1. May Allah reward with goodness, and the reward is in His hand,
Oh brother of Azd, spare us from what angers and makes war.
١. جَزى اللَّهُ خَيراً وَالجَزاءُ بِكَفِّهِ
أَخا الأَزد عَنّا ما أَذبَّ وَأَحرَبا
2. And when we saw the matter had become grave,
The sun shall not set beneath us as a fading star.
٢. وَلَمّا رَأَينا الأَمرَ قَد جَدَّ جِدُّهُ
وَأَلّا تُوارِي دونَنا الشَّمسُ كَوكَبا
3. We called Abu Ghassan but he was hard of hearing,
And tilted his head perplexedly and alarmed.
٣. دَعَونا أَبا غَسّان فَاستَكَّ سَمعُهُ
وَأَحنَفَ طاطا رَأسه وَتَهَيَّبا
4. Ibn Manjuf was for every great feat,
But his rope was too short and unsteady.
٤. وَكانَ اِبنُ مَنجوفٍ لِكُلِّ عَظيمَةٍ
فَقَصَّرَ عَنها حَبلُهُ وَتَذَبذَبا
5. So when we saw the people had reached their limit,
In this war we called Al-Muhalab.
٥. فَلما رَأَينا القَومَ قَد كَلَّ حَدُّهُم
لَدى حَربهم فيها دَعَونا المهلبا