
Allah decreed the creation of mankind, then you were created

قضى الله خلق الناس ثم خلقتم

1. Allah decreed the creation of mankind, then you were created
The last remnant of Allah's creation, one after another

١. قَضَى اللَّهُ خَلقَ النّاسِ ثُمَ خُلِقتُمُ
بَقِيَّةِ خَلقِ اللَّهِ آخرَ آخِرِ

2. So you have not heard except about those who were before you
And you have not reached except the heels of the horses

٢. فَلَم تَسمَعوا إِلّا بِمَن كانَ قَبلكُم
وَلَم تُدرِكوا إِلّا مَدَقّ الحَوافِرِ

3. Are you the first who came with ants and insects?
So it flew, and this is your essence, not flying

٣. أَأَنتُم أُولى جئتُم مَعَ النَمل وَالدبا
فَطارَ وَهَذا شَخصُكُم غَير طائِرِ

4. Who are you? We have forgotten who you are
And your wind is from which wind of storms

٤. فَمَن أَنتُمُ إِنّا نَسينا مَن انتُمُ
وَريحُكُم مِن أَيِّ ريحِ الأَعاصِرِ

5. If the people of truth who died among you
Returned to their right, you would not be buried in graves

٥. فَلو رَدَّ أَهلُ الحَقِّ مَن ماتَ مِنكُمُ
إِلى حَقّه لَم تُدفَنوا في المَقابِرِ

6. So what is yours in the land of Najd and its caves
When they divided it truthfully, a handspan for each handspan

٦. فَما لَكُمُ في أَرضِ نَجدٍ وَغَورُها
إِذا اِقتَسَموا بِالحَقِّ شِبرٌ لِشابِرِ

7. So rise humbly, O old man of sin, only
The old man of truth is told "Rise without humbling"

٧. فَقُم صاغِراً يا شَيخَ جَرمٍ فَإِنَّما
يُقالُ لِكَهلِ الصِّدقِ قُم غَير صاغِرِ

8. You are an old dead man, inheriting
The meagerness of the inheritance of Banu Sas and Qashir

٨. فَإِنَّكَ شَيخٌ مَيِّتٌ وَمُورِّثٌ
قُضاعَةَ ميراث البَّسوسِ وَقاشِرِ