1. O you who were at the sunset of the sun or in its resting place
Or you who would be at its tossing horn
١. يا مَن بِمَغدى الشَّمسِ أَو بِمَراحِها
أَو مَن يَكونَ بِقرنِها المُتنازِحِ
2. Tell the caravans and the raider when they raid
And the early risers and the gentle wind
٢. قُل لِلقَوافِل وَالغزيِّ إِذا غَزَوا
وَالباكِرينَ وَلِلمُجِدِّ الرَّائِحِ
3. That chivalry and manliness were buried
A grave in Marw on the clear road
٣. إِنَّ السَّماحَةَ وَالمُروءَةَ ضُمِّنا
قَبراً بمَرو عَلى الطَّريقِ الواضِحِ
4. So if you pass by his grave, then with it
Drag the mountains of calumny and every flowing side
٤. فَإِذا مَرَرتَ بِقَبرِهِ فَاعقِر بِهِ
كُومَ الهِجانِ وَكُلَّ طِرفٍ سابِحِ
5. And sprinkle the sides of his grave with their blood
For he may be a brother to blood and sacrifices
٥. وَاِنضَح جَوانِبَ قَبرِهِ بِدِمائِها
فَلَقَد يَكونُ أَخا دَمٍ وَذَبائِحِ
6. And expose with his standard and tie his banner
And shout the call to prayer of two bold worshippers
٦. وَاظهَر بِبِزَّتهِ وَعَقدِ لوائِهِ
وَاِهتِف بدَعوة مُصلتينَ شَرامِحِ
7. Returning the troops, pursuing or traveling
And remains hostage to a dug pit and tombs
٧. آبَ الجُنودَ مُعقِّباً أَو قافِلاً
وَأَقامَ رَهنَ حفيرَةٍ وَضَرائِحِ
8. And I see chivalry when the bier of Zayl departed with it
Vanished by the grace of superior merits and eulogies
٨. وَأَرى المَكارِمَ يَومَ زيلَ بِنَعشِهِ
زالَت بِفَضلِ فَضائِلٍ وَمَدائِحِ
9. And his pulpits became empty and his saddle was lowered
From every rising flame and aspiring side
٩. وَخَلَت مَنابِرُهُ وَحُطَّ سُروجُهُ
عَن كُلِّ سَلهَبَةٍ وَطِرفٍ طامِحِ
10. And it is enough sadness for us, a house which death entered
Another time, so it does not depart from it last night
١٠. وَكَفى لَنا حَزَناً بِبَيتٍ حَلَّهُ
أُخرى المنونَ فَلَيسَ عَنهُ بِبارِحِ
11. The countries trembled at his death so our hearts became
From us toward that different, not calm
١١. رَجَفَت لِمَصرَعِه البِلادُ فَأَصبَحَت
مِنّا القُلوبُ لِذاكَ غَيرَ صَحائِحِ
12. And when one laments over a man, then learn
That Al-Mughira is above the wailing of the wailer
١٢. وِإِذا يُناحُ عَلى اِمرئٍ فَتَعلَّمن
أَنَّ المُغيرَةَ فَوقَ نَوحِ النائِحِ
13. Al-Mughira is mourned by our religion and our time
And the heavily pregnant women with ringing and screaming
١٣. يَبكي المُغيرَةَ دينُنا وَزَمانُنا
وُالمُعوِلاتُ بِرَنَّةٍ وَتَصايُحِ
14. Al Mughira died after long exposure
To killing among sharp swords and blades
١٤. ماتَ المُغيرَةُ بَعدَ طولِ تَعَرُّضٍ
لِلقَتلِ بَينَ أَسنَّةٍ وَصفائِحِ
15. And killing is not to fighting, and I do not see
A living person who delays the truthful advisor
١٥. وَالقَتلُ لَيسَ إِلى القِتال وَلا أَرى
حَيّاً يُؤَخِّرُ لِلشَّفيقِ النّاصِحِ
16. To God belong the ways of death which came upon him
For I saw him repelling the rushing flood
١٦. لِلَّهِ دَرُّ مَنيَّةٍ فاتَت بِهِ
فَلَقَد أَراهُ يَرُدُّ غَربَ الجامِحِ
17. If only death had come to him while his banners were upon him
Covering the sharp swords above a firm neck
١٧. هَلا أَتَتهُ وَفَوقَهُ بِزّاتُهُ
يَغشى الأَسِنَّةَ فَوقَ نَهدٍ قارِحِ
18. In a large crowd, you would see his banners
Flying freely in the vast space
١٨. في جَحفَلٍ لَجِبٍ تَرى أَعلامَهُ
مِنهُ تُعَضِّلُ بِالفَضاءِ الفاسِحِ
19. Cutting through the plains and the grief when he marched
Like an aroused night during a dark night
١٩. يَقصُ السُّهولَةَ وَالحُزونَةَ إِذا غَدا
