1. I know the time and era to submit
Do not be fooled by the era and regret
١. أعرف الوقت والزمان لتسلم
لا تكن غر بالزمان فتندم
2. When you see greed obeyed
And desires followed and the world magnified
٢. فإذا قد رأيت شحا مطاعا
وهوى متبع ودنيا تعظم
3. And you see everyone stubborn in their opinion
Then withdraw, be alone, and be silent do not speak
٣. ورأيت اعتجاب كل برأيه
فاعتزل وانفرد وصه لا تكلم
4. Rely on your confidants so protect them
And leave the public as it came so understand
٤. وعليك بخاصتك فاحطهم
ودع العامة كذا جاء فافهم
5. Indeed in time and era are wonders
If we are wise through them we learn
٥. إن في الوقت والزمان غرايب
إن نكن عاقلا بها نتعلم
6. My God, grant safety for my mind is confused
By an era in which evil abounds and You are generous
٦. يا إلهي سلم فقد حار ذهني
من زمان به الشرور وتكرم
7. This is an evil era openly
And what is hidden perhaps is even worse
٧. إن هذا زمان سوء جهارا
والذي قد خفى عسى ما هو أعظم
8. We ask Allah to bestow good
To give security to believers from oppressive injustice
٨. نسأل الله أن يمن بوال
يؤمن المؤمنين من ظلم أظلم
9. And conclude my life with good, my God
Through the praised Prophet, the noble intercessor
٩. واختم العمر يا إلهي بخير
بالنبي المصطفى الشفيع المعظم
10. Blessings of God come upon him
And his family and companions and peace
١٠. صلوات الإله تترى عليه
وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم
11. And to You belongs praise every time
When through Your grace and favor You bestow
١١. ولك الحمد كل وقت وحين
عدما الله به تفضل وأنعم