1. You are called hot-tempered, yet you are not wrathful
An enemy, but it is your friend whom you provoke
١. وَسُمِّيتَ غيّاظاً وَلَست بِغائِظٍ
عَدواً وَلَكِنَّ الصَّديقَ تَغيظُ
2. Your foe is delighted, and he who loves you is vexed
By the anger you show against yourself in your rage
٢. عَدوّكَ مَسرورٌ وَذو الودِّ بِالَّذي
أَتى مِنكَ مِن غَيظٍ عَلَيكَ كَظيظُ
3. Forgetful of the good you have known in days gone by
While you keep count of sins for purpose of blame
٣. نَسِيٌّ لما أُوليتَ مِن صالِحٍ مَضى
وَأَنتَ لِتَعدادِ الذُّنوبِ حَفيظُ
4. Gentle to the deceitful and drunken, yet harsh
To the virtuous when you are in your fits of spleen
٤. تلينُ لِأَهلِ الغِلِّ وَالغمر مِنهُمُ
وَأَنتَ عَلى أَهل الصَّفاءِ فَظيظُ
5. So may the Merciful not preserve your living soul
Nor when it quits the body in its angry state
٥. فَلا حَفِظَ الرَّحمَنُ روحَكَ حَيّةً
وَلا وَهيَ في الأَرواحِ حينَ تَغيظُ