
Tell Ka'b al-Ashqari with your blame,

ألا قل لكعب الأشقري بلؤمكم

1. Tell Ka'b al-Ashqari with your blame,
We knew that blame on earth is ash-colored.

١. أَلا قُل لِكَعبِ الأَشقَرِيِّ بِلُؤمِكُم
عَلِمنا بِأَنَّ اللُّؤمَ في الأَرضِ أشقَرُ

2. Your houses are like houses, and their people
Are pigs of Nabataeans, who complain and make excuses.

٢. بيوتُكَ أَشباهُ البيوتِ وَأَهلُها
خَنازيرُ أَنباطٍ تُعافُ وَتُعّذَرُ

3. They conspired to slaughter the dog if it made a noise,
To them an intruder, while the roaring wind roared.

٣. تَواصَوا بِذَبحِ الكَلبِ إِن جَرَّ صَوتُه
لَهُم طارِقاً وَالرّيحُ نَكباءُ صَرصَرُ

4. But the dog did not stop barking out of fear
For their provision, but to protect himself he was cautious.

٤. فَما تَرَكَ الكَلبُ النّباحَ مَخافَةً
عَلى زادِهِم لَكِن عَلى النَّفسِ يَحذَرُ