
May God have mercy on Nafe' ibn Budayl

رحم الله نافع بن بديل

1. May God have mercy on Nafe' ibn Budayl
With the mercy sought by one who desires the reward of jihad

١. رَحِمَ اللَهُ نافِعَ بنَ بُدَيلٍ
رَحمَةَ المُبتَغي ثَوابَ الجِهادِ

2. Patient, truthful and loyal when
Most of the people speak words of integrity

٢. صابِرٌ صادِقٌ وَفِيٌّ إِذا ما
أَكثَرُ القَومِ قالَ قَولَ السَدادِ