بِزهاءِ أَرعَنَ مِثلِ لَيلٍ جانِحِ
20. And I saw his horses covering the leaning places in Al-Wagha with leaners
The youths of Adiya trained them in the ways of war
٢٠. وَلَقَد أَراهُ مُجَفِّفاً أَفراسُهُ
يَغشى مَراجِحَ في الوَغا بِمراجِحِ
21. Donning thick coats of mail in wars as if they are
Deceits that confuse in the innards of camels
٢١. فِتيانُ عادِيَةٍ لَهُمُ مَرَسُ الوَغى
سَنّوا بِسُنَّةٍ مُعلِمينَ جَحاجِحِ
22. And when the striking of the spears appeared to them
They would strike with the breasts of the chests, the organs
٢٢. لَبِسوا سَوابِغَ في الحُروبِ كَأَنَّها
غُدُرٌ تحَيِّرُ في بُطونِ أَباطِحِ
23. If at that time fate had opposed him with death
He would protect the sanctuary and herd the herder
٢٣. وَإِذا الضِّرابُ عَنِ الطعانِ بَدا لَهُم
ضَرَبوا بمُرهَفَةِ الصُّدورِ جَوارِحِ
24. You were the savior of our land, so you left us
So today we are patient with the arid time
٢٤. لَو عِندَ ذَلِكَ قارَعَتهُ منيّةٌ
لحمى الحِواءَ وَضَمَّ سَرحَ السّارِحِ
25. Now when you were more perfect than anyone who walked
And your outstanding merit surpassed the outstanding merit of the outstanding
٢٥. كَنتَ الغياثَ لِأَرضِنا فَتَرَكتَنا
فَاليَومَ نَصبِرُ لِلزَّمانِ الكالِحِ
26. And manliness was completed in you, all of it
And you supported that with righteous deeds
٢٦. الآنَ لَمّا كُنتَ أكملَ من مَشى
وَاِفتَرَّ نابُكَ عَن شَباةِ القارِحِ
27. So deny Al-Mughira to Al-Mughira when it came
Barking confusedly at the howling of the howler
٢٧. وَتكامَلَت فيكَ المُروءَةُ كُلُّها
وَأَعَنتَ ذَلِكَ بِالفَعالِ الصّالِحِ
28. Two ranks differing when they met
Retreated with a face clearly surrendering or marrying
٢٨. فَاِنعَ المُغيرَةَ لِلمُغيرَةِ إِذ غَدَت
شَعواءَ مُجحِرَةً لِنَبحِ النّابِحِ
29. And heavily armored, the elite disliked his fighting
Complaining of weapons, stabbing or spearing
٢٩. صَفّانِ مُختَلِفانِ حينَ تَلاقَيا
آبوا بوَجه مُطَلِّقٍ أَو ناكِحِ
30. A ram toured a battalion with a battalion
Repelling its star with a head butting
٣٠. وَمُدَحّجٍ كَرِهَ الكُماةُ نِزالَهُ
شاكِيَ السِّلاح مُسايفٍ أَو رامِحِ
31. Defensive, without protecting his sanctuary and birthplace
Protecting the truth from an enemy, struggling
٣١. قَد زارَ كَبشٌ كَتيبَةً بِكَتيبَةٍ
يردي لِكَوكَبِها بِرأَسٍ ناطِحِ
32. Your hands preceded his with a quick stab
That gasped as it penetrated roots and organs
٣٢. غَيرانَ دونَ حَريمه وَتِلاده
حامي الحَقيقَةِ لِلعدوّ مُكافِحِ
33. And the horses stumbling in the blood which had flowed
Over the necks, their blood in streams
٣٣. سَبَقَت يَداكَ لَهُ بِعاجِلٍ طَعنَةٍ
شَهَقَت لمنفذها أصولٌ جوانِحِ
34. So I crave cravingly for him whenever
The armor clanked on the wiper the wiper
٣٤. وَالخَيلُ تَعثُر في الدِّماءِ وقَد جَرى
فَوقَ النُّحور دِماؤُها بِسرائِحِ
35. Your patience with your cousin's ignorance consoles him
And you turn away the struggle of every struggler
٣٥. فَتَلهَفي لَهفي عَلَيهِ كُلَّما
خيفَ الغِرار عَلى المُدَرِّ الماسِحِ
36. And when your cousin rages against you, he did not
Reconcile in the morning after contention
٣٦. تَشفي بِحلمِكَ لابنِ عَمُكَ جَهلَهُ
وَتُرُدُّ عَنهُ كِفاحَ كُلِّ مُكافِحِ
37. A reconciler dies while his peace is intact
And a fighter of his enemy with a handshake
٣٧. وإِذا يَصولُ بِك ابنُ عَمِّكَ لَم يَصُل
بِمواكِلٍ وَكَلٍ غَداةَ تَجايُحِ
38. And when matters become similar to men
