1. Ask the Most Merciful, do not ask anyone else
He who granted all talents
١. أسأل الرحمن لا تسأل سواه
الذي كل المواهب من عطاه
2. Every good comes from His grace
And seek Allah's help, do not seek anyone else
٢. كل ذي خير فمن فضله أتاه
واستعن بالله لا تطلب عداه
3. Exalted is our Master, the Generous One whose grace is great
And whose generosity is boundless
٣. جل مولانا الكريم الذي فضله عظيم
والذي جوده عميم
4. The Eternal, the One, the Unique, the God
Who does what He wills in His kingdom
٤. القديم الواحد الفرد الإله
الذي في الملك يفعل ما يشاء
5. Keep the Most Merciful, you will be kept as long as you are
Keep Allah, you will find Him wherever you are
٥. احفظ الرحمن تحفظ ما بقيت
احفظ الله تجده حيث شيت
6. And remember Allah always as long as you live
For he who forgets Him has missed salvation
٦. واذكر الله دواما ماحييت
إن من ينساه قد أخطا النجاه
7. Remember the frequent remembrance
You will attain the Great Kingdom and the enlightened heart
٧. أذكر الذكر الكثير
تحظ بالملك الكبير والفؤاد المستنير
8. And worship Allah as if you see Him
For He is with you in your life and death
٨. واعبد الله كأنك له تراه
فهو معك في حياتك والوفاه