
O builder of the palace raised with all your might

يا صاحب القصر الذي شاده

1. O builder of the palace raised with all your might
Exhausting your hoarded wealth to such height

١. يا صاحبَ القصرِ الذي شادَهُ
فاستنفد المذخورَ من وُجدِه

2. You built it like a towering mountain peak
To turn away the blows of fate so bleak

٢. أقمته كالطودِ في هَضبةٍ
تَردُّ عادي الدهرِ عن قَصدِه

3. You fortified it with towers in the sky
Arranging stars in a glittering necklace on high

٣. أزرتَهُ الأَبراجَ في جَوِّها
فانتظمَ الأنجمَ في عِقدِهِ

4. You made a planet shine so near and bright
It spared you the vastness owing to its light

٤. أطلعتَ فيه كَوكباً دانِياً
أغنى عن الشاسِع في بُعده

5. You shortened the shade of night around its walls
Yet forgot the due right of God overalls

٥. قَلَّصتَ ظلَّ اللَّيلِ عنه وَمَا
رعيتَ حقَّ اللَهِ في مَدّه

6. You made a blossoming garden around it spread
With scent suffusing the world and pleasure widespread

٦. أنشأتَ روضاً زاهراً حَولَهُ
يُعطِّرُ الكونَ شَذا رَندِه

7. You assumed highest station in its core
Like the stars connote the glory of night's store

٧. ورُحتَ بالرتبةِ في صَدرِهِ
تُدِلُّ دَلَّ المَلكِ في جُندِه

8. As if the highest rank was all that the star attained
From the fortune it secured and glory it gained

٨. كأَنَّما الرُتبةُ كلُّ الذي
يُنِيلهُ الكوكبُ مِن سَعدِهِ

9. Be it Louvre in all its beauty or simply grand
Or Blenheim Palace in its nobleness stand

٩. هَب أنَّه اللوفَر في حسنه
أو قصر يوكنهامَ في جده

10. Or even Rockefeller defying all count
Bewildering the minds in their financial account

١٠. وهبكَ روكفيلر تحوى الذي
يُضلِّلُ الحاسبَ في عَدِّه

11. For if wealth is constrained by its Lord
Poverty and oblivion become its hoard

١١. فالمالُ إن أجهده ربه
فالفقرُ والعُدمُ مدى جَهدِه

12. Wealth is like a bird, if guardians nod
It flies away to some far corner abroad

١٢. والمالُ كالطائِر إن هومت
حُراسه طار إلى فنده

13. Glory belongs to wealth; all glory seen
Stems from wealth, whether or not it has been

١٣. والمجدُ للمالِ وكلُّ الذي
تراهُ من مَجدٍ فَمِن مَجدِه

14. A shining brilliant star it was no doubt
The darkest night follows thereafter throughout

١٤. هذا شِهابٌ ساطِعٌ مُشرِقٌ
والليلةُ الليلاءُ من بَعدِه

15. You built the bank and enabled its worth
By your own toil not relying on its birth

١٥. بنيتَ للبنك فأغنيته
بجدك المبذول عن جَده

16. You built what if appraised for its due
Would be a dead man in his grave anew!

١٦. بنيت ما لو قدروا قدره
لقيل هذا الميتُ في لَحدهِ

17. You harbored hopes not yet realized
Fulfilled while living before their demise

١٧. وأدتَ فيه الأمل المرتجى
حيا ولم تأس على وأدِه

18. You sheathed a sword long witness to your might
As time wounded itself on its sharp bite

١٨. أغمدت فيه صارماً طالما
تثلم الدهرُ على حده

19. You harbored a son whose death was so sore
To happily live his youthful days no more

١٩. واريت فيه ولداً ليته
قضى قرير العينِ في مهدِه

20. Would that he had not grown in luxury
Whose loss makes time itself now cry

٢٠. وليته ما شبَّ في زُخرِفٍ
يبكي يد الدهرِ على رَغده

21. For there is no sorrow like something missed
Unlike grief for what has never existed

٢١. فليسَ من يأسى على مطلبٍ
ناءٍ كمن يأسى على فقدِه

22. You betrayed the home that cherished you
No affection left for its love so true

٢٢. غدرت بالبيت الذي بثك ال
وُدَّ فلم تُبقِ على وُدِّه

23. You ruined it though glory was its shade
With passing shade what hope for it to fade?

٢٣. هدمته والمجد ظلٌ لَهُ
فما بَقاءُ الظلِ من بَعدِه

24. Once you lived in cozy happiness within
Melting the heart of time of bottled chagrin

٢٤. قد كنتَ مِن كُوخِكَ في نِعمةٍ
تُذيبُ قَلب الدهرِ من حِقدِه

25. Visited by the needy begging for alms
At your doorstep awaiting your goodwill charms

٢٥. وكانَ يَنتابُكَ مُستَرفِداً
مِن بِتَّ مُحتاجاً إلى رِفده

26. Today is the palace nor the hut the same
Gone are those days with time to blame

٢٦. فاليوم لا القصرُ كما تَرتجى
منه ولا الكوخُ على عَهدِه

27. The palace lord bleeds from his eyes by turn
And from his liver for which they burn

٢٧. واليومَ رَبُّ القصرِ يُذرِي دَماً
مِن جَفنِهِ آناً ومِن كِبدِه

28. His cheeks once rosy are blackened with plight
His complexion faded from former white

٢٨. يَدعو إليه الموتَ مِن بَعدِ مَا
نَالت يَدُ الأيامِ مِن أَيدِه

29. Could the East now fathom that decay
Is a secret in time which may not display

٢٩. واسوَدَّ ذاكَ الجونُ من جِلده
وابيضَ ذاك الجَونُ من فَودِه

30. That sorrow may strike without advance notice
The day the sword leaves protection of its host

٣٠. هل يعلمُ الشرقيّ أَنَّ الردَى
سِرٌّ بصدر الدهرِ لم يُبده

31. For time jokes with promises oft said
Yet its jokes sharper than words instead

٣١. وأنه يفجؤنا بالأَسى
يوماً خروجَ السيف مِن غمدِه

32. Its whims swifter than its inspiration
Woe to Egypt and its population!

٣٢. وأَنَّ هذا الدهرَ في هَزله
يَغُرُّ بالكاذِبِ من وَعدِه

33. We live with worries satisfied therein
Spending our lives sipping that cup to the brim

٣٣. فهزلُه أَنفذُ مِن جَدِّه
ورَهوُه أَسرَعُ مِن وَخده

34. Like one who seems to frown at his drink
Yet cannot quite force himself not to drink

٣٤. ويحٌ لمصرٍ ولأَبنائِها
مما يَريغُ الدهرُ مِن كيدِه

35. If we notice a passing fleeting light
Not hearing the thunder say her might

٣٥. نعيشُ بالهمِّ ونرضى به
عيشاً ونقضى العمرَ في نقده

36. We rush into seas without knowing the tides
The tides foretell the danger besides

٣٦. كشَارِب الكَأسِ يُرَى عابِساً
مِنه ولا يَقوى على رَدِّه

37. While thirsty groups seem to be exponents
Without fulfilling their real needs from the elements

٣٧. فإِن لَمحنا بارقاً خاطفا
لا نسمعُ القاصفَ من رَعدِه

38. Like a cup half empty all seems so hollow
With no will or way out for us to follow

٣٨. نُسرِعُ خوضَ البحر في جَزرِه
وجزرُهُ يُنبئ عَن مَدِّه

٣٩. والكلُّ ظمآنُ يُرَى صادِراً
وما قضى الإِربةَ من وِردهِ