Then they are distributed with locks and keys
٣٨. صِلٌّ يَموتُ سليمهُ قَبل الرُّقى
وَمخاتِلٌ لِعَدوّهِ بِتَصافُحِ
39. So Al-Suhayl cut with a decisive, bitter sword
Without the men, with the merit of a discerning mind
٣٩. وَإِذا الأُمورُ عَلى الرِّجالِ تَشابَهَت
فَتَوَزَّعَت بِمَغالِقٍ وَمَفاتِحِ
40. And I see the gallants with Al-Mughira have become
Weeping over the release of the two hands, forgiving
٤٠. فَتَلَ السَّحيلَ بِمُبرَمٍ ذي مرَّةٍ
دونَ الرِّجالِ بِفَضلِ عَقلٍ راجِحِ
41. Spring was for them when they enjoyed the dew
And the flashes of lightning faded, glimpsing
٤١. وَأَرى الصَّعالِكَ بِالمُغيرَةِ أَصبَحَت
تَبكي عَلى طَلقِ اليَدينِ مُسامِحِ
42. A king, a young crowned one, exalted for him
The eye of the friend and the eye of the resentful lowered
٤٢. كانَ الرَّبيع لَهُم إِذا انتَجَعوا النَّدى
وَخَبَت لَوامِعُ كُلِّ بَرقٍ لامِحِ
43. Repelling the flags of wars against the enemy
With the good fortune of the birds of Suhub and organs
٤٣. مَلكٌ أَغَرُّ مُتَوَّجٌ يَسمو لَهُ
طَرفُ الصَّديقِ وَغُضَّ طَرف الكاشِحِ
44. Al-Muhallab with Al-Mughira was like one who
Cast buckets into a reservoir pouring
٤٤. دَفّاعُ أَلويَةِ الحُروبِ إِلى العِدى
بِسُعودِ طَيرِ سَوانِحٍ وَبَوارِحِ
45. So he reached a group getting water, so it watered for him
In its basin with directives and keys
٤٥. كانَ المُهَلّبُ بِالمُغيرَةِ كَالَّذي
أَلقى الدِّلاءَ إِلى كفيتٍ مائِحِ
46. Days, if only he took the middle of a wilderness
Whose thirsty ones overflowed with streaming drink
٤٦. فَأَصابَ جُمّة مُستَقى فَسَقى لَهُ
في حَوضِهِ بِنَوازِعٍ وَمَواتِحِ
47. The Muhallab still has for them a young man
Who flows the newcomers of every burning war
٤٧. أَيام لَو يَحتَلُّ وَسطَ مَفازَةٍ
فاضَت معاطِشُها بِشربٍ سائِحِ
48. With relatives, following their relations
Plundering the honor of Sababis and old women
٤٨. إِنَّ المهالِبَ لا يَزالُ لَهُمُ فَتىً
يَمري قَوادِمَ كُلِّ حَربٍ لاقِحِ
49. It would ruin every heavily armed eminent one
Like a lion between its growling lair
٤٩. بِالمُقرَباتِ لَواحِقاً أَقرابُها
تَجتابُ عَرضَ سَباسِبٍ وَصَحاصِحِ
50. Bent over, the battalions swarm around him
Sharp of innards from the gushing stab
٥٠. تُردي بِكُلِّ مُدَجّجٍ ذي نَجدةٍ
كَالأُسدِ بَينَ عَرينِها المُتناوِحِ
51. O eye, so cry for this one of action and this dew
With pouring tears coming cascading
٥١. مُتَلَبِّبَاً تَهفو الكَتائِبُ حَولَهُ
مُلحَ البُطونِ مِن النَّضيحِ الرَّاشِحِ
52. And cry for him in the stumbling time for all of us
And for every widow and traveling companion
٥٢. يا عينُ فَاِبكي ذا الفِعالِ وَذا النَّدى
بِمَدامِعٍ سَكبٍ تَجيءُ سَوافِحِ
53. For you have lost a helper, like the full moon
Which blossomed, of high birth and cascades
٥٣. وَابكيهِ في الزَّمَنِ العُثور لكلِّنا
وَلِكُلِّ أَرمَلَةٍ وَرَهبٍ رازِحِ
54. He was the refuge for our religion and hopes
And our asylum in every grave misfortune
٥٤. فَلَقَد فَقَدتِ مُسَوِّداً ذا نجدَةٍ
كَالبَدرِ أَزهَرَ ذا جَداً وَنوافِحِ
55. So he passed away, leaving us for every great one
And every matter of tremors, rushing
٥٥. كانَ المَلاكَ لدينِنا وَرَجائِنا
وَملاذَنا في كُلِّ خَطبٍ فادِحِ
56. I have not said about you, but you are worthy of my words
Rather, the praise of the praiser falls short of you
٥٦. فَمَضى وَخَلَّفنا لِكُلِّ عَظيمَةٍ
وَلِكُلِّ أَمرٍ ذي زَلازِلَ جامِحِ
٥٧. ما قُلتُ فيكَ فَأَنتَ أَهلُ مَقالَتي
بَل قد يُقصِّرُ عَنكَ مَدحُ المادِحِ