
They said the despicable ones satirize you, so I said to them

قالوا الأشاقر تهجوكم فقلت لهم

1. They said the despicable ones satirize you, so I said to them,
I did not think they existed or were created,

١. قالوا الأشاقِر تَهجوكُم فَقُلتُ لَهم
ما كُنتُ أَحسَبهُم كانوا وَلا خُلِقوا

2. A people of noble lineage with the status
Of pond scum, no origin or leaves,

٢. قَومٌ مِن الحَسَبِ الزَّاكي بِمَنزِلَةٍ
كَطحلبِ الماءِ لا أَصل وَلا وَرَقُ

3. They do not increase, however long their lives,
If a fox urinated on them they would drown,

٣. لا يُكثِرونَ وَإِن طالَت حَياتُهُمُ
وَلَو يَبولُ عَلَيهم ثَعلَبٌ غَرِقوا

4. Indeed the despicable ones have reached a status
If they pawned our slave's sandal they would be denied.

٤. إِنَّ الأشاقِرَ قَد أَضحَوا بِمَنزِلَةٍ
لَو يُرهِنونَ بِنَعلي عَبدِنا غَلِقوا