1. No harm from one who visited when night's wings unfolded,
The horizon is lined with blackness because of him.
١. ما ضرّ من زار وجُنحُ الدّجى
يُكحَلُ منه الأفقُ بالإِثمِدِ
2. Had he visited me at dawn in its blazing sun,
With its color so dazzling on extended plain.
٢. لو زارنِي والصّبحُ في شمسِه
بلونها الفاقع في مِجْسَدِ
3. How did he find his way to me in the night's shirt
When at dawn one finds no way?
٣. كيفَ اِهتَدى لِي في قميصِ الدّجى
من كان في الإصباحِ لا يهتدي
4. Your tryst with me you missed, in an empty visit;
How did you keep it without even appointing a time?
٤. أخْلَفنِي وعدُك في زَوْرَةٍ
فكيفَ وافيتَ بلا موعدِ
5. It was no doing of yours: you added nothing to me
In sleep beyond what was already in my hand.
٥. ليستْ يداً منك وما زدتني
في النّومِ شيئاً لم يكن في يدِي
6. The many nights delude me into thinking
My body shares its couch on outspread carpet.
٦. بات الكرى يوهمنِي أنّه
مضاجعٌ جسمِي على مَرقِدِ
7. Till dawn, when its first light appears,
I am where the farthest mirage had been.
٧. حتّى إِذا الصّبحُ بدا لَمحُهُ
كنتُ مكانَ الأنزح الأبعدِ
8. And my heart - desire itself - visited
The edge of my inflamed and bloodshot eye.
٨. وزار قلبِي والهوى كلُّه
زورة طرفِي الأقرِح الأكمدِ