
I see glory in the keenness of resolute swords,

أرى المجد في حد الحسام المصمم

1. I see glory in the keenness of resolute swords,
And the path of excellence after the dust-covered army.

١. أرى المجدَ في حدِّ الحسام المصممِ
وسيرَ العُلا إثرَ الخميسِ العَرمرَمِ

2. And whoever makes war his main concern,
Every cunning fox is subdued by him.

٢. ومن جعل التدبير في الحربِ هَمّهُ
أذلت إليه كل دهياءَ صَيلَمِ

3. The nations of Sudan were haughty,
So who could defend them in distress and who could blame them?

٣. طغت أُمَمُ السودانِ طوعَ غُرورِها
فَمِن مُنجدٍ في الغي منها ومُتهِم

4. The obedience of men to heroism had waned,
And their swords had rusted from long disuse.

٤. وأعيا على بأس الرجال انقيادُها
وعاشَ زماناً سَيفُها لم يُثَلَّمِ

5. But when Kitchener's might humbled them,
They surrendered to him and became like divided booty.

٥. فلما دَهَاها بأسُ كُتشِنَرٍ عَنَت
إِليه وأضحت مثلَ نهبٍ مُقَسّم

6. He surveys the peaks of mountains and scales them,
And dives into the wilds and vast deserts.

٦. تُطالعُه شُمُّ الجِبالِ فيرتَقِى
ذُراها وأجوازَ الفلاةِ فَيَرتمي

7. So make those whites bloody among the blacks,
And they will all don ruddy armor stained with blood.

٧. فأعمَل تلك البيضَ في السّودِ فاكتسَوا
جميعاً بُرُوداً قانِياتٍ من الدّم