
We are all dead, but blessed is he who did good

كلنا أموات لكن بخت من قدم إحسان

1. We are all dead, but blessed is he who did good
Through his actions, his words, and with faith in his heart

١. كلنا أموات لكن بخت من قدم إحسان
من فعاله ومن قوله وفي قلبه إيمان

2. In the Great God, the Creator, the Sustainer, the Helper
And the Prophet, the Messenger, the Chosen one, the Hashemite

٢. بالإله العظيم الخالق الرازق المان
والنبي الرسول المصطفى نسل عدنان

3. And the angels, and the books of God, the Noble and Eminent
And the messengers, he believed in them with certainty

٣. والملائكة وكتب الله ذي الفضل والشان
والرسل كلهم أيقن بهم أي ايقان

4. And fate - its good and evil comes from the Benevolent
And the Resurrection and what is in it, Paradise and Hellfire

٤. والقدر خيره والشر من فرد منان
والقيامه وما فيها وجنه ونيران

5. Then he prayed his obligatory prayers with the conditions and pillars
Then he gave the alms tax from his wealth without any deficiency

٥. ثم صلى فروضه بالشروط والأركان
ثم أدى زكاة المال من غير نقصان

6. Then he fasted the glorious month, all of Ramadan
Then he performed Hajj if he was able and had the means

٦. ثم صام المعظم كله شهر رمضان
ثم حج إذا هو ذو استطاعه وامكان

7. Then he avoided sin and disobedience
He earned only the lawful, and did not harm people

٧. ثم جانب لما هو اثم أو كان عصيان
يكسب إلا حلالا بل ولا يؤذي إنسان

8. His occupation was only what benefited him at all times
He sought knowledge and acted upon it with his heart and limbs

٨. شغله إلا بما يعنيه في كل الأحيان
يطلب العلم يعمل به بقلبه والأركان

9. He feared God and was wary of Him openly and in secret
He avoided people, jinn, and devils

٩. يتقي الهل يخشاه بسر وإعلان
جانب الخلق من إنس وجن وشيطان

10. His only concern was remembrance of his Lord, the Eminent
That is a servant whose heart is enlightened with knowledge

١٠. ماله هم إلا ذكر مولاه ذي الشان
ذاك عبد منور قلبه فيه عرفان

11. He is given good tidings of kindness, pardon, and forgiveness
Then gardens in which is every goodness and pleasure

١١. ذاك يبشر بالطاف وعفو وغفران
ثم جنات فيها كل خير ورضوان

12. And beware, beware, do not be a heedless idler
Forgetting death and the grave which contains tribulation

١٢. واحذر احذر تكن يا ذاغبي غر كسلان
ناسي الموت والقبر الذي فيه فتان

13. Your earnings are nothing but disobedience, no good or kindness
You wrong people and harm them with enmity and aggression

١٣. كسبه إلا معاصي ما كسب خير وإحسان
يظلم الناس يؤذيهم ببغي وعدوان

14. If you speak your words are all nonsense and lies
Or if you move your actions are sins and loss

١٤. عن تكلم فقوله زول كله وبهتان
أو تحرك فحركاته ذنوب وخسران

15. How much oppression against the weak, the poor, and women?
How many mosques, orphans, the destitute, and children?

١٥. كم ظلم من مساكين ضعاف ونسوان
كم مساجد وأيتام وفقرا وصبيان

16. So repent from your sins before your death and shroud
Before you are resurrected and thrown into the fires

١٦. فق وتب من ذنوبك قبل موتك والأكفان
قبل تبعث وتحشر ثم تصلي بنيران

17. We ask God to immerse us in repentance and forgiveness
To fill the heart reciting the Quran

١٧. نسأل الله يغمرنا بتوبه وغفران
يعمر القلب يمسي في تلاوة القرآن

18. Remembering God the Praised, filled with light
Leave people, mention no human or jinn

١٨. يذكر الله سبحانه وبالنور ملآن
يترك الناس لا يذكر لانس ولا جان

19. May God make your companion an affectionate benefactor
Following the way of the Guide, the Prophet, the Hashemite

١٩. يجعل الله جليسه فرد حنان منان
يتبع سنة الهادي النبي نسل عدنان

20. In action, in word, in intention, and in knowledge
Bless him, O Lord, with peace and pleasure

٢٠. في فعال وفي قول ونية وعرفان
صل رب عليه مع سلام ورضوان

21. And his companions, his family, those who followed his faith
And conclude my life with the best end

٢١. والصحابه وآله والذي دينهم دان
واختم العمر بالحسنى