهَلِي

45. Since I reached you, apart from all people
Indeed, I have cut off my ties and connections with them

٤٥. ومذْ وصلتُك دون النّاس كلّهم
فقد قطعتُ على خُبْرٍ بهمْ وُصُلِي

46. Since I made you the pillar upon which my back relies
I am needless of mountain peaks and crags

٤٦. ومذْ جعلتُ لظهري منك مستَنَداً
غَنِيتُ عن أَكَمِ القِيعانِ بالجبلِ

47. So be joyous on this feast day and let fasting pass
For the best words and deeds have praised you

٤٧. فَاِسعَدْ بذا العيد وليمضِ الصّيامُ فقد
أثنى عليك بخير القولِ والعملِ

48. Passing with no stumbling in its manner
No shame, nothing of lapses

٤٨. يمضي بلا هفوةٍ في عرضه مرقتْ
ولا عثارٍ ولا شيءٍ من الزَّلَلِ

49. Live secured from the afflictions of fate
The pillar of your might against any leaning or bending

٤٩. وعشْ مُوَقّىً خطوبَ الدّهرِ محتمياً
عمادُ عزّك عن ثلمٍ وعن مَيَلِ

50. And the robe of your pride is not folded over filth
Nor does the sun of your kingdom near childhood

٥٠. وثوبُ فخرك لا يُطوى على شَعَثٍ
وشمسُ ملكك لا تُدني إلى طَفَلِ