1. The one whom people cannot appreciate his worth
Came to me, for Zainab they were ungrateful and sinners,
١. أَتاني الَّذي لا يَقدِرُ الناسُ قَدرَهُ
لِزَينَبَ فيهِم مِن عُقوقٍ وَمَأثَمِ
2. And her expulsion did not dishonor Muhammad
While between us was the fragrance of musk.
٢. وَإِخراجُها لَم يُخزَ فيها مُحَمَّدٌ
عَلى مَأقِطٍ وَبَينَنا عِطرُ مَنشِمِ
3. And Abu Sufyan spent the night with a worthless covenant
And from our war angrily regretful.
٣. وَأَمسى أَبو سُفيانَ مِن حِلفِ ضَمضَمٍ
وَمِن حَربِنا في رَغمِ أَنفٍ وَمَندَمِ
4. He paired his son Umar and his freed slave
With one having a neck bound in chains.
٤. قَرَنّا اِبنَهُ عَمراً وَمَولى يَمينِهِ
بِذي حَلَقٍ جَلدِ الصَلاصِلِ مُحكَمِ
5. I swear our battalions will not cease
The cavalry of Thursday, marked with stabs.
٥. فَأَقسَمتُ لا تَنفَكُّ مِنّا كَتائِبٌ
سُراةُ خَميسٍ في لُهامٍ مُسَوَّمِ
6. We will pull out the unbelief of Quraysh until we make them
Walk on their noses with their shoes.
٦. نَزوعُ قُرَيشَ الكُفرَ حَتّى نَعُلَّها
بِخاطِمَةٍ فَوقَ الأُنوفِ بِمَيسَمِ
7. We will bring them down to the sides of Najd and Nakhlah
And if they accuse with horses and men, we will accuse.
٧. نُنَزِّلُهُم أَكنافَ نَجدٍ وَنَخلَةٍ
وَإِن يُتهِموا بِالخَيلِ وَالرَجلِ نُتهِمِ
8. By the hand of fate so our flock is not skewed
And we will make them follow the tracks of 'Aad and their persecution.
٨. يَدَ الدَهرِ حَتّى لا يُعَوَّجَ سِربُنا
وَنُلحِقَهُم آثارَ عادٍ وَجُرهُمِ
9. And a people will regret they did not obey Muhammad
In his order, and what a time for regret!
٩. وَيَندَمُ قَومٌ لَم يُطيعوا مُحَمَّداً
عَلى أَمرِهِم وَأَيُّ حينَ تَنَدُّمِ
10. So convey to Abu Sufyan that if you meet him,
Be sincere in prostration and submission.
١٠. فَأَبلِغ أَبا سُفيانَ إِمّا لَقيتَهُ
لَئِن أَنتَ لَم تُخلِص سُجوداً وَتُسلِمِ
11. Receive news of disgrace in accelerated worldly life
And a cloak of tar, eternally in hellfire.
١١. فَأَبشِر بِخِزيٍ في الحَياةِ مُعَجَّلٍ
وَسِربالِ قارٍ خالِداً في جَهَنَّمِ