
Generosity, integrity, and benevolence

إن السماحة والمروءة والندى

1. Generosity, integrity, and benevolence
In a dome erected over the son of Hasraj

١. إِنَّ السَّماحَةَ وَالمُروءَةَ وَالنَّدى
في قُبَّةٍ ضُرِبَت عَلى ابنِ الحَشرَجِ

2. A king most generous, crowned, with an attainment
For the remorseful, his right hand did not recoil

٢. مَلكٌ أَغرُّ مُتَوَّجٌ ذو نائِلٍ
لِلمُعتَفينَ يَمينُهُ لَم تَشنَجِ

3. O best of those who climbed the pulpits in piety
After the chosen Prophet, the most meticulous

٣. يا خَيرَ مِن صَعِدَ المَنابِرَ بِالتُّقى
بَعدَ النَّبِي المُصطَفى المُتَحَرِّج

4. When I came to you hopeful for your gifts
I found the door to your gifts did not recoil

٤. لَمّا أَتَيتُكَ راجياً لِنَوالِكُم
أَلفيتُ بابَ نَوالِكُم لَم يُرتَجِ